Thriller (Special edit)
Michael Jackson
Top 40
Top 40
Top 40
Top 40

Michael Jackson – Thriller (Special Edit) [Epic EPCA 3643] (45 toerensingle)
(Words and Music by Rod Temperton)
(Produced by Quincy Jones)
(Published ℗ 1982)
[N° 1-hit in Vlaams-België] (BRT Radio2 Top 30)
[N° 1-hit in Frankrijk] (Hit-Parade RTL (International) (Radio Télévision Luxembourg)
[N° 1-hit in Spanje] (AFYVE)
[N° 1-hit in Portugal] (AFP)
[N° 2-hit in Italië]
[N° 3-hit in Nederland] (Stichting Nederlandse Top 40)
[N° 3-hit in Zwitserland] (Schweizer Hitparade)
[N° 3-hit in Canada] (RPM)
[N° 3-hit in Japan]
[N° 4-hit in Amerika] (Billboard Hot 100)
[N° 4-hit in Australië] (Kent Music Report)
[N° 4-hit in Ierland] (IRMA)
[N° 5-hit in Oostenrijk] (Ö3 Austria Top 40)
[N° 6-hit in Nieuw-Zeeland] (Recorded Music NZ)
[N° 7-hit in Noorwegen] (VG-lista)
[N° 7-hit in Finland] (Suomen virallinen singlelista)
[N° 8-hit in Zimbabwe]
[N° 9-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland] (Der Musikmarkt)
[N° 10-hit in Groot-Brittannië] (Music & Video Week)
[N° 10-hit in Zweden] (Sverigetopplistan)
[N° 18-hit in Brazilië]
[N° 25-hit in Denemarken] (Hitlisten)
[N° 26-hit in Zuid-Afrika] (Springbok)
N° 1-albumhit in Amerika voor Michael Jackson (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) (Produced by Quincy Jones) (Featuring: Rap by Vincent Price) (Greg Phillinganes, Rod Temperton, Greg Phillinganes & Brian Banks:, Synthesizer) (Anthony Marinelli: Synthesizer Programming) (David Williams: Guitar) (Jerry Hey: Trumpet, Flugelhorn) (Gary Grant: Trumpet, Flugelhorn) (Larry Williams: Sax, Flute) (Bill Reichenbach: Trombone) (Vocal, Rhythm and Synthesizer arrangement by Rod Temperton) (Horn arrangement by Jerry Hey) (Effects by Bruce Cannon & Bruce Swedien) als Thriller (℗ 1982) op 26 februari 1983 (lp: Thriller) [Epic QE 38112]
"Thriller" is de zesde single van zijn album met dezelfde naam uit 1982. Het nummer werd vooral beroemd dankzij de baanbrekende en vaak herhaalde videoclip waarin de zanger danst met zombies.
De videoclip van "Thriller" duurt maar liefst 14 minuten en kwam uit in december 1983 ter ondersteuning van de single. De muziekvideo, geregisseerd door John Landis, wordt vaak genoemd als de beste en populairste videoclip aller tijden. Jackson nam Landis in dienst nadat hij diens An American Werewolf in London (1981) had gezien. In die tijd was het een erg dure videoclip, hij kostte maar liefst $800.000. Dat staat ongeveer gelijk aan $1,4 miljoen vandaag de dag.
Eigenlijk is "Thriller" niet echt een videoclip, maar meer een minifilm. Er zijn ook grote verschillen tussen de clip en het nummer zelf. Bij de videoclip is er namelijk een heel andere volgorde: eerst worden alle coupletten gezongen, gevolgd door de rap van Vincent Price, die bij het normale nummer aan het einde zit. Tijdens het nummer verandert Michael Jackson in een zombie en een weerwolf.
Toen Michael Jackson na het verschijnen van de clip dreigde te worden uitgesloten uit de gemeenschap van Jehova's getuigen vanwege een aanklacht van occultisme in de videoclip, wist hij zijn uitsluiting te voorkomen door hiervoor excuses aan te bieden. Omdat de druk aanhield, trok Michael zichzelf in 1987 terug uit de gemeenschap van Jehova's getuigen.
Aan het einde van de clip "Eat It" uit 1984 van Weird Al Yankovic (een parodie op Michael Jacksons hit Beat It) draait de komiek zijn hoofd om, om zo zijn gele weerwolfogen te laten zien, net als aan het einde van Thriller.
N° 39-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor The Nolans (Charlie Morgan - Drums) (Andy Pask - Bass) (Mitch Dalton - Guitars) (Richard Myhill - Keyboards & Male Vocals) (Judd Lander - Harmonica) (Brian Gulland - Saxophone) (Arranged & Produced by Richard Myhill) (Engineered by Austin Ince) (Recorded at Snake Ranch Studios) (Mastered at PRT Studios) - (a.) (Lead Vocals "Thriller" by: Bernie) Thriller (Rod Temperton) / (b.) (Lead Vocals "Rock with You" by: Anne) Rock with You (Rod Temperton) / (c.) (Lead Vocals "Off the Wall" by: Maureen) Off the Wall (Rod Temperton) / (d.) (Lead Vocals "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" by: Coleen) Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough (Michael Jackson) / (e.) (Lead Vocals "Beat It" by: Bernie) / Beat It (Michael Jackson) in 1984 (lp: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!) [Towerbell Records TOWLP 10]
1984: Fausto Papetti als Non-Stop N. 2: Montecarlo Holiday (Fausto Papetti - Reddy Bobbio) / Thriller (Michael Jackson) (lp: 38ª Raccolta) [Durium ms AI 77440]
1984: Paul Mauriat (Rod Temperton) (Arrangements et direction: Paul Mauriat) (Enrégistré au Studio des Dames, Paris) (Prise de son: Jean-Louis Labro) (Une production Phonogram réalisé par Paul Mauriat et Valentin Coupeau) als Thriller (cd: The Seven Seas) [Philips 818 781-2 | Phonogram]
1984: The Happy Hamsters (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) (Album Concept, Design & Art Direction by Ron Warwell) (Produced by Odyssey Productions, Inc.) (Production Coordination by Phil Goldschmiedt) (Digital Mastering by Studio Stu Gale) (Special Mix by Neil Tucker) als Thriller (lp: The Happy Hamsters Sing Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits) [Audiofidelity AFE-501]
N° 13-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor The London Symphony Orchestra with The Royal Choral Society (Rod Temperton) ("Thriller" Arranged and Conducted by Andrew Pryce Jackman) (All Guitars - Mitch Dalton) (Fairlight programmed by - Haydn Bendall, Steve Rance, Bias Rushell) (Recorded at Abbey Road, CBS, The Snake Ranch & Angel Studios) (All Orchestra recording engineered by John Kurlander) (Recording engineered by John Kurlander, Mike Jarratt, Mark Chamberlain, Austin Ince and Ian Grimble) (Synthesizers programmed and played by Robert A. Carter) (A Claude Hopper Production) (Produced by Jeff Jarrett and Don Reedman) (This recording is dedicated to Peter Knight, whose arranging & conducting of the Classic Rock project both in concert and the studio will never forgotten) (Digitally Recorded) als Thriller in 1985 (lp: The Power of Classic Rock) [Portrait PRT 10049]
1992: Vocal Six als Bad (Words and Music by Michael Jackson) / Thriller (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) (cd: Vocal Six) [Imogena IGCD 030]
1999: Funside als Thriller (various artists) (cd: Every Beat Box) [Eleven-Thirtyeight 1138 0007]
2000: Ian Brown (Written and composed by Michael Jackson) (Produced & Mixed by Dave McCracken at Eden Studios) (Engineered by Adrian Scarff, assisted by Jack Clark) (All Tracks Programmed by Dave McCracken) (Mastered by Chris Ludwinski at Abbey Road) (Keyboards: Dave McCracken) (Percussion: Inder Goldfinger) als Thriller is track 2 van Golden Gaze (Single Version) [Polydor 561 845-2] (cd-single) (3-tracks)
2000: Joe Dolce als Thriller (various artists) (cd: The Andrew Denton Breakfast Show Musical Challenge - Putting the World's Best to the Test) [Sony Music 498087.2]
2000: Toxic Audio (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) (Produced by René Ruiz & Jeff Thacher) als Thriller (cd: Captive Audience) [Toxic Audio Productions TOXIC002] (Recorded live at the performance center in the Disney Institute Resort in Disney World, Orlando, Florida.)
2000: Védís Hervör Árnadóttir als Hryllir (various artists) (cd: Thriller - sérútgáfa) [Nemendafélag Verzunarskóla Íslands NFVÍCD 005] (IJslandse versie)
2002: The Starsound Orchestra (Rod Temperton) als Thriller (cd: The Starsound Orchestra Plays the Hits Made Famous by Michael Jackson) [LaserLight Digital 21 742]
2003: Aereogramme (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) (Produced by Aereogramme) (Engineered by Iain Cook) (Recorded in Comfort Suites, Philadelphia, PA; Super 8 Motels, Cleveland, OH and Morris, IL; The Grog Shop, Cleveland, OH) als Thriller (ep: Livers & Lungs) [Chemikal Underground CHEM068CD] (4 track-cd)
2004: Kidz Bop Kids (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) als Thriller (cd: Kidz Bop Halloween) [Razor & Tie 7930189086-2]
N° 47-albumhit in Oostenrijk voor Denk (deutsche Bearbeitung: Alex Horstmann) als Triller op 3 maart 2006 (cd: Laut) [Amadeo 9876467] (Duitse versie)
2006: Speak Low (Rod Temperton) (instrumental) als Thriller [Lovemonk LMNKMSF 1] (33⅓ toerenplaat)
2006: Studio 99 als Thriller (cd: A Tribute Performed by Studio 99) [Maverick Music 1-1096]
2007: Handsome Hank and his Lonesome Boys (Engineered, recorded and produced by Olov Murmanskov) (Digitally remastered and remixed at Studiokombinat Startrack, Schaffhausen, Switzerland) (Restored by Dave Muscheidt at Megapeng) (Mastered by Walter Schmid at Oakland Recording, Winterthur, Switzerland) als Thriller (cd: Live at Murmansk) [Rookie Records RR040 | 808 Records 808-020 | Cargo Records]
2007: Purple Beat (Produced by Mauro Farina & Factory Team) (Executive Producers: Mauro Farina & Jeff Johnson) (Mastered at Compotech) als Thriller (Hard Sequencer Mix) (various artists) (cd: Let's Hear It for the 80s - Vol. 4) [Atlantis ATL. 329-2]
2007: Rilod als (1.) Thriller (BB Law Radio Edit) (2.) Thriller (Original Mix) (3.) Thriller (Scotty's Remix) (4.) Thriller (BB Law Club Mix) [House Nation HN 77072-8] (cd-maxisingle) (4 tracks)
2007: The Sunset Lounge Orchestra als Thriller (cd: Michael Jackson Cool Down Experience - Part 2) [Fresca | Smith & Co. SCCD 2440]
N° 2-albumhit in Duitsland voor Wise Guys (deutsche Bearbeitung: Daniel „Dän” Dickopf) (Produziert von Uwe Baltrusch mit Dän Dickopf und Eddi Hüneke) als Schiller op 29 februari 2008 (cd: Frei!) [Pavement Records 60150] (Duitse versie)
2008: 4TET (Words and Music by Rodney Lynn Temperton) (Jiří Škorpík - baritone 2) (Dušan Kolář - bass) (Jiří Korn - baritone 1) (David Uličník - tenor) (Hudební producent - Jiří Škorpík) (Produkce - agentura Krach - Jindřich Hefner jr.) (Zvuková a Hudební režie - Zdeněk Klement, Jiří Škorpík) (Aranžoval, instrumentoval, opravil a nahrál - Jiří Škorpík) (Hosté: Perkuse a Bicí nástroje - Pavel Plánka, Camilo Caller, Tomáš Brožek) (Kytara: Alfréd Bittner) (Sbor: Nadja Wepperová, Dasha Sobková, Alena Průchová, Jaromír Holub, Jiří Březník, Dušan Kollár) (Studiový symfonický orchestr pod vedením: Petr Havlín, dirigoval: Jiří Škorpík) (Petr Havlín, Ondřej Balcar, Jan Kořinek, Petr Ries, Josef Špaček, Petr Špaček, Petr Mišejka, Zdeněk Zelba, Marcel Kozánek, Lukáš Valášek, Luboš Dudek, Pavel Nechvíle, Pavel Ludvík, Jan Ludvík, Eva Kolářová #, Milan Řehák … a dalši členové České filharmonie a symfonického orchestru Českého rozhlasu) (Mix - Sound & Rhythm Studio) (Natočeno ve studiu - ElektroVox – Jevany, studio W. Sound & Rhythm Studio / Květen 2007 - Rijen 2008) (Mastering: Martin Kučera, studio Swengaly / Rijen 2008) (Autorskoprávní spolupráce: Ing. Jiří Paulů) als Thriller (cd: 3rd) [Akordshop AK2008-2]
2008: BYU Vocal Point (tribute to Michael Jackson) (Song Recorded by Vocal Point 2006-2007) als Thriller (cd: Nonstop) [BYU Records TCD-0408VPX | EAN 7 14861 01032 9]
2008: Crystal Theory (Arranged by Chris Phillips) (Produced by Chris Phillips and Brad Rogers) als Thriller (cd: Halloween Lounge) [Avalon 42469]
2008: Gary Indiana als Thriller (cd: MJ Acapellas) [Essential Media Mod 942311715]
2008: Gothminister als Thriller (cd: Happiness in Darkness) [E-Wave Records 073 | 88697393562]
2008: Lulu Joppert als Thriller (various artists) (cd: Bossa Grooves! Revisiting Michael Jackson) [Albatroz Music EAN 08 8544 42731 8 6]
2008: Singing Melody als Thriller (various artists) (cd: Jackson Lovers) [Ki/oon Records | VP Reggae VPCD1870.2]
2009: Dan McMillion Jazz Orchestra (Ted Templeton - Quincy Jones) (Arranger: Wayne Beardwood) (Dan McMillion - Trumpet) (Keith Oshiro - Trombone) (David Moss - Soprano Sax) (Producer - Dan McMillion) (Recorded at Morrisound Studios, Tampa, Florida) (Tom Morris - Engineer) als Thriller (cd: Nice n' Juicy) [Sea Breeze Jazz SBJ-2152]
2009: Jake Shimabukuro (Rod Temperton) als Thriller (cd: Live) [Hitchhike Records HRCD-1109]
2009: Jingo Feat. LaFemme als Thriller (various artists) (cd: Chill n' Michael: A Chill out Tribute to Michael Jackson "The King of Pop") [Music Brokers MBB 9841]
2009: Kids Bossa als Thriller (cd: Swing Party!) [Smoove Records XNSS 10163
2009: Kidz-DJ als Ik ben DJ (Thriller) (cd: I ♥ 80's) [Rattle Records RR 084 | EAN 9 789079 179046]
2009: Nilo Koizumi als Thriller (cd: Bossa@NILO - Goodies -) [Giza Studio GZCA 5154]
2009: Rachelle Spring (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) als Thriller (various artists) (cd: Tribute in Bossa to Michael Jackson "The King of Pop") [Just Entertainment JE 138]
2009: Racine And The Royal Symphonic Sound Orchestra als Thriller (cd: A Tribute to Michael Jackson) [Music2Gold EAN 8 86975 77772 3 | Sony Music]
2009: Smooth Jazz All Stars (Performed and Produced by the Smooth Jazz All Stars) als Thriller (cd: Smooth Jazz Tribute to Michael Jackson) [Copycats Entertainment CCE 9142]
2009: Sweet Little Band als Thriller (cd: Babies Go Michael Jackson) [RGS Music 1570-2]
2009: Vitamin String Quartet als Thriller (cd: Tribute to Michael Jackson) [Vitamin CD 1441]
2009: Yoga Pop Ups als Thriller (cd: Yoga to Michael Jackson) [Roma Music Group RMG-2006]
2010: Gareth Pearson als Thriller (cd: Urban Echoes Vol. 1) [Candyrat Records CRRGPCD1 | EAN 7 47014 59252 6]
2010: Imogen Heap als Thriller (various artists) (cd: Dermot O'Leary Presents the Saturday Sessions 2) [Sony Music 88697780202]
2010: Joey DeFrancesco (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) (Joey DeFrancesco - Numa Organ, KeyB Duo Organ, Numa Piano, Hammond Organ, Trumpet) (Paul Bollenback - Electric Guitar, Nylon Guitar) (Byron Landham - Drums) (Pat Bianchi - Keyboards) (Carmen Intorre - Percussion) (Mark Reynolds - Sound Effects on "Thriller) (Produced by Joey DeFrancesco & Byron Landham) (Co-Produced by Paul Bollenback, Pat Bianchi, Carmen Intorre and Glenn Ferracone) (Executive Producer: Joe Fields) (Recorded at the Music Centre, Exton, PA on June 5 & 6, 2010) (Engineered, mixed and mastered by Glen Ferracone) als Thriller (cd: Never Can Say Goodbye - The Music of Michael Jackson) [HighNote HCD 7215]
2010: Joo Kraus & Tales in Tones Trio als Thriller (cd: Songs from Neverland) [edel 0204502 CTT]
2010: Niji als Thriller (cd: Why We Like 80's ?) [Smith & Co. SCCD 2419]
2010: The LoveCrave als Thriller (cd: Crisalide) [Repo Records REPO 028]
2010: The MadHatters als Michael Jackson Tribute: (a.) Billie Jean / (b.) Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough / (c.) Thriller / (d.) You Are Not Alone / (e.) Bad (cd: Random Play) [The MadHatters EAN 8 84501 30666 9]
N° 38-hit in Amerika for Glee Cast als Thriller / Heads Will Roll (Glee Cast Season Two) op 26 februari 2011 [20th Century Fox Film Corporation | Digital] (cd: Glee: The Music, Season Two, Volume 5) [Columbia 88697 85852 2]
2011: Adam Rafferty als Thriller (cd: I Remember Michael - A Solo Guitar Tribute to Michael Jackson) [Crescent Ridge Publishing CRP-103]
2011: アトリエ・ボッサ・コンシャス (Atelier Bossa-Conscious) als Thriller / スリラー (cd: ウチナカカフェ~リラックスタイムのカフェボッサ) (Uchinakakafe - Rirakkusutaimu no kafebossa) [Warner Music Japan WPCR-14361]
2012: 1966 Quartet als Thriller (cd: Thriller - Michael Jackson Classics) [Denon COCQ 84987 | Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd.]
2012: Easy Star All-Stars Featuring Mikey General And Spragga Benz (Produced & Arranged by Michael Goldwasser) (Executive Producers: Eric Smith, Michael Goldwasser, Lem Oppenheimer and Remy Gerstein) als Thriller (cd: Easy Star's Thrillah) [Easy Star Records ES-1034V]
2012: Enrico Rava And The Parco Della Musica Jazz Lab (Rod Temperton) (All arrangements by Mauro Ottolini) (Concerts produced by Fondazione Musica per Roma) (Claudio Corvini - trumpet, flugelhorn on "Thriller") (Mauro Ottolini - trombone, tuba) (Daniele Tittarelli - alto saxophone, flute) (Dan Kinzelman - tenor saxophone, clarinet, bass clarinet) (Franz Bazzani - keyboard) (Giovanni Guidi - piano, Fender Rhodes, toy piano) (Dario Deidda - bass) (Marcello Giannini - electric guitar) (Zeno de Rossi - drums) (Ernesto Lopez Maturell - percussion) (Concert recordings May and November 2011 at Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome) (Recording Engineers: Massimiliano Cervini) (May 2011), Roberto Lioli (November 2011) (Assistant: Luca Padovano) (Mixed May 2012 at Artesuono Studio by Stefano Amerio and Manfred Eicher w/ Mauro Ottolini and Enrico Rava) als Thriller (cd: Rava on the Dance Floor) [ECM Records ECM 2293 370 6654]
2012: Erobique (Nur mit dem Rolling Stone 12/2012 erhältlich) (For Promotional Use) als Thriller (various artists) (cd: Thriller Recovered - A Tribute to Michael Jacksons Classic Album) [Rolling Stone]
2012: Estudiosmoi (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) als Thriller (cd: The Chillout Sessions - Michael Jackson) [GLD Distribuidora GK 38477]
2012: Filipowicz Quintet (Rod Temperton) als Thriller (cd: Jazz Tribute to Michael Jackson) [Polskie Radio PRCD 1505]
2012: Geyster (All Vocals & Instruments by Gaël Banyamin) (Produced by Gaël Banyamin) als Thriller (cd: Summertime) [Somekind Records EAN 8 44185 00192 2]
N° 79-albumhit in Nederland voor Pierre Bokma (Rod Temperton / Nederlandse tekst: Frank Houtappels) ('t Schaep in Mokum - rolverdeling: Loes Luca, Pierre Bokma, Marc-Marie Huijbregts, Carry Tefsen, Georgina Verbaan, Jenny Arean, Ton Kas, Bianca Krijgsman, Laus Steenbeeke, Lineke Rijxman en met o.a. André van Duin, Nasrdin Dchar, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Joke Tjalsma, Han Römer, Sylvia Hoeks, Niels Gomperts, Raymonde de Kuyper, Michiel Nooter) (Geproduceerd en gearrangeerd door Rec Sound (Wiegel, Meirmans, Snitker) (Creatief Producenten: Job Gosschalk & Frank Krom) als Triller (Thriller) op 9 maart 2013 (various artists) (cd: Café 't Schaep in Mokum - De originele soundtrack) [EMI 50999 9128432 7]
2013: Andrew Bissell (Performed & Produced by Andrew Bissell) als Thriller (cd: Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Michael Jackson) [Rockabye Baby! CD 9696]
2013: Chuck Billy (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) (Bass & Rhythm Guitar - Bob Kulick) (Drums, Drum Programming &, Background Vocals - Brett Chassen) (Produced by Bob Kulick & Brett Chassen) (Mixed & Engineered by Brett Chassen) (Recorded & Mixed at Office Studios) (Assistant Engineers: Nick (Bushy) Ericson & Grant Benziger) (Mastered by Maor Appelbaum at Maor Appelbaum Mastering, CA, USA) (A&R - Bob Kulick & Mindy Mitchell) als Thriller (various artists) (cd: Thriller - A Metal Tribute to Michael Jackson) [Deadline Music CLP 0945]
2013: No BS! Brass (Rod Temperton) (Reggie Pace: Trombone) (Bryan Hooten: Trombone) (John Hulley: Trombone) (Dillard Watt: Bass Trombone) (Rob Quallich: Trumpet) (Marcus Tenney: Trumpet) (Taylor Barnett: Trumpet) (David Hood: Alto Saxophone) (Stefan Demetriadis: Contra) (Lance Koehler: Drums) (Additional instrumentation on "Thriller" by the Varina Hit Squad) (Recorded & mixed by Lance Koehler at Minimum Wage Recording, RVA) (Transferred to tape and post mixing at Montrose, RVA by Adrian Olson, Lance Koehler and Reggie Pace) (Mastered by Brent Lambert at The Kitchen, Chapel Hill, NC) als Thriller (lp: RVA All Day) [Electric Cowbell Records LP-ECR708]
2013: The Orobians (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) als Thriller (℗ 2011) (lp: Slave to the Riddim) [Black Butcher Records BBR 086]
2015: Patáx als Thriller (cd: Patáx Plays Michael (A Tribute) [Youkali Music YOUKALI 048]
2015: SFJazz Collective (Rod Temperton) (Arranged by Obed Calvaire) (Executive Producer: Randall Kline) (Producer: Jeff Cressman) (Recorded by: Masanori Yura) (Mixed / Edited by: Jeff Cressman) (Mastered by: Jeremy Goody) als Thriller (cd: Live - SFJAZZ Center 2015 - The Music of Michael Jackson and Original Compositions) [SFJAZZ Records 66644991622]
2015: Tony Succar (Feat. Kevin Ceballo) (Words and Music by Rod Temperton) (Produced and Arranged by Tony Succar) (Mixed by Carlos Alvarez, Bruce Swedien & Nick Valentin) (Recorded by Alex Arias [Univibe Studio], Aaron Grandia [Phat Planet Studios]/Brom Rector [Brave Music]/Daniel Lepervanche [Animal Studios]/Dylan Ely [The Loop Studios]/Freddy Piñero, Jr. [Cutting Cane Studios]/Héctor Iván Rosa [Alfa Recording Studios], Immanuel Ramírez/Joe Sandoz [The Doctor Studio]/Juan De La Cruz/Oscar Soto [Estudios APDAYC] (Recorded at: Univibe Studio, Miami FL/Cutting Cane Studios, Davie, FL/Phat Planet Studios, Orlando, FL/Alpha Recording Studios, San Juan, PR/Skylight Recording Studios, New York, NY/Estudio, APDAYC, Lima, Peru/The Loop Studios, Corpus, Christi, TX/Big Wall Studios, Miami, FL/Animal Studios, Miami, FL/Brave Music, Miami, FL/The Doctor Studio, Orlando, FL) (Mixed at: PH211, Miami, FL/West Viking Studios, Ocala, FL) (Mastered by: Michael Fuller at Fullersound) (Arranger/Copyist: Tony Succar) (Executive Producers: Tony Succar & Elizabeth Sobol) (A&R Coordination: Allison Joyce) (A&R Administration: Evelyn Morgan) (Production Manager: Tom Arndt) (Marketing: Kim Kaiman) (Art Direction: Ana Gonzalez) (Creative Director: Allison Joyce) (Management: Michael Jensen) (Assistant Vocal Production: Tito Nieves/Javier Merino) (Production Assistants: Roberto Quintero, Irma Almodovar-Nieves, Christine Echezabal, Marlina Diaz, Bruno Nakasone) (Production Managers: Elva Mason, Antonio Succar, Sr.) (Project Supervising Executives: Loange Palmero, Brian Succar) als Thriller (cd: Unity - The Latin Tribute to Michael Jackson) [Universal Music Classics B0022695-02 | Universal Music Latin Entertainment]
2016: Benaud Trio (Benaud Trio: Amir Farid - piano) (Lachlan Bramble - violin) (Ewen Bramble - cello) (Arrangements by Nicholas Buc) (Executive Producer - Toby Chadd) (Recording Producer - Peter Taplin) (Recording Engineer - Sam H. Swain) (Editing, Mixing and Mastering - Alex Stinson) (Recorded 12-13 July and 17 August 2014 in Ian Roach Hall, Scotch College Melbourne) als 80s Mixtape: (a.) Eye of the Tiger (Frankie Sullivan - Jim Peterik) / (b.) Livin' on a Prayer (Jon Bon Jovi - Richie Sambora - Desmond Child / (c.) Girls Just Want to Have Fun (Robert Hazard) / (d.) You Can Call Me Al (Paul Simon) / (e.) Thriller (Rod Temperton) / (f.) Jump (Eddie Van Halen - Alex Van Halen - Michael Anthony - David Lee Roth) (cd: Mixtape) [ABC Classics ABC 481 4784]
2016: Bloodsucking Zombies from Outer Space als Thriller (cd: Bloody Unholy Christmas) [Monkey MONCD 139 | Schlitzer-Pepi Records | Rough Trade]
2018: Kent Nishimura (Rod Temperton) (Produced by Hideaki "Pooh" Matsuoka) (All songs arranged and performed by Kent Nishimura) (Recorded, mixed and mastered by Atsushi Toda at Music Well Studio in Osaka, Japan) (This album was recorded without overdubs or multi-tracking) als Thriller (cd: My Favorite Songs) [Slice of Life SLCD-1533]
2018: Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox starring Wayne Brady (Words and Music: Rodney Lynn Temperton) (Produced by Scott Bradlee) (Recorded by Matt Telford at PMJ Manor) (Mixed by Scott Bradlee at PMJ Manor) (Mastered by Paul Blakemore at CMG Mastering) als Thriller (cd: The Essentials II) [Concord 00888072069909]
2019: Alfredo Rodríguez / Pedrito Martinez (Alfredo Rodríguez: piano, Rhodes, keyboards, vocals) (Pedrito Martinez: all percussion, vocals) (Producers: Quincy Jones, Alfredo Rodríguez, Pedrito Martinez) (Executive Producer: Gretchen Valade) (Executive Producer for Quincy Jones Productions: Quincy Jones) (Co-Executive Producer for Quincy Jones Productions: Adam Fell, Thomas Duport) (Senior Direction of A&R: Will Wakefield) (Recorded at: The Liar Studio - Los Angeles, CA ◊ May 29 - June 1, 2018) (Engineer: Keith "Qmillion" Harris) (Mixed at: Flyin' Dread Studios - Los Angeles CA) (Mix Engineer: Keith "Qmillion" Harris) (Mastered at: Bernie Grundman Mastering - Hollywood CA) (Mastering Engineer: Bernie Grundman) (Assistant Engineer: Joe Bozzi) als Thriller (cd: Duologue) [Mack Avenue 6 73203 11452 4 ◊ MAC1145 | Qwest]
2019: Feuerbach Quartett (Recorded by Gregor Hennig and Alexander Beer at Studio Bremen Nord) (Edited by Alexander Beer) (Mixed and mastered by Romin Katzer) (All Arrangements by Feuerbach Quartett) als Thriller (cd: Born to Be Child) [Fuego 2985-2]
N° 4-albumhit in Duitsland voor David Garrett (Rodney L. Temperton) (Arranged by Franck van der Heijden & David Garrett) (Produced by Franck van der Heijden & David Garrett) (Keyboards - Orchestra & percussion programming: Franck van der Heijden) (Piano: Franck van der Heijden) (Bass guitar: Rogier van Wegberg) (Drums: Bodi van der Heijden) (Ricciotti Strings - Conductor: Franck van der Heijden) (Violin 1: Judith van Driel (concertmaster), Christina Büttner, Floortje Beljon, Ben Mathot, Anne van Eck, Marleen Wester, Stijn Brinkman, Frederique Gulikers) (Violin 1: Ian de Jong, Loes Dooren, Annelieke Marselje, Raphaella Engelsberg, Çisem Özkurt, Douwe Nauta) (Viola: Mark Mulder, Marie-Louise de Jong, Yanna Pelser, Tseroeja van den Bos, Sophie Vroegop) (Cello: David Faber, Marije de Jong, Rene van Munster, Thomas van Geelen) (Contrabass: Hinse Mutter, Kasper Stern) (Recorded at MCO studio 1, Hilversum, The Netherlands) (Recording engineer: Paul Pouwer) (Strings arranged by Franck van der Heijden) (Solo Violin, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Finger snaps, handclap, Hi-Hat, Congas Shaker by David Garrett) (Recorded at Meseka studio, Baarn, The Netherlands) (Engineered by Franck van der Heijden) (Mixed at Valhalla studios, New York, USA by Ronald Prent) (Mastered at Valhalla studio New York, USA by Darcy Proper) (The Jay Horns - Trumpets: Serge Plume & Rik Mol) (Saxophones: Allard Buwalda) (Trombones: Jel Jongen) (Recorded at Power Sound Studios, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (Recording engineer: Paul Pouwer) als Thriller op 16 oktober 2020 (cd: Alive - My Soundtrack) [Polydor 0602507362515 | Universal Music Group]
Titel A-kant
Lengte A-kant
Componist(en) A-kant
R. Temperton
Producer(s) A-kant
Quincy Jones
Titel B-kant
[The Jacksons] Things I Do For You
Lengte B-kant
Componist(en) B-kant
T. Jackson, J. Jackson, M. Jackson, M. Jackson, R. Jackson
Hoogste positie UK
Hoogste positie US
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination
Girl, But all the while you hear a creature creepin' up behind
You're out of time
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
Night creatures call
And the dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time (they're open wide)
This is the end of your life
They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side
They will possess you unless you change that number on your dial
Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
All through the night I'll save you from the terror on the screen,
I'll make you see
That this is thriller, thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try
Girl, this is thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,
Thriller here thriller.ncd
Darkness falls across tje land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize your neighborhood
And whosoever shawl be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller, thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
(Thriller night, thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Ooh, babe, I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller night, babe
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller