
Too Much Heaven

Bee Gees


Top 40


Top 40


Top 40


Top 40

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Bee Gees – Too Much Heaven [RSO 2252 126] (45 toerensingle)
(Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb)
(Produced by the Bee Gees, Karl Richardson & Albhy Galuten for Karibhy Productions by arrangement with The Robert Stigwood Organisation)
(Published ℗ 1978)
[N° 1- hit in Amerika] (Billboard Hot 100]
[N° 1-hit in Canada] (RPM)
[N° 1-hit in Zweden] (Sverigetopplistan)
[N° 1-hit in Noorwegen] (VG-lista)
[N° 1-hit in Frankrijk] (Hit-Parade Europe)
[N° 1-hit in Italië] (Musica e Dischi)
[N° 1-hit in Spanje] (AFYVE)
[N° 1-hit in Argentinië] (CAPIF)
[N° 1-hit in Brazilië] (Brazilian Top 100)
[N° 1-hit in Chili]
[N° 1-hit in Nieuw-Zeeland] (Recorded Music NZ)
[N° 1-hit in Zuid-Afrika] (Springbok)
[N° 2-hit in Ierland] (IRMA)
[N° 3-hit in Groot-Brittannië] (Music Week)
[N° 3-hit in Portugal] (Musica & Som)
[N° 4-hit in Luxemburg] (Radio Luxembourg Top 30 - Radio Luxembourg - 208 meter (1440 kHz) (English-language service)
[N° 5-hit in Zwitserland] (Schweizer Hitparade)
[N° 5-hit in Australië] (Kent Music Report)
[N° 5-hit in China]
[N° 8-hit in Vlaams-België] (BRT Radio2 Top 30)
[N° 10-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland] (Media Control)
[N° 13-hit in Oostenrijk] (Ö3 Austria Top 40)
[N° 14-hit in Nederland] (Stichting Nederlandse Top 40)

{Classic Song op radiostation KAAM 770 AM Legends in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas} {Classic Song op radiostation Extra AM 1332 kHz in Amsterdam, The Netherlands} {Classic Song op radiostation Radio Mi Amigo International (Costa Blanca in Spanje 92.3 en 106.0 FM. Uitzendend vanuit Kall in de Eiffel, dagelijks op de kortegolf: van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 6 uur 's avonds, met een eigen zender op 6085 kHz in de 49 meter band en op de middengolf via de zender Riga in Letland op 1467 AM, gericht op Scandinavië, de Baltische staten en Noord-Duitsland} {Classic Song op Hendrik van Nellestijn's internetstation Radio Mi Amigo (Live vanaf de Spaanse Costa), Alfaz del Pi, Costa Blanca, España}


N° 1-albumhit in Amerika voor Bee Gees (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (Produced by The Bee Gees, Karl Richardson and Albhy Galuten, for Karibhy Productions, Inc. by Arrangement with The Robert Stigwood Organisation) (Barry Gibb ◦ Guitar ◦ Vocals) (Robin Gibb ◦ Vocals) (Maurice Gibb ◦ Bass ◦ Vocals) (The Bee Gees Band ◦ Dennis Bryon ◦ Drums) (Blue Weaver ◦ Piano ◦ ARP Synthesizers and Vibes) (Alan Kendall ◦ Guitars) (Guest Musicians ◦ Gary Brown ◦ Harold Cowart ◦ Sax Solos Bass) (Joe Lala ◦ Congas ◦ Percussion) (George Terry ◦ Daniel Ben Zebulon ◦ Guitar ◦ Congas) (Boneroo Horns ◦ Bill Purse ◦ Stan Webb ◦ Neil Bonsanti ◦ Peter Graves ◦ Whit Sidener ◦ Kenny Faulk) (Chicago Horns ◦ James Pankow ◦ Walter Parazaider ◦ Lee Loughnane) (Recorded March - November 1978 at Criteria Recording Studios, Miami) (Karl Richardson ◦ Engineer) (Dennis Hetzendorfer ◦ John Blanche ◦ Assistant Engineers) (Engineer ◦ George Marino) (Mastered at Sterling Sound, New York) (Strings Recorded at Sound Mixers Studio, New York) (Karl Richardson ◦ Engineer) (Dennis Hetzendorfer ◦ Assistant Engineer) als Too Much Heaven (℗ 1978) op 3 maart 1979 (lp: Spirits Having Flown) [RSO RS-1-3041]


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1978: Barry Crocker (Robin, Maurice & Barry Gibb) (Produced by: Barry Crocker) (Engineered by Gerry Nixon) (Musical Director - Tony Hedges) (Recorded at E.M.I Studios, Sydney) (Piano & String Synthesizer - Tony Hedges) (Drums - Doug Gallagher, Will Dower, John Towel) (Bass - Greg Lions) (Guitars - Clive Lendich) (Flugel Horn - Peter Cross) (Percussion - Ken Laing, Ian Blockson) (Synthesizer - Robin Workman) (Singers - Kerri Biddell, Sally Rogan, Lyn Laurence) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Barry Crocker Sings the Hits Vol. 2) [Astor ALPS 1059]

1978: Claudette Miller And The Ebonies (Andy Gibbs - Barry Gibb) als Too Much Heaven [Roots International] (45 toerensingle)

1978: Mario Cavallero, son orchestre et ses chanteurs (Barry & Robin Gibb) (Interprète: Och. Carnaby Group) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Hit-parade chanté - Pop Hits - Vol. 42) [Pop Hits PH 1842 | Musidisc-Europe]

1979: Ady Zehnpfennig (Barry, Robin, Maurice Gibb) (Produziert und arrangiert von Ady Zehnpfennig) (Aufgenommen im » The Sound Experience « Studio, Köln, von Martin Hömberg) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Ady's Non Stop Hitparade Folge 1 - Ady Zehnpfennig an der Dr. Böhm-Orgel) [RCA Victor PL 28362]

1979: 譚詠麟 (Alan Tam) (Barry Gibb - Robin Gibb - Maurice Gibb / 適應 (Adapt): Cheng Kwok Kong) als 唱一首好歌 (Chang Yi Shou Hao Ge) (lp: 反斗星 (Fan Dou Xing) [Philips 6380 016] (Chinese versie)

1979: Bunny Chanel (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Bunny Chanel) [WEA H 93003]

1979: Caravelli (Barry Gibb - Robin Gibb - Maurice Gibb) (Réalisation artistique: Philippe Boutet) (Enregistrement: Studio CBS France - Paris) (Ingénieur du son: Guy Pons) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Too Much Heaven) [CBS - CBS 83629]

1979: Christopher John, son orchestre et ses chanteurs (Barry & Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Slow 3) [Music for Pleasure 4M024-23825 | EMI]

1979: Denis Walter (Bee Gees) ("Too Much Heaven" Arranged by Charles Gould) (Engineered by Graham Owens) (Producer: Howard Gable) (Recorded at A & M Studios, West Melbourne) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Sometimes When We Touch) [Hammard HAM 037]

1979: Fausto Papetti (Barry, Robin Gibb & Maurice Gibb) (Hanno suonato: - Basso elettrico: Julius Farmer) (Batteria: Tullio De Piscopo) (Chitarra: Gianni Bobbio e Sergio Farina) (Aggeggi e tumbe: Walter Scebran) (Tastiere: Reddy Bobbio e Giancarlo Sorio) (Arp: Gaetano Leandro) (Poly moog: Aldo Banfi) (Roland e Korg: Luigi Tonet) (Armonica: Bruno De Filippi) (Violini: Sergio Almangano, Antonio Auciello, Umberto Benedetti Michelangeli, Raoul Boccaccini, Loris Carletti, Vincenzo Lo Castro, Umberto Oliveti, Renato Riccio, Dino Tellini, Amilcare Zaccagnini) (Viole: Salvatore Buccheri e Bruno Nidasio) (Celli: Mario Botticini, Gianni Berlendis, Nazareno Cicoria, Umberto Galli, Paolo Salvi) ("Too Much Heaven" Arrangiamenti di Reddy Bobbio) (Tecnici del suono e mixaggi: Piero Bisleri e Roberto Musacci) (Apparecchiature: AEG Telefunken) (Realizzazione di: A A) (Registrato a Milano negli studi della Durium - Maggio 1979) als Too Much Heaven (lp: 28ª Raccolta) [Durium ms Al 77405]

1979: Grethe Ingmann (Originale engelsk tekst og musik: Barry Gibb - Robin Gibb - Maurice Gibb / Dansk tekst: Keld Heick) (Indspillet i Metronome Studio 1979) (Teknik: Birger Swan) (Producer: Leif Pedersen) als Mellem glæden og sorgen (Too Much Heaven) (lp: Ta' mig som jer er) [Philips 6318 054] (Deense versie)

1979: 희자매 (Hee Sisters) als 님 찾아가는 길 (Too Much Heaven) (lp: 희자매 2집 (Disco) [Hyundai LA-018] (Koreaanse versie)

1979: Juan Torres (Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb) (Colaboración Especial del Grupo: Max Magaña - Alfredo Algarin / Ricardo Tapia / José Luis Escudero / Leonel Sosa) (Adaptación Musical: Juan Torres) (Dirección: Mario Tovar Y Sagredo) als Demasiada gloria - Too much heaven - (lp: Amor en la discotheque) [Musart ED 1778]

1979: Kaleidoscope (Words and Music by Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Kaleidoscope) [EMI EMGS 7017]

1979: Le grand orchestre de Paul Mauriat (Barry Gibb - Robin Gibb) (Collaboration artistique: Gérard Gambus) (Prise de son: Dominique Poncet) (Assisté de Phillip Puig) (Enrégistré et mixé au Studio des Dames-Paris) (Une production Phonogram réalisé par Paul Mauriat) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Too Much Heaven) [Philips 9101 217 | Phonogram]

1979: Pino Calvi (Testo e musica: Barry, Robin e Maurice Gibb) (Produzione: Ezio Leoni) (Arrangiamenti: Ettore Ballotta) (Pino Calvi: pianoforte, solista e tastiere) (Massimo Verardi: chitarra elettrica ed acustica) (Gigi Cappellotto: c. basso elettrico) (Andy Surdi: batteria e percussioni) (Umberto Galli: 1º Violino) (Sergio Almangano: 1º Violoncello) (Gianmaria Berlendis: assistente musicale) (Gianluca Citi: registrazione e missaggio) (Studi de registrazione Ri-Fi Record Company S.p.A) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Romantic N. 11) [Ri-Fi RDZ ST 14310]

1979: The Good Music Orchestra (Barry Gibb - Robin Gibb - Maurice Gibb) (Produced by Ian Holland) (The Good Music Orchestra arranged and conducted by: Tweed Harris on "Too Much Heaven") (Engineered by Gerry Nixon) (Recorded in Australia at EMI Studio 301, Sydney) (Music Co-ordinator - Tina Young) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Something Else Again) [7 Records MLR 340]

1979: The Hiltonaires (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (The Hiltonaires - Vocal Production -) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Hits for Young People 19) [Europa 111 880.3]

1979: Unknown Artist (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (Produced and Arranger: Mike Pilot) (Recording Engineer: Glen Pearse) (Recorded at EMI Brigadiers, Studio, Johannesburg) als Too Much Heaven (LP: Springbok Hit Parade No. 43) [Music for Pleasure MFP 54862] The Springbok Hit Parade series did not feature original artists and the cover songs were recorded by various unnamed session musicians.

1980: Acker Bilk His Clarinet & Strings (Barry & Robin & Maurice Gibb) ("Too Much Heaven" Orchestra Arranged & Conducted by Alan Tew) (Produced by Terry Brown) (Engineer: Terry Evennett) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Mellow Music - 20 All Time Greats) [Piccadilly N 125 | Pye Records]

1980: Barry Biggs (Barry, Maurice & Robin Gibb) (Drums: Mike Richards, Derrick Stewart) (Bass: Val Douglas) (Piano: Neville Hinds, Robbie Lyn, Geoffrey Chung, Irvin Lloyd) (Organ: Geoffrey Chung, Robbie Lyn) (Guitar: Mikey Chung, Wayne Armond, Wigmore Francis, Errol Gayle, Geoffrey Chung, Phil Callendar, Dwight Pinkney) (Synthesizer: Neville Hinds, Geoffrey Chung) (Mellotron: Neville Hinds, Geoffrey Chung) (Percussions: Derrick Stewart, Cornell Marshall, Bongo Herman, Barry Biggs) (Flute: Llewellyn Chang) (Horns: David Madden, Dean Frazer, Calvin Cameron, Ronald "Nambo" Robinson, Ossie Scott, Sammy Johnson, Frank Aird, Llewellyn Chang) (Backing Vocals: Tamlins, Geoffrey Chung, Barry Biggs, Orville Wood, Wayne Armond, Boris Gardiner, Mikey Chung) als Too Much Heaven (lp: What's Your Sign?) [Dynamic Sounds DYLP 3015]

1980: Jacques Michel (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Wereldberoemde melodieën) [Music for Pleasure 1A 022-58106]

1980: L.A. Sounds (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (lp: Late Night Loving) [Chevron CHVL 182]

1980: The Carnabees (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (lp: The Story of The Bee Gees) [Happy Music 30 225 7]

N° 26-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Startrax (Produced for Picksy Records Ltd. by Bruce Baxter) als Medley: - Startrax Club Disco (Bruce Baxter) / More Than a Woman (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Maurice Gibb and Robin Gibb) / Night Fever (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Tragedy (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Love You Inside Out (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Jive Talkin' (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Edge of the Universe (Barry and Robin Gibb) / Boogie Child (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Too Much Heaven (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away (Words and Music by Barry Gibb and Blue Weaver) / Wind of Change (Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb) / You Stepped into My Life (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / If I Can't Have You (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Words and Music by Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb) / Stayin' Alive (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Nights on Broadway (Words and Music by Barry, Robin and Maurice and Gibb) / Search Find (Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Massachusetts (The Lights Went Out In) (Words and Music by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb) / Reaching Out (Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb) / You Should Be Dancing (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Spirits (Having Flown) (Words and Music by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb) / Can't Keep a Good Man Down (Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb) / I've Gotta Get a Message to You (Words and Music by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb) / Fanny (Be Tender with Your Love) (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Love So Right (Words and Music by Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb) / First of May (Words and Music by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb) / Children of the World (Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / I.O.I.O. (Words and Music by Barry Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Saved by the Bell (Words and Music by Robin Gibb) / Words (Words and Music by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb) / Startrax Club Disco (Bruce Baxter) in 1981 (lp: Startrax Club Disco) [Picksy Records KSYA 1001 | Phonogram]

1982: The Eddy Starr Orchestra and Singers als Too Much Heaven (lp: Sfeer & Romantiek) [Palm Club PC 1001 1002]

1990: Brazilian Tropical Orchestra (Barry Gibb - Maurice Gibb - Robin Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Brazilian Tropical Orchestra Plays Boleros) [Movieplay Brasil CD - BS-206]

1993: Gipp's Egylet (Barry, Robin, Maurice Gibb / Magyar szöveg: Bakó Anna) ("Mindenem a tied / Too Much Heaven" Ének: Varannai István - István Gibb, Kocsándi Miklós - Miki Gipp, és Szomor György - Gyuri Gipp) (A hangfelvétel az Arion és az „E“ Stúdioban készült) (Zenei rendező és hangszerelő: Zsoldos Béla) (Hangmérnök: Horváth János, Sáfár József) (Közreműködtek: Kocsándi Miklós - dob) (Tóth Gyula - Akusztikus és gitár, elektromos gitár) (Gyártásvezető: Fersch Gabriella) (FairCoo 2000 produkció) (Producer: Szigeti Ferenc) als Mindenem a tiéd / Too Much Heaven (cd: Szombat esti láz - A legszebb Bee Gees dalok magyarul) [Zebra 521259-2 | PolyGram] (Hongaarse versie)

1994: Stefano Menato (Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Saxophone Love Themes) [Can Pilz 44 7439-2]

1994: The Nylons (Barry Gibb - Maurice Gibb - Robin Gibb) ("Too Much Heaven" Lead vocal: Claude Morrison) (Produced by Ian Prince) (Arranged by by Ian Prince and The Nylons) (Recorded and Mixed by Jeff Walpert at McClear Pathe Studios, Toronto, Canada, January - March 1994) (Assisted by Keith Mariash) (All vocals: The Nylons) (Drums & Keyboards: Ian Prince) (A&R: Richie Wise) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Because...) [Scotti Bros. 72392 75435]

1994: The Starlite Orchestra (Gibb Barry, Robin & Maurice) als Too Much Heaven (cd: The Starlite Orchestra Plays Bee Gees) [Madacy SH-2-8303]

1994: The Starlite Orchestra als Too Much Heaven (lp: In a Sensuous Mood - 24 Golden Instrumental Love Melodies) [Madacy TPJ-5427]

1995: Hi-Spirit (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (Produced by Engin-eer, M.Mix & B.N.Magix) als Too Much Heaven (Radio Edit) [Hansa 74321 28702 2] (4 tracks) (cd-maxisingle)

1995: Hi-Spirit (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (Produced by Engin-eer, M.Mix & B.N.Magix) als Too Much Heaven (B'N'Mix) is track 2 van Too Much Heaven (Radio Edit) [Hansa 74321 28702 2] (4 tracks) (cd-maxisingle)

1995: Hi-Spirit (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (Produced by Engin-eer, M.Mix & B.N.Magix) als Too Much Heaven (Hi-Score RMX) is track 3 van Too Much Heaven (Radio Edit) [Hansa 74321 28702 2] (4 tracks) (cd-maxisingle)

1995: Jordan Hill (Produced by David Foster, Greg Charley, Rhett Lawrence, Jeff Pescetto, SoulShock & Karlin and Mario Winans) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Jordan Hill) [143 Records 7567-82849-2 | Atlantic]

1995: 關淑怡 (Kwan Suk 'E) (Adapt.: Cheng Kwok Kong) als 唱一首好歌 (Coeng jat sau hou go) (cd: 'EX' All Time Favourites) [Polydor 527 309-2] (Chinese versie)

1996: Portrait (Produced by Portrait) (Executive Producers: Paddy Spinks, Scott Greer & Jin Hur) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Picturesque) [Capitol Records CDP 7243 8 37465 2 1 | EMI]

1996: Portrait (Produced by Portrait) (Executive Producers: Paddy Spinks, Scott Greer & Jin Hur) als How Deep Is Your Love (Acappella) (cd: Picturesque) [Capitol Records CDP 7243 8 37465 2 1 | EMI]

1996: The Gary Tesca Orchestra (Gibb Barry, Robin & Maurice) als Too Much Heaven (cd: The Bee Gees Story - How Deep Is Your Love - Volume 1) [Mirage 9202615]

N° 48-albumhit in Duitsland voor Nana (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) ("Too Much Heaven" Produced by Bülent Aris & Toni Cottura) (Digital Mastering by MM-Sound) (Concept & Realization: Götz Kiso ◦ Marcel Engh) als Too Much Heaven op 12 januari 1997 (various artists) (CD: We Love the Bee Gees) [Ariola 74321 55186 2 | BMG]

N° 48-albumhit in Duitsland voor Sash! Feat. Debbie Cameron (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) ("Too Much Heaven" Produced by Tokapi & Sash! at Peak Top Düsseldorf) (Digital Mastering by MM-Sound) (Concept & Realization: Götz Kiso ◦ Marcel Engh) als Too Much Heaven op 12 januari 1997 (various artists) (cd: We Love the Bee Gees) [Ariola 74321 55186 2 | BMG]

N° 48-albumhit in Duitsland voor 'N SYNC (Produced by Veit Renn) (Arranged by Robin Wiley) (Digital Mastering by MM-Sound) (Concept & Realization: Götz Kiso ◦ Marcel Engh) als Bee Gees Tribute: Jive Talking (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Too Much Heaven (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / How Deep Is Your Love (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / Staying Alive (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) op 12 januari 1997 (various artists) (cd: We Love the Bee Gees) Ariola 74321 55186 2 | BMG]

1997: The London West End Singers als Too Much Heaven (cd: A Tribute to the Bee Gees - Pop Songs of the Brothers Gibb) [BCI Music EXL 2423]

N° 168-albumhit in Amerika voor Winans Phase2 (English Adaptation by Carvin Winans) ("Too Much Heaven" Produced by Cedric Caldwell and Victor Caldwell) (Executice Producer: Carvin Winans) (A&R Direction: Judith Volz) als Too Much Heaven in 1999 (cd: We Got Next) [Myrrh 7012608269 URCPXX]

1999: I Profeti (Testo Italiano: Renato Brioschi / Testo originale in inglese e musica: Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb & Maurice Gibb) (Réalizzazione di Renato Brioschi) (Arrangiamenti ed elaborazione: I Profeti) (Coordinamento alla Produzione: Vincenzo Dentico e Maria Chiaravalle) als Salvami tu (Too Much Heaven) (cd: I Profeti cantano i Bee Gees) [D.V. More Record CDDV 6325] (Italiaanse versie)

1999: Ricardo Caliente (Performed by: Ricardo Caliente) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Panpipe Plays Bee Gees) [Elap Music EAN 5 706238 301487]

2000: Graffiti (Barry Gibb - Robin Gibb - Maurice Gibb / Magyar szöveg: Bakó Anna) Szomor Gyuri - ének, vokál) (Todd Williams - rap) (Lippényi Gábor - hangszer, komputerek, hangszerelés) (Közreműködótt: Sipeki Zoltán - gitár) (Felvételek és keverés: Bizaaar Stúdió, Golden Sound Studio) (Hangmérnök: Tőzsér Attila, Gyurkovszky Tibor) (Előkészület és mastering: Lippi Stúdió) als Mindenem a tiéd (Too Much Heaven) (cd: Valaki vár by Graffiti) [Magneoton 8573-83348-2] (Hongaarse versie)

2002: Sha Li Mar (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Sha Li Mar) [CMC 0724354290527 | EMI]

2003: 3 Boys (Produced by Mark Farina & Factory Team) (Executive Producers: Mauro Farina & Jeff Johnson) (Mastered at Compotech) als Too Much Heaven (Original Mix) (various artists) (cd: Let's Hear It for the 70s - Vol. 1) [Atlantis ATL. 089-2]

2003: Fabulous Studio Artists als Too Much Heaven (cd: Instrumental Bee Gees) [Fabulous FABCD 212]

2003: Gloria Bosman als Too Much Heaven (cd: Nature Dances) [Sheer Sound SLCD 055]

2003: Louise Griffiths als Too Much Heaven (various artists) (cd: Fame Academy - Bee Gees Special) [Polydor 9865586]

N° 15-albumhit in Duitsland voor B3 (B3 are Rod Michael, John Steven Sutherland & Timothy Andrew Cruz) (Executive Producers: Maxi Media / Berman Brothers Media) als Too Much Heaven op 4 maart 2004 (cd: First) [Hansa ‎74321 89504 2 | BMG Berlin Musik GmbH]

2005: The Robertson Brothers (Featuring 12 Live Tracks & 4 New Studio Recordings) als Too Much Heaven (Live Recording) (cd: The Robertson Brothers Live in Binyang) [Line Five RB 03]

N° 7-hit in Duitsland voor US5 & Robin Gibb (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb)) (Produced by Mike Michaels, Mark Dollar, Sammy Naja) als Too Much Heaven (Radio Edit) op 14 december 2007 [Triple M 9300216] (4 tracks + video) (cd-maxisingle)

2007: 3 Tenors of Soul (Lead Vocals: Russell Thompkins, Jr.) (Produced by Bobby Eli) (Executive Producer: Danny Weiss) als Too Much Heaven (cd: All the Way from Philadelphia) [Shanachie 5768]

2007: Konstantin Klashtorni (Produced by Konstantin Klashtorni) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Saxing Up - Bee Gees - Love Songs) [KVK Music KVK 0701]

2007: Richard de Cluny als Too Much Heaven (album: Romantic Instrumentals - Piano Nights) [BMG Rights Management | Digital]

2007: US5 & Robin Gibb (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (Produced by Mike Michaels, Mark Dollar, Sammy Naja) als Too Much Heaven (In the Air RMX) is track 3 van Too Much Heaven (Radio Edit) [Triple M 9300216] (4 tracks + video) (cd-maxisingle)

2007: US5 & Robin Gibb (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (Produced by Mike Michaels, Mark Dollar, Sammy Naja) als Too Much Heaven (Piano Reprise) is track 4 van Too Much Heaven (Radio Edit) [Triple M 9300216] (4 tracks + video) (cd-maxisingle)

2008: Babies & Kids als Too Much Heaven (cd: Songs from Bee Gees) [Leader Music EAN 605457487024]

2008: HSP (Barry Gibb - Robin Gibb - Maurice Gibb) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Tribute to The Bee Gees - Greatest Hits) [Tribute DNR 102]

2008: Julienne Taylor als Too Much Heaven (cd: A Time for Love) [Evosound EVSA054]

2008: Tragedy (Words and Music by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) (Barry Glibb - vocals, guitars, piano, electric piano) (Mo'Royce Peterson - vocals, guitar) (Robin Gibbens - vocals, cowbell, tambourine, gong, triangle) (Barely Gibb - Drums) (Lance - towel boy) (Women's Gibb backing vocals: Linda Glibb, Angelpussy, Olivia Newton-Chong) (Strings: Claudia Chopek) (Violin: Claudia Chopek) (Cello: Eleanor Norton) (Produced and Arranged by Peter Kohl and Phil Costello) (Engineered and Mixed by Peter Kohl at Beautyrock Studios, NYC) (Mastered by Alan Douches at West West Side Music, New Windsor, NY) (Executive Producer: Jake Szufnarowski) als Too Much Heaven (cd: We Rock Sweet Balls and Can Do No Wrong) [Rocks Off Records TRAGEDY01]

2009: Beverley Knight als Too Much Heaven (cd: 100%) [Hurricane HURRCD 1 | 5037300761718]

2010: Pas de printemps pour Marnie (Composés par les Bee Gees) (Ces reprises ont été enregistrées et arrangées par Jean-Pierre Isnardi) (Le morceau "Too Much Heaven" sont chantés par Laurence Toutain) (Les arrangements rythmiques ont été composés par Erwan Lamer pour l'ensemble des morceaux) (Mastering par Joan Cambon) (Mix par Julien Kaliski et Jean-Pierre Isnardi) als Too Much Heaven (cd: Nuit fièvre) [MVS Records MVS 10086]

2011: Sweet Little Band als Too Much Heaven (cd: Babies Go Bee Gees) [RGS Music 1489-2]

2012: Ana Gazzola (Música e texto original em ingles: Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb) / adaptação Português: Ana Gazzola - Sonia Santos) (Ana Gazzola - vocals, percussion, saxophone "Too Much Heaven") (Mike Clinco - electric & acoustic lead & rhythm guitars) (Antonio Sant'Anna - bass guitar) (Pablo Medina - keyboards) (Zé Bruno Eisenberg - drums) (Produced by Carla Olson) (Recorded by Billy Sullivan at Cloverland, North Hollywood, California) (Additional recording by Kevin Donnelly at Saucer Sound, Austin, Texas, Peter Leinheiser at Sadie's House of Reverb and Laurence Juber at Lawnmower Repair, Studio City, California and by Laurence Juber at The Sign of The Scorpio, Studio City, California) (Mixed and Mastered by Andy Waterman at Umbrella Media, Chatsworth, California, assisted by Ashburn Miller and Luke Fakler) (A&R / Song Selection / Album Concept, Saul Davis) als Too Much Heaven (Maior que o Infinito) (cd: Musicas e Palavras dos Bee Gees) [Fuel 302 061 922 2] (Portugese versie)

2013: Jordan D. White (In honor of my 33 1/3rd birthday (April 18th, 2013), I've recorded a tribute album to the year of my birth. Twelve songs that reached number one on the Billboard charts, one for each month of 1979.) (Released April 18, 2013) (Jordan D. White - vocals, ukulele, bass guitar, melodica, shaker egg, mini-bongo, trash bin, box of Nerds, banjolele, snaps & claps) (Produced and recorded by Jordan D. White) als Too Much Heaven (album: "1979 at 33 1/3") [Wax Records | Digital]

2014: Sweet Greetings als Too Much Heaven (various artists) (album: Pasión por los 70's) [Marathon Media | Alhambra Web | Digital]

2015: The Lounge Unlimited Orchestra als Too Much Heaven (album: Adventure in the Land of Lounge - The Bee Gees Dreams) [Colourfield | Digital]

N° 81-albumhit in Nederland voor Carolina Dijkhuizen (Barry Gibb - Maurice Gibb - Robin Gibb) (Lead Vocals: Carolina Dijkhuizen) (Backing Vocals: Ivan Peroti and Roland Dirkse) (Drums: Joost Kroon) ("Too Much Heaven" Rhodes, Additional Programming: Sven Figee) ("Too Much Heaven" Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Additional Programming: Roland Dirkse) (Bass: Glenn Gaddum Jr.) ("Too Much Heaven" Strings: Frank Van Essen) (Recorded, Produced and Mixed @ Marmalade Music, Delft 2016) (Mastered by vintageaudiomastering.com als Too Much Heaven op 22 oktober 2016 (cd: More Than a Woman - Tribute to Bee Gees) [Cloud 9 CLDA2016502]

2016: Smooth Jazz All Stars als Too Much Heaven (album: Smooth Jazz All Stars Cover the Bee Gees) [Cc Entertainment EAN 7 07541 04843 9 | Digital]

2016: The Idea of North als Too Much Heaven (cd: Ballads) [ABC Jazz EAN 6 02547 82693 0]

2016: Tino Reyes Trio als Too Much Heaven (album: Bossa Nova with Bee Gees) [SMC EAN 4 89701 21302 3 | Digital]

2018: Uriel als Too Much Heaven (album: Instrumental Music of the World 3) [Cantando Music | Digital]

N° 3-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Cliff Richard (Barry Alan Gibb - Maurice Ernest Gibb - Robin Hugh Gibb) (Production/Perormance Credits for "Too Much Heaven": Performed by Cliff Richard) (Produced by Larry Klein) (Mixed by Tim Palmer at '62 Studios, Austin, Texas) (Recorded by Adam Greenspan at Village Studios and Strange Cargo Studios, Los Angeles, CA) (Engineering Assistants: Karl Wingate and Bronko Presley) (Cliff Richard's Vocals Recorded by Kenta Yonesaka at Germano Studios, New York) (Piano recorded by Luke Schindler at Revolution Recording, Toronto) (Drums by Vinnie Colaiuta) (Bass by Larry Klein (Guitar by Dean Parks) (Piano by Greg Phillinganes) (Backing Vocals by Amy Keys, Windy Wagner and Clydene Jackson) (Organ by Larry Goldings) (Mastered by Keith Bessey at Concept Mastering, UK) (Production Coordinator - Sandy Roberton) als Too Much Heaven op 12 november 2020 (cd: Music... The Air That I Breathe) [EastWest 0190295140953]

N° 1-albumhit in Australië voor Barry Gibb feat. Alison Krauss (Produced by Dave Cobb) als Too Much Heaven op 24 januari 2021 (cd: Greenfields - The Gibb Brothers' Songbook Vol. 1) [Capitol Records 3513885]

2021: Midnite String Quartet als Too Much Heaven (album: MSQ Performs Bee Gees) [Roma Music Group EAN 1 92641 62665 4 | Digital]

Bee Gees

Titel A-kant

Too Much Heaven

Lengte A-kant


Componist(en) A-kant

Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb

Producer(s) A-kant

The Bee Gees, Karl Richardson, Albhy Galuten

Titel B-kant

Rest Your Love On Me

Lengte B-kant


Componist(en) B-kant

Barry Gibb

Producer(s) B-kant

The Bee Gees, Karl Richardson, Albhy Galuten




2252 126

Hoogste positie UK


Hoogste positie US



Spirits Having Flown

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Nobody gets too much heaven no more
It's much harder to come by
I'm waiting in line
Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as high as a mountain
And harder to climb

Oh you and me girl
Got a lot of love in store
And it flows through you, and it flows through me
And I love you so much more
And my love
I can see beyond forever
Everything we own will never die
Love is such a beautiful thing
Oh you make my world a summer day
Are you just a dream to fade away


You and me girl
Got a highway to the sky
We can turn away from the night to day
And the tears we had to cry

You're my life
I can see a new tomorrow
Everything we own never die
Love is such a beautiful thing
When you are to me the light above
Made for all to see
Our precious love


Love is such a beautiful thing
You make my world a summer day
Are you just a dream to fade away


Nobody gets too much love anymore
It's as wide as a river and harder to cross

Alle Top 40-hits

Details Rosé & Bruno Mars - APT
Details Roxy Dekker - Ga Dan!
Details Lola Young - Messy
Details Gracie Abrams - That's So True
Details Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile
Details Teddy Swims - Bad Dreams
Details Noano feat. Emms - Waka
Details Alex Warren - Burning Down
Details Martin Garrix & Jex - Told You So
Details Myles Smith - Nice To Meet You
Details Morgan Wallen - Love Somebody
Details Suzan & Freek - Ken Je Dat Gevoel
Details Pawsa & Adventures Of Stevie V - Dirty Cash
Details Antoon - Beetje Van Mij
Details Cyril & Maryjo - Still Into You
Details David Guetta, Alphaville & Ava Max - Forever Young
Details Rondé - Love Of My Life
Details Sven Versteeg featuring Likke Pêhp - Blikkendag
Details Son Mieux - Have A Little Faith
Details Coldplay ft Little Simz, Burna Boy, Elyanna & Tini - We Pray
Details Kensington - A Moment
Details Billie Eilish - Birds Of A Feather
Details Cameron Whitcomb - Medusa
Details Chef'Special - C'est La Vie
Details Teddy Swims - Guilty
Details The Weeknd - Cry For Me
Details Nate Smith - Fix What You Didn't Break
Details Lady Gaga - Abracadabra
Details Claude & Zoë Tauran - Je T'aime
Details R3hab, Mufasa & Hypeman & Rani - Believe (Shooting Stars)
Details Douwe Bob & Sera - Could Have Been Us
Details Myles Smith - Wait For You
Details Tate McRae - Sports Car
Details Kygo w/ OneRepublic - Chasing Paradise
Details Yves Berendse & Emma Heesters - Alleen Met Jou
Details De Poema's & Snelle - Op Jou Heb Ik Gewacht
Details Marshmello & Jonas Brothers - Slow Motion
Details David Guetta & Alesso feat. Madison Love - Never Going Home Tonight
Details Sabrina Carpenter - Taste
Details Yves Berendse - Vandaag Ben Ik Van Jou