To Make My Life Beautiful
Alex Harvey
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'To Make My Life Beautiful' is een countrynummer; het was de grootste en in Nederland de enige hit van Alex Harvey. Het nummer gaf aanleiding tot veel verwarring. Velen waren in de veronderstelling dat dit een vroege opname was van de Schotse rockmuzikant Alex Harvey en kwamen bedrogen uit.
Titel A-kant
To Make My Life Beautiful
Lengte A-kant
Componist(en) A-kant
Alex Harvey
Titel B-kant
Jesus Man
Lengte B-kant
Componist(en) B-kant
Alex Harvey
5C 006-81 257
The dawn creeps 'cross the pillow
Where the face of an angel
Lies cradled in a nest of tangled hair
And the smile of contentment
On your face while you been sleepin'
Keeps me going, makes me know just why I'm here
And I don't believe you'll ever find
A tought will ever cross my mind to leave
I'd die from loneliness
I need your onlyness
A place for my soul to rest
Yes, I need your love
To make my life beautiful
The alarmclock rings at seven and I feel a stir beside me
I hear your gentle footsteps on the floor
I raise up from my pillow just in time to catch a small glimpse
Of a housecoat swishing through the kitchen door
And I don't believe you'll ever find
A tought will ever cross my mind to leave
I'd die from loneliness
I need your onlyness
A place for my soul to rest
Yes, I need your love
To make my life beautiful
I watch my shaving razor gliding smoothly on the face
Of a happy man who loves to live at home
And the sweetest voice I ever heard is calling me to breakfast
I don't know how I made it on my own
And I don't believe you'll ever find
A tought will ever cross my mind to leave
I'd die from loneliness
I need your onlyness
A place for my soul to rest
Yes, I need your love
To make my life beautiful