
Those Were The Days

Mary Hopkin / Sandie Shaw


Top 40


Top 40


Top 40


Top 40

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Mary Hopkin – Those Were The Days [Apple APPLE 2 | Parlophone] (45 toerensingle)
(Words and Music by Gene Raskin)
(Produced by: Paul McCartney)
(Arranged by: Richard Hewson)
(Published ℗ 1968)
[N° 1-hit in Groot-Brittannië] (Record Retailer)
[N° 1-hit in Ierland] (IRMA)
[N° 1-hit in Denemarken] (Billboard - Hits of the World)
[N° 1-hit in Finland] (Billboard - Hits of the World)
[N° 1-hit in Noorwegen] (VG-lista)
[N° 1-hit in Zweden] (Billboard - Hits of the World)
[N° 1-hit in Vlaams-België] (Humo Top 20)
[N° 1-hit in Waals-België] (Ultratop 50 Wallonia)
[N° 1-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland] (Der Musikmarkt)
[N° 1-hit in Frankrijk] (C.I.D.D)
[N° 1-hit in Luxemburg] (Radio Luxembourg Top 30 - Radio Luxembourg - 208 meter (1440 kHz) (English-language service)
[N° 1-hit in Zwitserland] (Schweizer Hitparade)
[N° 1-hit in Spanje] (AFE)
[N° 1-hit in Polen] (Billboard - Hits of the World)
[N° 1-hit in Canada] (RPM)
[N° 1-hit in Nieuw-Zeeland] (New Zealand Broadcasting)
[N° 1-hit in Japan] (Oricon Hot Singles)
[N° 1-hit in Singapore] (Radio Singapore)
[N° 2-hit in Nederland] (Veronica Top 40 - Radio Veronica - 192 meter (1562 kHz)
[N° 2-hit in Oostenrijk] (Ö3 Austria Top 40)
[N° 2-hit in Amerika] (Billboard Hot 100)
[N° 2-hit in Australië (Kent Music Report)
[N° 2-hit in Zuid-Afrika] (Springbok)

{Nostalgia Classic Song radiostation KEZW Studio 1430 AM Denver, Colorado} {Classic Song op radiostation Cruisin' 1430 AM in Denver, Colorado} {Classic Song op Radio Station KAAM 770 AM Legends in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas} {Timeless Classic Song op radiostation KIXI (880 AM) Mercer Island-Seattle, Washington} {Classic Song op Harm ten Brinks radiostation Extra AM 1332 kHz in Amsterdam, Nederland} {Classic Song op radiostation Radio Mi Amigo International (Costa Blanca in Spanje 92.3 en 106.0 FM. Uitzendend vanuit Kall in de Eiffel, dagelijks op de kortegolf: van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 6 uur 's avonds, met een eigen zender op 6085 kHz in de 49 meterband en op de middengolf via de zender Riga in Letland op 1467 AM, gericht op Scandinavië, de Baltische staten en Noord-Duitsland} {Classic Song op Hendrik van Nellestijns internetstation Radio Mi Amigo (Live vanaf de Spaanse Costa), Alfaz del Pi, Costa Blanca, España}

Het origineel is van:

1925: Тамара Церетели (Tamara Tsereteli) (музыка: Борисом Фоминым (Borisom Fominym) / слова: Константином Подревским (Konstantin Podrevsky) als Дорогой длинною (Daroga dlinnaja) [MusTrust 3010] (78-toerenplaat) (Russische versie)


Those Were The Days is een liedje gecomponeerd door Boris Fomin (1900-1948), echter toegeschreven aan Gene Raskin, die een nieuwe Engelse tekst toevoegde aan Fomins Russische romantieklied Дорогой длинною (Daroga dlinnaja) op tekst van dichter Konstantin Podrevsky (1888-1930).

Het liedje is in 1925 voor het eerst op de plaat gezet door een toenmalige diva uit Georgië: Tamara Tsereteli. In die tijd, tijdens het regime van Jozef Stalin, draagt de tekst een nogal antirevolutionair sentiment uit. Het genre dat Tamara Tsereteli vertolkt, is in 1929 bij wet verboden in Rusland, aangezien Josef Stalin het als decadent bestempelt. Inmiddels heeft een ander Russisch fenomeen, Alexander Vertinsky, zijn versie ook op plaat gezet in 1926. In 1927 verschijnt een Finse uitvoering van Martti Caram op de markt, in de jaren vijftig in het Fins dunnetjes overgedaan door Annikki Tahtiand.

Het nummer verschijnt in de Brits/Franse film Innocents In Paris uit 1953, waarin met de originele Russische tekst wordt gezongen door de Russische tzigane-zangeres Ludmila Lopato. De opname van Mary Hopkin uit 1968 - met de tekst van Gene Raskin - is een hit op een groot deel van het noordelijk halfrond. Op de meeste opnames van het nummer wordt Raskin genoemd als de enige schrijver, ook al schrijft hij alleen de latere Engelse teksten (die geen Engelse vertaling zijn van de Russische teksten) en niet de muziek.

In de eerste helft van de jaren zestig spelen Raskin en zijn vrouw Francesca volksmuziek op locaties rond Greenwich Village in New York, waaronder de White Horse Tavern. Raskin, die is opgegroeid met het liedje, schrijft nieuwe Engelse teksten op de oude Russische muziek en legt auteursrecht vast op zowel de muziek als de tekst om zijn eigen naam als songwriter te vermelden. The Limeliters brengen vervolgens een opname van het nummer uit op hun elpee Folk Matinee in 1962.

De Raskins zijn internationale artiesten en spelen elk jaar in de Londonse nachtclub Blue Angel waarbij ze altijd als uitsmijter (het laatste nummer in hun show) afsluiten met Those Were The Days. Paul McCartney bezoekt de club en is behoorlijk onder de indruk van het nummer. Hij probeert tevergeefs verschillende zangers en groepen, waaronder de vroege Moody Blues, zover te krijgen dat ze het zullen opnemen. Nadat de Beatles een eigen platenmaatschappij oprichten, Apple Records, neemt McCartney contact op met Mary Hopkin, die het nummer gaat uitvoeren in de Abbey Road Studios in Londen. Later zegt hij: "Ik vind het erg pakkend, het heeft iets, het is een goede behandeling van nostalgie ... (Hopkin) pakt het heel gemakkelijk op, alsof ze het al jaren weet." Het nummer wordt uiteindelijk in meer dan twintig talen en door veel verschillende artiesten opgenomen.

De Welshe zangeres Mary Hopkin covert Those Were The Days als haar debuutsingle in 1968. Hopkins opname is een productie van Paul McCartney met een arrangement van Richard Hewson. Those Were The Days is ook terug te vinden op Hopkins debuutalbum Post Card uit 1969. Het wordt een nummer 1-hit in de Britse hitparade en Canada. In de Verenigde Staten blijft het op de 2de plaats steken in de Billboard Hot 100, omdat Hey Jude van de Beatles net iets meer verkoopt. Those Were The Days is tevens de eerste nummer 1-hit van de eerste editie van een nieuwe Franse Nationale Hitparade, C.I.D.D (Centre d'information et de documentation du disque), de eerste hitlijst die gebaseerd is op verkoopcijfers. In Nederland staat het vijf weken op rij op de 2de plaats in de Top 40. Op de B-kant van de plaat in zowel het Verenigd Koninkrijk als de Verenigde Staten staat een cover van Pete Seegers "Turn! Turn! Turn!", een Amerikaanse nummer 1-hit voor The Byrds in 1965.

Paul McCartney laat Those Were The Days door Mary Hopkin in andere talen zingen: in het Spaans (Qué tiempo tan feliz), Duits (An jenem Tag), Italiaans (Quelli erano giorni) en Frans (Le temps des fleurs). De niet-Engelse teksten zijn ook opgenomen door Dalida en Sandie Shaw.

Hopkins versie wordt uitgebracht na haar succes in de Britse tv-talentenjacht Opportunity Knocks. Rond de tijd dat het nummer op de markt verschijnt, wordt de populaire zangeres Sandie Shaw benaderd om het nummer ook op de plaat te zetten, haar management is van mening dat het door een 'echte' zangeres moet worden gedaan. Shaws versie wordt inderdaad op single uitgebracht, maar evenaart het succes van Hopkins uitvoering niet.

Op het hoogtepunt van het succes van het nummer gebruikt een bedrijf uit New York de melodie in een reclamespot voor gefilte fisj van Rokeach, met het argument dat het deuntje een oud Russisch volksdeuntje is en daarom in het publieke domein valt. De commercial bevat de regel "The perfect dish, Rokeach Gefilte Fish", waar het Engelstalige lied luidt: "Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days". Raskin heeft met succes een rechtszaak aangespannen en een schikking gewonnen, omdat hij het deuntje enigszins heeft aangepast aan zijn teksten en een geldig nieuw auteursrecht heeft afgesloten.


Wist je dat?

1926: Александр Вертинский (Alexander Vertinsky, Tenor s Akkompanement Piano) (Russian Vocal) als Дорогой длинною (Daroga dlinnaja) [Columbia 20337-F] (78 toerensingle) (Russische versie)

1959: Theodore Bikel and Geula Gill (Production Supervisor, Jac Holzman) (Engineer, David B. Jones) (Musical Supervisor, Fred Hellerman) als Darogoy dalnoyu (Russian) (lp: Folk Songs from Just About Everywhere) [Elektra EKL-161]

N° 21-albumhit in Amerika voor The Limeliters (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Neely Plumb) (Recorded at Webster Hall, New York City) als Those Were the Days op 27 oktober 1962 (lp: Folk Matinee) [RCA Victor LPS 2547]

N° 1-hit Frankrijk (Hit-Parade RTL (Radio Télévision Luxembourg) voor Dalida (Version originale: Gene Raskin / Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay) ("Le temps des fleurs" Arrangements et direction musicale: Guy Motta) als Le temps des fleurs op 16 november 1968 (ep: Le temps des fleurs) [Barclay 71 296] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Franse versie)

N° 1-hit Frankrijk (C.I.D.D (Centre d'information et de documentation du disque) voor Mary Hopkin (Version originale: Gene Raskin / Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay) (Arrangements et direction musicale: Guy Motta) (Production: Paul McCartney) als Le temps des fleurs (Those were the days) op 21 november 1968 (ep: Le temps des fleurs) [Barclay 71 296] (45 toerensingle) (Franse versie)

N° 2-hit in Nederland voor Sandie Shaw (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Arranged & Conducted by Ken Woodman) als Those Were the Days op 28 september 1968 [Pye 7N.17611] (45 toerensingle)

N° 37 easylisteninghit in Amerika voor The Larry Page Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Larry Page) als Those Were the Days op 14 december 1968; B-kant van Hey Jude [Page One 21,010] (45 toerensingle)

1968: 悲しき天使 / ヘイ・ジュード (Akemi Hirokawa) (Gene Raskin / Adapt.: Kenji Sazanami) als 悲しき天使 (Those Were the Days) [Express EP-1131] (45 toerensingle) (Japanse versie)

1968: Al Hirt (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Paul Robinson) als Those Were the Days; B-kant van The Garbage [RCA Victor 47-9664] (45 toerensingle)

1968: Anita Hirvonen (Säv. & san. Gene Raskin / suom. san. Juha Vainio / sov. Antti Hyvärinen) (orkesterin johto: Antti Hyvärinen) (Tuotanto: Antti Hyvärinen) als On nuoruus haihtuva - Those were the days - [Philips 340 827 PF] (45 toerensingle) (Finse versie)

1968: Anita Lindblom (Musik och engelsk text: Gene Raskin / svensk text: Olle Bergman) (Sven-Olof Walldoff med sin kör & orkester) als Ja, det var då... [CBS - CBS 3360] (45 toerensingle) (Zweedse versie)

1968: Augusto Algueró y su orquesta (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (Qué tiempo tan feliz) (lp: Augusto Algueró y su orquesta) [Polydor 0520 SFLP]

1968: Ay-feri (İngilizce şarkı sözleri ve müzik: Gene Raskin Gene Raskin / Türkçe söz: Edvart Saatçı) (Orkestra: Yalçın Ateş 6'lısı) als Yalan dünya (Those were the days) [Aras M. 308] (45 toerensingle) (Turkse versie)

1968: Belina (Musik: Gene Raskin / Originaltext: Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) als An jenem Tag (Those Were the Days) [Polydor 53 079] (45 toerensingle) (Duitse versie)

1968: Belina (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: José Carreras) als ¡Que tiempo tan feliz! (Those Were the Days) [Polydor 60 037] (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1968: Βίκυ (Gene Raskin / Γαλλική προσαρμογή: Eddy Marnay) als Les temps des fleurs (lp: Βίκυ) [Philips 630 149 PL]

1968: Dalida (Musik: Gene Raskin / Originaltext: Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) als An jenem Tag... (Those Were the Days) [Barclay M 25 090] (45 toerensingle) (Duitse versie)

1968: Dalida (Version originale: Gene Raskin / Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay) ("Le temps des fleurs" Arrangements et direction musicale: Guy Motta) als Le temps des fleurs (lp: Le temps des fleurs) [Barclay 80.378] (Franse versie)

1968: Dalida (Testo italiano: Daiano / Testi e musica in inglese: Gene Raskin) (Produzione: Paolo Dossena) (Arrangiamento e direzione d'orchestra di Guy Motta) als Quelli erano giorni [Barclay 45BN 7031] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1968: דוד עשת (David Eshet) als פארביי די טעג (Those Were the Days) (lp: די נייעסטע לידער אין יידיש) (The Latest Songs in Yiddish) [DRG Recordings GIL 0120] (Jiddische versie)

1968: Duncan Lamont and His Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Musical Arrangements: Duncan Lamont) (Supervision: Monty Babson) (Musical Arrangements: Duncan Lamont) (Engineer: Terry Brown) (Recorded at Morgan Recording Studios-London) als Those Were the Days (lp: This Guy) [Morgan MR. SAM 2]

1968: Ed Maciel e Sua Orquestra (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (lp: Ed Maciel e Sua Orquestra Vol. 5) [London LLB-1.040]

1968: Elaine Delmar (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Geoffrey Heath) als Those Were the Days (lp: Sneakin' Up on You) [CBS S 63511]

1968: Ernie Heckscher and his Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Sound Engineer - Ami Hadani) (Assistants - Cliff Goldsmith, Angel Balestier) (Engineered and Mixed at T.T.G. Sunset Highland Studios, Hollywood) als Those Were the Days (lp: Those Were the Days) [Earl Records EHS 1600]

1968: Erol Büyükburç (Türkçe söz: Anonim) als Bu ne yalan dünya; B-kant van Almila [Pathé YM 04 45-PT 585 | EMI] (45 toerensingle) (Turkse versie)

1968: Franck Pourcel et son grand orchestre (Gene Raskin / Adaptation française: Eddy Marnay) als Le temps des fleurs (Those were the days) (lp: « Amour danse et violons - N°32 ») [La voix de son maître SHTX 340.797 | Pathé Marconi]

1968: Gigliola Cinquetti (Testo italiano: Daiano / Testi e musica in inglese: Gene Raskin) (Orchestra Franco Monaldi) als Quelli erano i giorni [CGD N 9692] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1968: Gitte Hænning (Original engelsk tekst og musik: Gene Raskin / Dansk tekst: Victor Skaarup) (Kor og orkester under ledelse af Ole Høyer) als De glade år (Those were the days); B-kant van Vi danser (Azurro) [His Master's Voice X 9015 | EMI] (45 toerensingle) (Deense versie)

1968: Gitte Hænning (Original engelsk tekst og musik: Gene Raskin / Dansk tekst: Victor Skaarup) ("De glade år Ole" Høyer's orkester og kor) als De glade år (Those were the days) (lp: Favoritter) [Odeon BOKS 37] (Deense versie)

1968: Gran Orquesta Hispania (Gene Raskin) (Director: Juan Antonio Bou) als Qué tiempo tan feliz (lp: Palobal orquestal nº 4 - Explosión de éxitos) [Palobal PH - 1.037]

1968: Imca Marina met koor en orkest o.l.v. Jack Bulterman (Engelse tekst en muziek: Gene Raskin / Nederlandse tekst: Tineke de Nooy) als Dagen van geluk (Those Were the Days) [Philips JF 334 558] (45 toerensingle)

1968: Jo Ann Castle (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Frank Scott) (Recorded at Annex Studios) (Engineer: Thorne Nogar) als Those Were the Days (lp: Those Were the Days) [Ranwood R-8043]

1968: Joelma com Orquestra Chantecler (Gene Raskin / versão: Fred Jorge) (Arranjos e regência: Willy Join) als Aqueles tempos (Onde estão aqueles dias?) "Those Were the Days" [Chantecler C-33.734] (33⅓ toerenplaat) (Portugese versie)

1968: Jose Guardiola (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: José Carreras) als Que tiempo tan feliz (Those were the days) (ep: Que tiempo tan feliz) [Vergara 10.065-C] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1968: Kathy Shannon (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) als Those Were The Days; B-kant van Girl Watcher van The Chords [Hit Records 346] (45 toerensingle)

1968: Kirsti Sparboe med Oddvar Sanne og Arne Bendiksen (Musikk og original engelsk tekst: Gene Raskin / Norsk tekst: Arne Bendiksen) als Ja, det var tider (Those Were the Days) (lp: Tre i parken) [Triola TNLPS 25] (Noorse versie)

1968: Le grand orchestre de Paul Mauriat (Gene Raskin) (Réalisation: Paul Guiot) (Prise de son: Frank Giboni) (Assistant: Roland Guillotel) als Le temps des fleurs "Those were the days" (lp: Cent mille chansons) [Philips 844.913 BY]

1968: Lena Hansson (Musik och engelsk text: Gene Raskin / svensk text: Olle Bergman) (Claes Rosendahls orkester) als Ja, det var då... (Those Were the Days) [Columbia DS 2404 | EMI] (45 toerensingle) (Zweedse versie)

1968: Leo Leandros (Musik + Originaltext: Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) (Orchester Arno Flor) als An jenem Tag (Those Were the Days) [Philips 384 564 PF] (45 toerensingle) Duitse versie)

1968: Leo Leandros (Gene Raskin / Adapt.: Θανάσης Τσόγκας) als Χαμένα όνειρα "Those were the days" [Philips 6299] (45 toerensingle) (Griekse versie)

1968: Los Cinco Musicales (adaptación española: José Carreras ) als Que tiempo tan feliz (lp: Los Cinco Musicales) [Palobal PH-1034] (Spaanse versie)

1968: Los Sprinters (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: José Carreras) als Que tiempo tan feliz (Those were the days) [Fontana 272 373] (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1968: Maria (Album devised and directed by Derek Hannan) (Orchestra arranged and conducted by Werner Krupski) (Produced by John S. Norwell) als Those Were The Days (lp: Goodbye Jimmy Goodbye) [Columbia JSX 11134 | EMI]

1968: Martha Raye (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Neely Plumb) (Creative Consultant: Artie Malvin, Ami Hadani) (Musical Coordination: Jack Elton) (Recording Engineers: Jack Hunt & Rafael Valentin) (Record at TTG Inc. Studios Hollywood, California) ("Those Were the Days") Arranged and Conducted by Mort Garson) als Those Were the Days on Carol Burnett & Martha Raye (lp: Together Again for the First Time) [Tetragrammaton T-106]

1968: Mary Hopkin (Musik + Originaltext: Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) als An jenem Tag (Those Were the Days) [Apple O 23 910] (45 toerensingle) (Duitse versie)

1968: Mary Hopkin (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: José Carreras [no acreditado] (Arreglo: Richard Hewson) (Producido por: Paul McCartney) als Que tiempo tan feliz « Those were the days » [Apple Records H-380 | Hispavox] (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1968: Mary Hopkin (Italian lyrics: Daiano / English Words and music: Gene Raskin) (Producer: Paul McCartney) (Arranger: Richard Hewson) als Quelli erano giorni ("Those were the days") [Apple 2] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1968: Miguel Ramos (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days "Qué tiempo tan feliz" (lp: Miguel Ramos órgano Hammond y orquesta 5) [Hispavox HH 11-159]

1968: Natércia Barreto (Letra e música em ingles: Gene Raskin / adaptação portuguesa: Maria José Arriaga) als Primavera do amor « Those were the days » (ep: Primavera do amor) [Parlophone LGEP 4040] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Portugese versie)

1968: Nena Ivošević (Engleski tekst i glazba: Gene Raskin / Hrvatski tekst: Svetislav Vuković / Aranžmani: Svetislav Vuković) (Peva Nena Ivošević sa ansamblom) als To su bili dani (ep: To su bili dani) [Diskos EDK-3096] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Servische versie)

1968: Ömür Göksel als (Söz. ve okuyan: Ömür Göksel) (Ferdy Klein Orkestrası) als Sen Kadehlerdesin (Those Were the Days) [Türkofon | Universal 1513] (45 toerensingle) (Turkse versie)

1968: Orchester Pete Danby (Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) (Les Reed - Barry Mason) als An jenem Tag Delilah (lp: Hit-Parade '68) [Grammoclub Ex Libris XL 171 006]

1968: Päivi Paunu (Säv. & san. Gene Raskin / suom. san. Reino Bäckman) als Oi niitä aikojae - Those Were the Days - [Columbia MY 154] (45 toerensingle) (Finse versie)

1968: Peter Alexander (Musik + Originaltext: Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) ("An jenem Tag" Orchester Hagen Galatis) als An jenem Tag (Those Were the Days) (lp: Zwischen Moskau und Nischni-Nowgorod) [Marcato 92 394 | Ariola] (Duitse versie)

1968: Phyllis Newman (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Recorded at Bell Sound Studios, New York City on October 26th and October 30th, 1968) (Engineer: Neil Ceppos) (Arranger: Arnold Goland) (Produced by: Arnold Goland, Richard Gottehrer and Seymour Stein) als Those Were the Days (lp: Those Were the Days) [Sire SES 97002 | London]

1968: Pop Five Music Inc. als Those Were The Days (ep: Those Were the Days) [Orfeu ATEP 6289] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle)

1968: Radmila Karaklajić (Engleski tekst i muzika: Gene Raskin / Hrvatski tekst: Radmila Karaklajić / Aranžmani: Vojkan Borisavljević) (Ansambl: Dragana Tomljanovića) (Dirigent: Vojkan Borisavljević) als To su bili dani (ep: To su bili dani) [Jugoton EPY-4114] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Servische versie)

1968: Raymond Lefèvre et son grand orchestre (Gene Raskin / Adaptation française: Eddy Marnay) als Le temps des fleurs (Those were the days) (lp: Raymond Lefèvre et son grand orchestre - N° 7) [Riviera 521 096]

1968: 森山 良子 (Ryoko Moriyama) (Gene Raskin / Adapt.: 漣健児 (Kenji Sazanami) als 悲しき天使 (Those Were the Days) [Philips FS-1068] (Japanse versie)

1968: Sandie Shaw (Musik + Originaltext: Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) als An jenem Tag (Those Were the Days) [RCA Victor 47-15075] (45 toerensingle) (Duitse versie)

1968: Sandie Shaw (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: José Carreras) (Producido por: Eve Taylor) als Que tiempo tan feliz « Those were the days » (ep: Sandie Shaw canta en español) [Hispavox H-381 (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1968: Sandie Shaw (Testo italiano: Daiano / Testi e musica in inglese: Gene Raskin) als Quelli erano giorni [RCA Victor 45N 1562] (Italiaanse versie)

1968: Sanjalice (Engleski tekst i glazba: Gene Raskin / Hrvatski tekst: Ljiljana Mandić) (Vokalno-instrumentalni sastav »Sanjalice«) als To su bili dani (Those Were the Days) (ep: Marijana) [Beograd Disk EVK-1018] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Servische versie)

1968: Semiramis Pekkan ve Yalçın Ateş 6 (Türkçe söz: Fecri Ebcioğlu / İngilizce şarkı sözleri ve müzik: Gene Raskin) (Arr. Norayr Demirci) als Bu ne biçim hayat (Those were the days) [Columbia Plak 45-RTAS 0890 | EMI] (45 toerensingle) (Turkse versie)

1968: Shuly Natan (Arranged & conducted by Shuly Nathan) als כאלה היו הימים (Ka'ele hayou hayamim) (Those Were the Days) [הד ארצי Hed-Arzi 45-597] (45 toerensingle) (Hebreeuwse versie)

1968: Stanley Turrentine (Gene Raskin) (Stanley Turrentine, tenor sax) (Burt Collins, flugelhorn) (Jim Buffington, french horn) (Dick Berg, french horn) (Jimmy Cleveland, trombone) (Jerry Dodgion, alto sax flute and clarinet) (Jerome Richardson, tenor sax, flute and clarinet) (Kenny Burrell, guitar) (Hank Jones, piano) (Mickey Roker, drums on "Those Were the Days") (Arrangements by Thad Jones) (Produced by Duke Pearson) (Recording by A & R Recordings, Inc.) als Those Were the Days (lp: Always Something There) [Blue Note BST 84298]

1968: "Stroke of Genius" Charlie Byrd (Gene Raskin) (Personnel - Teo Macero, conductor) (Charlie Byrd, guitar) (Mario Darpino, flute) (Chuck Rainey, Fender bass) (Bernard Purdie, drums) (Paul Griffin, organ and piano) ("Those Were the Days" Specs Powell, percussion) (Vinnie Bell, electric guitar) (Produced, Arranged and Conducted by Teo Macero) (Engineering: Stan Tonkel, John Guerriere and Arthur Kendy) als Those Were the Days (lp: The Great Byrd) [Columbia CS 9747]

1968: The Dutch Swing College Band o.l.v. Peter Schilperoort (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days [Philips ‎334 623 JF] (45 toerensingle)

1968: The Golden Ring (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) als Those Were The Days (lp: Those Were the Good Old Days) [Arc AS 797]

1968: The U.S. Double Quartet (The Tokens & The Kirby Stone Four) (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Members: Hank Medress, Philip Margo, Mitchell Margo, Jay Siegel, Kirby Stone, Larry Foster, Eddie Hall, Michael Gardner) (Produced by The Tokens) als Those Were the Days (lp: Life Is Groovy) [B.T. Puppy Records BTPS-1005]

1968: The Zack Laurence Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (A This Production) als Those Were the Days [Hansa Record 14 160 AT] (45 toerensingle)

1968: Vicky Leandros (Version originale: Gene Raskin / Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay) ("Le temps des fleurs" Orchestre: Arno Flor) als Le temps des fleurs (lp: Le temps des fleurs) [RCA Victor PCS 1214] (Franse versie)

1968: Violeta Rivas con Lucio Milena y orquesta (adaptación española: Artur Kaps - José Carreras) als Aquellos fueron los días (lp: El picaflor y la rosa) [RCA Victor AVL-3823] (Spaanse versie)

1968: Yvette Horner (Romuald Figuier - Pascal Sevran et Jean Delleme) als Le temps des fleurs (ep: Una canzone) [Pathé 45 EG 1089 | EMI | Pathé Marconi] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle)

1968: Zdenka Vučković (Glazba i engleski tekst: Gene Raskin / Hrvatski tekst: Zdenka Vučković - Krešimir Oblak) (Zabavni orkestar i vokalni kvartet » Admira «) (Dirigent i aranžer Krešimir Oblak) (Vokalno-instrumentalni ansambl » Indeski «) als Gdje su dani ti (Those Where are the days) (ep: Gdje su dani ti) [Jugoton EPY-4121] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Kroatische versie)

N° 1-albumhit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor James Last (Potpourri) als (a.) Little Arrows (Albert Hammond - Mike Hazlewood) / (b.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) / (c.) Du mußt mit den Wimpern klimpern (James Last - Renate Kern) in 1969 (lp: Non Stop Dancing 8) [Polydor 249 294]

N° 1-albumhit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor James Last (Potpourri) als (a.) Little Arrows (Albert Hammond - Mike Hazlewood) / (b.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) / (c.) Du mußt mit den Wimpern klimpern (James Last - Renate Kern) in 1969 (lp: Non Stop Dancing 69) [Polydor 249 294]

N° 2-albumhit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor Alexandra (Musik + Text: Gene Raskin) (Production: Fred Weyrich) ("Those Were the Days" Chor und Orchester: Boris Jojić) als Those Were the Days in 1969 (lp: Sehnsucht - Ein Portrait in Musik) [Philips ‎844 357 PY]

N° 2-hit in Frankrijk (C.I.D.D (International) (Centre d'information et de documentation du disque) voor Ivan Rebroff (Version originales: Gene Raskin / Texte russe: Jeoff Vegoda - Joan Maitland - Ivan Rebroff / Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay) (Chante en russe) als Le temps des fleurs (Takiyeh dni, moi drug) (Those were the days) (℗ 1968) op 23 januari 1969 [CBS ‎3660] (45 toerensingle) (Russische versie)

N° 2-albumhit in Amerika voor The 5th Dimension (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Production & Sound by Bones Howe) (Arranged by Bob Alcivar, Bill Holman & Bones Howe) (Production Assistant: Ann McClelland) (Engineered by Bones Howe in the outstanding 8 track facilities of Wally Heider, Studio 3, Inc., Hollywood, California and United Recording of Las Vegas, Nevada) als Those Were the Days op 28 juni 1969 (lp: The Age of Aquarius) [Soul City SCS-92005]

N° 3-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Mary Hopkin (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Producer: Paul McCartney) als Those Were the Days op 23 februari 1969 (lp: Post Card) [Apple SAPCOR 5]

N° 21-albumhit in Amerika voor Bobby Vinton (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Billy Sherrill) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged by Bill McElhiney) als Those Were the Days (℗ 1968) op 22 februari 1969 (lp: I Love How You Love Me) [Epic BN 26437]

N° 23-hit in Waals-België voor Tina (Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay / Version originale: Gene Raskin) als Le temps des fleurs (Those were the days) op 16 november 1968 [Disques Vogue VB.083] (45 toerensingle) (Franse versie)

N° 28-albumhit in Amerika voor Mary Hopkin (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Paul McCartney) (Recorded in England) als Those Were the Days op 19 april 1969 (lp: Post Card) [Apple ST-3351]

N° 55-albumhit in Amerika voor Lawrence Welk and his Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Produced by: George Cates, Lawrence Welk, Randy Wood) (Arrangements by: Frank Scott, S.K. Grundy, Joe Rizzo) (Recorded at Annex Studios) (Engineer: Thorne Nogar) als Those Were the Days op 14 juni 1969 (lp: Galveston) [Ranwood RLP 8049]

N° 60-albumhit in Amerika voor Johnny Mathis (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Robert Mersey) (Arranged and Conducted by Robert Mersey) (Engineering: Rafael O. Valentin) als Those Were the Days (℗ 1968) op 1 maart 1969 (lp: Those Were the Days) [Columbia CS 9705]

N° 60-albumhit in Amerika voor Roger Williams (Gene Raskin) (Arranged by Roger Williams) ("Those Were the Days" Orchestrated & Conducted by Frank Hunter) (Produced by Hy Grill) (Engineer: Ami Hadani) als Those Were the Days op 28 juni 1969 (lp: Happy Heart) [Kapp KS-3595]

N° 73-albumhit in Amerika voor Mantovani and His Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Producer: Tony D'Amato) (Engineer: Arthur Lilley) als Those Were the Days op 31 mei 1969 (lp: The Mantovani Scene [London PS 548]

N° 77-albumhit in Amerika voor Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Artistic Management and direction: Paul Guiot) (Recording Engineer: Frank Gidoni) als Those Were the Days op 12 april 1969 (lp: Doing My Thing) [Philips PHS-600-292]

N° 88-albumhit in Amerika voor Percy Faith His Orchestra And Chorus (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Jack Gold) (Arranged and Conducted by Percy Faith) (Engineering: Jack Lattig) als Those Were the Days op 29 maart 1969 (lp: Those Were the Days) [Columbia CS 9762]

N° 90-albumhit in Amerika voor Jerry Vale (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Wally Gold) (Arranged and Conducted by Joe Gardner) (Engineering: Stan Tonkel, Don Meehan) als Those Were the Days op 29 maart 1969 (lp: Till) [Columbia CS 9757]

N° 101-albumhit in Amerika voor Ray Conniff And The Singers (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Arranged and Conducted by Ray Conniff) (The Recording Sessions for This Album Were Supervised and Produced by Jack Gold) (The Sound Was Supervised by Bob Ballard) (Engineering: Jack Lattig) als Those Were the Days op 19 april 1969 (lp: I Love How You Love Me) [Columbia CS 9777]

N° 117-albumhit in Amerika voor Julius Wechter and The Baja Marimba Band (Gene Raskin) (Arranged by: Julius Wechter and Nick DeCaro) (Engineering: Ray Gerhardt) (Recorded at Annex Recording Studio) (Produced by: Allen Stanton) als Those Were the Days (℗ 1968) in 1969 (lp: Those Were the Days) [A&M Records SP-4167]

N° 135-albumhit in Amerika voor Robert Goulet (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Jimmy Wisner) (Arranged and Conducted by Frank Hunter) (Sound Supervision: Warren Vincent) (Engineering: Stan Tonkel, Jack Lattig, Peter Romano, Stan Weiss) als Those Were the Days op 21 juni 1969 (lp: Both Sides Now) [Columbia CS 9763]

N° 153-albumhit in Amerika voor John Davidson (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Tim O'Brien) (Arranged and Conducted by Everett Gordon) (Engineering: Stan Tonkel, Rafael O. Valentin) als Those Were the Days op 7 juni 1969 (lp: John Davidson) [Columbia CS 9795]

N° 162-albumhit in Amerika voor Bing Crosby with The Jimmy Bowen Orchestra and Chorus (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by: Jimmy Bowen) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged by: Jimmie Haskell) (Engineered by Amos: Eddie Brackett) als Those Were the Days op 19 april 1969 (lp: Hey Jude/Hey Bing!) [Amos Records, Inc. AAS-7001]

N° 167-albumhit in Amerika voor The Exotic Guitars (Gene Raskin) (Solo Guitar - Al Casey) (Recorded at Annex Studios - United Studios) (Engineers: Thorne Nogar - Don Blake) (Arranged & Conducted by Bill Justis) (Produced by Randy Wood) als Those Were the Days (℗ 1968) op 1 maart 1969 (lp: Those Were the Days) [Ranwood RLP 8040]

N° 186-albumhit in Amerika voor Pete Fountain (Gene Raskin) (Clarinet Solos with Instrumental Accompaniment) ("Those Were the Days" Recorded at Bradley's Barn, Nashville, Tennessee, engineered by Jerry Bradley) (Produced by Charles Bud Dant) als Those Were the Days op 12 april 1969 (lp: Those Were the Days [Coral CRL 757505]

1969: 101 Strings Plus Guitars Galore (Gene Raskin) (Recorded Under the Direction of: David L. Miller) als Those Were the Days (lp: Guitars Galore, Volume 2) [Alshire S-5141]

1969: Alan Peters His Piano & Rhythm (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (lp: Piano Hit Parade 1968) [Major Minor SGOL 203]

1969: Alena Tichá a RT-VOX J. Pekárka (Hudba a anglický text: Gene Raskin / Slovenský text: Ivan Úradníček) (Tanečný orchester bratislavského rozhlasu) (Diriguje: Miroslav Brož) (Z. televízna pořadu malá Hit-paráda) als Tie dni (Those Were the Days) [Supraphon 0 33 0446] (45 toerensingle) (Slowaakse versie)

1969: Anita Harris with The Mike Margolis Orchestra (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Mike Margolis) (Arranged by Alan Tew) als Those Were the Days (lp: Cuddly Toy) [CBS S 63927]

1969: Anita Lindblom (Musik och engelsk text: Gene Raskin / svensk text: Olle Bergman) (Sven-Olof Walldoff med sin kör & orkester) als Ja, det var då... (lp: Ja, det var då…) [CBS S 63493] (Zweedse versie)

1969: Art Heatlie (Personnel - Electric Saxophone: Art Heatlie) (Tenor Saxophone: Bez Martin) (Trumpets: Murray Campbell - Fanie van Staden) (Trombones: Teddy Hockin - Ron Snyder) (Organ / Piano / Vibes: Hennie Bekker - Ralph Baleson) (Guitars: Art de Villiers - Archie van der Ploeg) (Electric Bass: Bob Hill) (Drums: Roy Hanger) (Percussion: Ted Bowles) (Recording Engineer: Boet Pretorius) (Arranged and Produced by: Art Heatlie) (Recorded in the Studios of Gallo (Africa) Pty. Limited April 1969) als (a.) Little Arrows (Albert Hammond - Mike Hazlewood) / (b.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin) (lp: Saxophonics '69) [Trutone STO 705]

1969: Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Peter Dellheim) (Recording Engineer: Bernard Keville) ("Those Were the Days" Arrangements by Richard Hayman) als Those Were the Days (lp: Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Play the Beatles) [RCA Red Seal LSC-3117]

1969: Arthur Fiedler, Boston Pops (Gene Raskin / Arr.: Richard Hayman) (Arthur Fiedler, Conductor) (Produced by Peter Dellheim) (Recording Engineer: Bernard Keville) als Those Were the Days (lp: Those Were the Days - 42 All-Time Favorites) [RCA Red Seal ‎LSC-3261]

1969: Arthur Lyman (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (lp: The Winner's Circle) [HiFi Records SL-1039]

1969: Big Ben Hawaiian Band (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Norrie Paramor) als Those Were The Days (lp: Hawaiian Hit Parade) [Studio 2 Stereo TWO. 262 | EMI]

1969: Billy Ternent and His Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Ray Richardson) (Engineer: Arthur Bannister) (Assistant engineer: Martin Smith) als Those Were the Days (lp: That Unmistakable Sound) [Ace of Clubs SCL 1267]

1969: Billy Vaughn Singers (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Producer: Billy Vaughn) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged by Milt Rogers) (Engineer: Hank Cicalo) als Those Were the Days (lp: Look What I Found in the Attic) [Dot Records DLP 25,936]

1969: Chet Atkins (Gene Raskin) (Arranged by Bill McElhiney) (Producer: Bob Ferguson) als Those Were the Days; B-kant van Theme from "Zorba the Greek" [RCA Victor 47-9725] (45 toerensingle)

1969: Chet Atkins (Gene Raskin) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged by Chet Atkins and Bill McElhiney) (Produced by Bob Ferguson) (Recorded in RCA's "Nashville Sound" Studio, Nashville, Tennessee) (Recording Engineers: Al Pachucki and Bill Vandevort) als Those Were the Days (lp: Lover's Guitar) [RCA Victor LSP 4135]

1969: Colette (Testo italiano: Daiano / Testi e musica in inglese: Gene Raskin) (Complesso di Tony and Tony) als Quelli erano giorni; B-kant van Applausi van Peter [Applausi Kappa-O ES 20181] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1969: Cuco Sánchez (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: Elías Amibilis) (Producción, Arreglos y dirección de Fernando Z. Maldonado) als Esos fueron los dias (lp: El internacional) [CBS DCS-616] (Spaanse versie)

1969: Dalida (Paroles en italien: Daiano / Paroles et musique en anglais: Gene Raskin) (Chant italien) ("Quelli erano giorni" Arrangements et direction musicale: Guy Motta) als Quelli erano giorni (Those were the days) (lp: Canta in italiano) [Barclay 80 396] (Italiaanse versie)

1969: David Rose (Gene Raskin) (Produced by David Axelrod) als Those Were the Days (lp: Happy Heart) [Capitol ST-393 | EMI]

1969: Dexter Gordon (Gene Raskin) (Dexter Gordon, tenor saxophone) (James Moody, tenor saxophone) (Barry Harris, piano) (Buster Williams, bass) (Al "Tootie" Heath, drums) (Recording: George Klabin) (Produced by Don Schlitten) (Recording: George Klabin) (Produced by Don Schlitten) als Those Were the Days (lp: Tower of Power) [Prestige PRST 7623]

1969: Dimitri Dourakine et son orchestre cosaque (Gene Raskin / Adaptation française: Eddy Marnay) als Les temps des fleurs "Those were the days" (lp: Casatschok) [Philips 844.916 BY]

1969: Dunja Rajter (Originaltext und Musik: Gene Raskin / deutscher Text: Heinz Korn) (Aufgenommen im Studio Walldorf bei Frankfurt am Main) (Produktion: Gerd Schmidt) (Tonmeister: Hans Pfalzgraf) ("An jenem Tag" Arrangements: Mario Nardelli) als An jenem Tag (Those were the days) (lp: Dunja) [CBS S 63 374] (Duitse versie)

1969: Elaine Delmar (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged by Bob Cornford & Pat Smythe) (Produced by Geoffrey Heath) als Those Were the Days; B-kant van Why Can't I Go to Him [CBS 4017] (45 toerensingle)

1969: Fecri Ebcioğlu (Türkçe söz: Fecri Ebcioğlu) (Aranjman: Norayr Demirci) als Bu ne biçim hayat "Those Were the Days"; B-kant van Kimdir bu sevgili [Grafson MGZ-3662] (45 toerensingle) (Turkse versie)

1969: Franck Pourcel et son grand orchestre (Gene Raskin / Adaptation française: Eddy Marnay) als Those Were the Days (Le temps des fleurs) [La voix de son maître VF 517 | Pathé Marconi] (45 toerensingle)

1969: Gigliola Cinquetti (Testo italiano: Daiano / Testi e musica in inglese: Gene Raskin) (Arrangiamento & direzione: Franco Monaldi) als Quelli erano i giorni (lp: Il treno dell'amore) [CGD POP 75] (Italiaanse versie)

1969: Harangozó Teréz (Gene Raskin / Magyar szöveg: Péter Tardos) als Azok a szép napok [Qualiton SP 562] (45 toerensingle) (Hongaarse versie)

1969: Horst Wende und seine Accordeon-Band (Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Kor) als An jenem Tag (Those Were the Days) (lp: Accordeon in Gold) [Polydor 249 306]

1969: Hugo Winterhalter and His Orchestra als Those Were the Days (Instrumental) (lp: "Pop" Parade) [MusicO Records MDS 1013]

1969: Ivan Rebroff (Musik + Originaltext: Gene Raskin) als An jenem Tag (lp: Russische Party mit Ivan Rebroff) [CBS S 63944] (Russische versie)

1969: Ivan Roskov (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (lp: Casatschok) [Philips P 632.925 L]

1969: Jean Claudric et son grand orchestre (Version originale: Gene Raskin / Adaptation française: Eddy Marnay) (Productions: Raoul Breton) (Idées: Musicales) als als Les temps des fleurs (lp: I Love Claudric) [Disques Carrere 844.958 BY | Société Phonographique Philips]

1969: Joelma com Orquestra Chantecler (Letras em ingles: Gene Raskin / versão: Fred Jorge) (Arranjos e regência: Willy Join) (Direção artística: Braz Baccarin) (Técnico de som: Alberto Calçada) als Aquêles Tempos « Those Were the Days » (Onde estão aqueles dias?) (lp: Casatschok) [Chantecler CMG-2516] (Portugese versie)

1969: Juan Torres (Gene Raskin / adaptación española: Doris Band) als Aquellos fueron los días (lp: Órgano melódico - Vol. 7) [Musart ED 1426]

1969: Ladi Geisler (Gene Raskin) als An jenem Tag (Those Were the Days) (lp: Guitar à la carte - Folge 2) [Polydor 249 292]

1969: Lana Cantrell (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Arranged and Conducted by Chuck Sagle) (Produced by Mike Berniker) (Recorded in RCA's Studio B, New York City) (Recording Engineer: Mike Moran) als Those Were the Days (lp: The Now of Then!) [RCA Victor LSP-4121]

1969: Lenny Dee (Gene Raskin) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged by Jim Hall) als Those Were the Days (lp: Little Green Apples) [Decca DL 75112]

1969: Lissette (Adaptación española: Lissette Álvarez) (Orquesta Greg Segura) (Arreglos y Orquesta de: Greg Segura) (Producido por: Darío González) als Qué tiempo tan feliz (lp: Himno a la vida) [Borinquen DG-1120] (Spaanse versie)

1969: Living Voices (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Arranged and Conducted by Bob Armstrong) (Produced by Ethel Gabriel) (Recorded in RCA's Studio B, New York City) (Recording Engineer: Bob Simpson) als Those Were the Days (lp: Angel of the Morning) [RCA Camden CAS-2307]

1969: Los Massot (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: José Carreras) (Arreglos Orquestales de Miguel Massot) als Que tiempo tan feliz (lp: Vacaciones en España) [Fonal MM-S 1] (Spaanse versie)

1969: Los Rockin Devil's (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: Elías Amibilis) als Esos fueron los dias (lp: Esos fueron los días) [Orfeon LP-12-638] (Spaanse versie)

1969: Louis Bannet (Gene Raskin) (Arrangements: Thomas Legrady) (Producteur: Pierre Dubord) als Le temps des fleurs (Those were the days) (lp: "Altitude 737") [Capitol SQ-80.011]

1969: Margareta Pâslaru (Muzică și versuri în engleză: Gene Raskin / Text românesc: Margareta Pîslaru) (Orchestra: Cornel Popescu) (Voce: Margareta Pâslaru) als Azi vreau să rîd (ep: Boung-bang-a-bang) [Electrecord EDC 10.079] (45 toerensingle) (Roemeense versie)

1969: Matt Monro (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: José Carreras) (Cantado en español) als Que tiempo tan feliz "Those Were the Days" (lp: Alguien cantó) [Capitol Records ST-19006 | EMI] (Spaanse versie)

1969: Midnight String Quartet (Gene Raskin) (Produced by: Snuff Garrett) (Arranged by: Pete King) (Engineer: Hank Cicalo) (Recorded at Amigo Recording Studio, North Hollywood, California) als Those Were the Days (lp: Goodnight My Love and Other Rhapsodies for Young Lovers) [Viva V-36019]

1969: Mike Leander And His Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Mike Leander) (Recorded in England) als Those Were the Days (lp: A Time for Young Love) [Decca DL 75144]

1969: Milagros Lanty (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / versão cast. Castelhana - Poncho Molina) als Aquellos tiempos (Those Were the Days) [Continental CS-50.134] (7 inchsingle) (33⅓ toerenplaat) (Spaanse versie)

1969: Milan Bláha (Gene Raskin) (Hudební režie: Mojmír Balling, Rudolf Urbanec e Jindřich Bauer) (Zvuková režie: František Řebíček) (Technická spolupráce: Petr Kocfelda, Milan Svoboda, Jiří Rohan) als To byly dny (Those Where the Days) (lp: Milan Bláha hraje na elektrofonický akordeon) [Supraphon 1 16 0680]

1969: Päivi Paunu (Säv. & san. Gene Raskin / suom. san. Reino Bäckman) (Äänitys: Antti Joki - Finnvox Studio) (Sovitus: Seppo Rannikko) als Oi niitä aikojae -Those Were the Days - (lp: Päivi) [Columbia 5 E 062-34008 | EMI] (Finse versie)

1969: Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days [Philips 40594] (45 toerensingle)

1969: Peter Covent Band (Arrangements und Musikalische Leitung: Peter Covent) (Produktion und Gesamtleitung: Egon L. Frauenberger) (Tontechnik: Willi Schmidt - Trixi Tonstudio München) als (1.) Matilda (Norman Span) / (2.) Jeder Schotte (Heinz Meier - Fred Weyrich) / (3.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin) (lp: 28 Hits á Gogo 4) [Philips 844 361 PY]

1969: Phil Baugh (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Jesse Hodges) (Hollywood Sound Recorders) (Produced by Herb Newman) als Those Were the Days (lp: California Guitar) [Era Records HTE-801]

1969: Ray McVay and his World Ballroom Dancing Championship Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Arranger: Ray McVay) (Producer: Arthur Frewin) als Those Were the Days (lp: The Modern Way) [RCA Victor RD 8013]

1969: Roger Whittaker (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (With Orchestral Accompaniment directed by Leon Young) (Recording Engineer: John Mackswith) (Supervision: Denis Preston) als Those Were the Days (lp: This Is…) [Columbia SCX 6341 | EMI]

1969: Rolfo Richardson (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Ron Richards) als Those Were the Days (lp: Rolfo's Tabanka Rhythms) [Studio 2 Stereo TWO 252 | EMI | Columbia]

1969: Roy Drusky (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by: Jerry Kennedy) als Those Were the Days (lp: My Grass Is Green) [Mercury SR-61233]

1969: Sandie Shaw (Italian Lyrics by Daiano / English Words and Music by Gene Raskin) ("Quelli erano giorni" Orchestra directed by Ken Woodman) als Quelli erano giorni (Those Were the Days) (lp: Sandie Shaw Sings in Italian) [Pye PYC 2184] (Italiaanse versie)

1969: Serge Fontane als Le temps des fleurs (lp: Le temps des fleurs) [Amusement AS-16010 | Trans-World]

1969: Sergio Pérez y su órgano (Gene Raskin) als Esos fueron los días (Those were the days) (lp: Éxitos, éxitos, éxitos con el mejor organista de México) [CBS DCS-601]

1969: Skitch Henderson (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Esmond Edwards) (Arranged and Conducted by Richard Rome) (Engineering: Stan Tonkel and Stan Weiss) als Those Were the Days (lp: Honey Pie) [Columbia CS 9860]

1969: Steel Image (Gene Raskin) (John, Bass) (Scotty, Percussion) (Jamaica, Conga) (Melvin Hutchinson, Cellos, Arranger) (Neil, Lead Pan) (Kenny, Harmony Pan) (Channing, Tamborine, Percussion,) (Chili, American Drums) (Keith, Percussion) (Phoenix, Lead Pan) (Recorded at: Regent Sound Studios 9/17/69, Mirasound Studios 9/20/69) (Engineers: Bob Lifton, Ron Johnson) (Mixers: Bob Lifton, Lou Hahn) (A&R Director: Barry Seidel) (Produced by: Bob Wyld) als Those Were the Days (lp: Steel Image) [Fontana SRF-67609]

1969: The Allan Sisters (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Recorded at Sound Canada Recording Centre, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada) (Produced and Conducted by Art Snider) (Recording and Recording Engineer ◦ Ray Lawrence) (Electric Bass ◦ Paul LaChapelle) (Acoustic Guitar and Drums ◦ Mike Clancy) (Lead Guitar ◦ Ron Dove) (Piano, Organ, Harpsichord ◦ Art Snider) als Those Were the Days (lp: Jackie & Coralie) [Sound Canada SC 7704]

1969: The Happenings Four (Arranged by Kuni Kawachi) als Those Were the Days (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) / Love Is Blue (Music by André Popp / French Lyrics by Pierre Cour) (lp: Classical Elegance ~ Baroque 'n' Roll) [Capitol Records CPC-8008]

1969: The Larry Page Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Larry Page) (Saxophone from Bill Lewington) als Those Were the Days (lp: Instrumentally Yours) [Page One POLS 013]

1969: The London Pops Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Arranged and Conducted by John Macleod) (Produced by Tony Macaulay and John Macleod) (Musical Direction by John Macleod and Nicky Welsh) als Those Were the Days (lp: ... And Now the Second Movement) [Pye NSPL.18307]

1969: The Original Brasso Band (Gene Raskin) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged and Conducted by Johnny Scott) (Produced by John Burgess and George Martin) als Those Were the Days (lp: Bravo Brasso) [Studio 2 Stereo TWO 251 | EMI | Columbia]

1969: The Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (lp: Piano Strings) [Polydor 222 004]

1969: The Ray Charles Singers (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Ray Charles) (Arrangements by Ray Charles, Ian Freebairn-Smith, Al Capps) (Mastered by George Piros) als Those Were the Days (lp: Slices of Life) [Command 942 S | ABC Records]

1969: The Tymes (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Jimmy "Wiz Wisner) (Production Assistant: Billy Jackson) (Arranged and Conducted by Richard Rome) (Sound Supervised by Warren Vincent) (Engineering: Roy Halee, Fred Catero, Don Puluse, Stan Weiss) als Those Were the Days (lp: People) [Columbia CS 9778]

1969: The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra Directed by Buddy DeFranco (Gene Raskin) (A & R Supervision - Dick Weissman) (Engineering/Mastering - George Piros) (Produced by arrangement with David Mackay, Executor of the Glenn Miller Estate) als Those Were the Days (lp: Do You Wanna Dance) [Command Records 940 S | ABC Records]

1969: The Zack Laurence Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Arranged and Conducted by Zack Laurence) (Produced by Stephen James) (Recorded at Chappell's, Studio, London) als Those Were the Days (lp: I Will) [DJM Records DJMLPS.401]

1969: 小川知子 (Tomoko Ogawa) (Gene Raskin / Adapt.: Kenji Sazanami) als 悲しき天使 (Those Were the Days) (lp: 初恋のひと (Hatsukoi no hito) [Toshiba Records TP-7317] (Japanse versie)

1969: Tompall & The Glaser Brothers (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Jack Clement) (Arranged by Bergen White) (Director of Engineering: Val Valentin) als Those Were the Days (lp: Now Country) [MGM Records SE 4620]

1969: Tony Mottola (Gene Raskin) (Producer: Enoch Light) (Associate Producer: Julie Klages) (Director of Engineering: Phil Ramone) (Arrangements: Tony Mottola) als Those Were the Days (lp: Tony Mottola Joins the Guitar Underground) [Project 3 Total Sound Stereo PR 5035 SD]

1969: Unknown Artist (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (lp: New Chartbusters) [Marble Arch MAL 868]

1969: Unknown Artist (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (A B.W.D. Production) als Those Were the Days (lp: Twelve on One Volume Five) [Regal SREG 1118]

1969: Vaclav Petrus (Gene Raskin - Paul McCartney) (Orkiestra Polskiego Radio, dyr. Edward Czerny) als Those Were the Days (ep: Tam, kam chodi vitr spat) [Pronit N 0561] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle)

1969: Waldo de los Ríos y su orquesta (Gene Raskin) als Que tiempo tan feliz « Those were the days » (lp: El sonido mágico de Waldo de los Ríos y su Orquesta) [Hispavox HHS 11-167]

1969: Winifred Atwell (Gene Raskin) (Accompaniment Directed by Des Champ) (Production: Tommy Sanderson) als Those Were the Days (lp: Chartbusters) [Fontana SFL.13172]

1969: 木村好夫とザ・ビアーズ (Yoshio Kimura & His The Beards) (Gene Raskin) als 悲しき天使 (Those Were the Days) (lp: Good Night Baby) [Denon CD-5005]

1969: Yvetta Simonová (Originál hudba a text: Gene Raskin / Český text: Jiří Štaidl) (Karel Vlach se svým orchestrem) (Produkce: Miloslav Ducháč) als Mládí už je to tam (Those Were the Days); B-kant van To je láska (So in Love) [Supraphon 0 43 0694] (45 toerensingle) (Tsjechische versie)

1969: Zoitsa Kouroukli (Gene Raskin / Adapt.: Ath. Tsongas) (Orchestra conducted by Takis Athineos) als Χαμένα Όνειρα (Those Were the Days) [Pan-Vox PAN 6125] (45 toerensingle) (Griekse versie)

1969: Zümrüt ve Orhan Başar Orkestrası (İngilizce şarkı sözleri ve müzik: Gene Raskin) als Bir zamanlar (Ne kadar mutluyduk) (Those Were the Days) [Ezgi 45-130] (45 toerensingle) (Turkse versie)

N° 61-albumhit in Amerika voor Ferrante & Teicher with their Orchestra & Chorus (Gene Raskin) (Produced by George Butler and Ferrante & Teicher) (Conducted by Nick Perito) (Musical Coordinator: Joe Malin) (Ferrante & Teicher Play Baldwin Pianos) (Recorded at: National Sound) (Engineer: Dan Kornfeld) als Those Were the Days (℗ 1969) op 14 februari 1970 (lp: Midnight Cowboy) [United Artists UAS 6725]

N° 91-albumhit in Amerika voor The Ventures (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Lanky Linstrot and The Ventures) (Arranged by The Ventures) (Engineer: Lanky Linstrot) (The Ventures are: Mel Taylor / Drums) (Don Wilson / Rhythm Guitar) (Bob Bogle / Bass) (Jerry McGee / Lead Guitar) (John Durrill / Organ) als Those Were the Days op 14 november 1970 (lp: The Ventures 10th Anniversary Album) [Liberty LST-35000]

N° 157-albumhit in Amerika voor Boots Randolph (Gene Raskin) (Producer: Fred Foster) (Arranger/Conductor: Bill Walker) (Engineer: Tommy Strong) (Recorded at Monument Recording Studios) als Those Were the Days op 24 oktober 1970 (lp: Hit Boots 1970) [Monument SLP-18144]

1970: Anna Dell (Studio Sound Organisation) (Engineer in charge of stereo recording: Malcolm Read) (Producer: Wilf Todd) als (a.) Congratulations (Phil Coulter - Bill Martin) / (b.) Goodbye (John Lennon - John Lennon) / (c.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin) (lp: Move into the Hammond Spectrum with the Lovely Anna Dell) [Gemini GMX 5002]

1970: David Rose (Gene Raskin) (Produced by David Axelrod) als Those Were the Days; B-kant van Happy Heart [Capitol P-2662] (promosingle) (45 toerenplaat)

1970: David Rose (Gene Raskin) (Produced by David Axelrod) als Those Were the Days (lp: Happy Heart) [Capitol ST-393 | EMI]

1970: George Feyer (Gene Raskin) (Piano with Rhythm Accompaniment) (Continuous Music Instrumentals) (Produced by Hy Grill) als Those Were the Days (lp: Dancing in the Dark / My Way) [Kapp KS-3611]

1970: Gönül Turgut (İngilizce şarkı sözleri ve müzik: Gene Raskin / Türkçe söz: Ülkü Aker / Arr. Norayr Damirci) (Orkestra: Yalçın Ateş 6) als Üzüntüyü bırak, Yaşamaya bak "Those were the Days" [Philips PF 357450] (45 toerensingle) (Turkse versie)

1970: John Hamilton Band als Those Were the Days (Trad. Herbert Hildebrandt-Winhauer - Les Humphries) / Give Peace a Chance (Words and Music by John Lennon and Paul McCartney) (lp: 28 Beatle-Hits for Teens) [Somerset 694]

1970: Natércia Barreto (Letra e músicas em ingles: Gene Raskin / adaptação portuguesa: Maria José Arriaga) als Primavera do amor « Those were the days » (lp: Natercia Barreto na America) [Parlophone 8 E 062-40041] (Portugese versie)

1970: Steel & Brass (Gene Raskin) (A Proud Production) als Those Were the Days (lp: Steel & Brass) [United Artists UAS 6739]

1970: The Christian Minstrels (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Soloist: Sue) als Those Were the Days (lpReach Out) [Century Records 39530]

1970: The Ding Dongs (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by: Tom King) (Arranger: David Van De Pitte) als Those Were the Days (lp: Gimme Dat Ding) [Motown MS-716]

1970: The Norm Cummings Trio (Gene Raskin) (Galvin Edser - Bass) (Norm Cummings - Piano) (Bill Hartigan - Drums) (Recording Engineer: Geoff Berry) (Produced by David Mill & Kevin White) als Those Were the Days (lp: Yesterday) [THYME 32]

1970: The Ray Bloch Singers and Orchestra als Those Were the Days (lp: Hits of '68) [Ambassador S 98078]

1970: Vera Lynn (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Musical Direction: Alyn Ainsworth) (Arrangements by Alyn Ainsworth) (Recording Produced by Norman Newell) (Recorded at Chappells Studios - London) (Recording Engineer: John Timperley) als Those Were the Days (lp: Hits of the 60's - My Way) [Columbia SCX 6415 | EMI]

1971: Bele Vrane (Paul McCartney / Slovenský text: Elza Budau) als Bili so dnevi (album: Bele Vrane) [RTV Ljubljana 004] (compactcassette) (Sloveense versie)

1971: Eija Merilä (Säv. & san. Gene Raskin / suom. san. Reino Orasmala / sov. Jaakko Salo) (Jaakko Salon Orkesteri) als Voi näitä aikoja - Those Were the days - B-kant van Itku-wirsi tulevan pahan ajan takia - Rovaniemen markkinoilla - [Scandia KS 848] (45 toerensingle) (Finse versie)

1971: Erkki Ertama (Erkki Ertama, organ) (Matti Bergström, bass) (Matti Oiling, drums) als (a.) Maria Isabel (Hurtago - Salgueiro) / (b.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin) / (c.) Azzurro (Vito Pallavicini) (lp: Something for You - Happy Gemsound with Erkki Ertama) [Columbia 5E 062-34305 | EMI]

1971: Horst Fischer (Gene Raskin) (Orchester Rudi Bohn und die Jack Milton-Singers) als Those Were the Days (lp: Magic Trumpet) [Somerset 720]

1971: Lovelace Watkins (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) ("Those Were the Days" Arranger: Danny Sandidge) (Orchestra conducted by Danny Sandidge) (Produced by Deke Arlon) als Those Were the Days (lp: Recorded Live at The Talk of the Town) [York Records LYK 902]

1971: The Ragtimers (Gene Raskin) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged and Conducted by Al Caiola) (Produced by Ethel Gabriel) (Recorded in RCA's Studios B and C, New York City) (Recording Engineer: Bob Simpson) als Those Were the Days (lp: Those Were the Days) [RCA Camden CAS-2467]

1971: The Ted Heath Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Arranger: John Keating) als Those Were the Days (lp: Those Were the Days) [Decca Phase 4 Stereo PFS 4229]

1971: Viktor Klimenko (Traditional) (Arranged by Rauno Lehtinen and Viktor Klimenko) (Produced by Reino Bäckman) (Recorded: November 24th at Helsinki) (Engineer: Antti Joki, Finavox) (Production: Electrical & Musical Industries LTD, Suomen Osasto) als On That Snowy Road Along (Dorogoi dlinnoyu) (lp: Stenka Rasin) [Columbia 5E 062 34253 | EMI] (Russische versie)

1971: Wanda Jackson (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Larry Butler) (Recorded in Nashville) als Those Were the Days (lp: I've Gotta Sing) [Capitol ST-669]

N° 199-albumhit in Amerika voor Carol Burnett (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Ted Glasser) (Arranged by Ernest Freeman, Jr.) (Engineer - Peter Romano) als Those Were the Days op 29 januari 1972 (lp: If I Could Write a Song) [Columbia C 31048]

1972: Arthur Fiedler - The Boston Pops Orchestra (Gene Raskin) (Produced by: Thomas Mowrey) (Engineering: Guenter Hermanns, Joachim Niss) ("Those Were the Days" Arranged by Richard Hayman) als Those Were the Days (lp: Forgotten Dreams) [Polydor 24-5007]

1972: Fernand Verstraete (Gene Raskin / Adaptation française: Eddy Marnay) als Le temps des fleurs "Those were the days" (lp: Dansons avec la trompette magique de Fernand Verstraete) [Colisée 6450 021]

1972: Lasse Samuelson and his Orchestra (The recording made in Studio Electra on April 4 and 5 1972) (Recording Engineer: Rune Andréasson) (Production: Frank Hedman & Rune Andréasson) als Those Where the Days (Gene Raskin) / Congratulations (Bill Martin - Phil Coulter) (lp: Party Music 1- Swedish Style) [RCA Victor LSA 3095]

1972: Les Patching Quartet (Gene Raskin) (Produced by Jack Varney at the W & G Sound Studios, Melbourne) (Recording Engineer: Alf Bean) als Those Were the Days (lp: Let's Dance) [W & G WG.25/5/5574]

1972: Mary Roos (deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) als An jenem Tag (lp: Eine Handvoll Glück) [Telefunken NT 712] (Duitse versie)

1972: Sammy Kaye & His Orchestra (Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (lp: For the Good Times) [Diamond Records DP3-82106]

1972: The Don Reeve Sound (Gene Raskin) (Don Reeve - The Hammond A-100 Series organ) (Bass player - Ron Seabrook) (Drummer - Bill Wayne) (Arrangements - Don Reeve) (Produced by Anton Kwiatkowski) als Those Were the Days (lp: Mighty Hammond) [Music for Pleasure MFP 50013 | EMI]

1972: The Kensington Pop Orchestra (New Tandem Music Inc.) [Publisher] als Those Were the Days (lp: Hitsville Vol. 1) [Windmill WMD 114]

N° 1-albumhit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor Otto Waalkes (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Stage Engineer: Thomas Kukuck) (Otto Live im Audimax) als Those Were the Days in 1973 (lp: Otto) [Rüssl Räckords SPR 0100]

1973: Margalit Ankori (English Words and Music by Gene Raskin / Hebrew Lyrics: Miki Hartabi) (Vocal in Hebrew) ("Hayu yamim" Conducted and arranged by Yoel Sharr) (Recorded at Mastertone Studios, New York) (Neil Schartz: Recording engineer) als Hayu yamim (Those Were the Days) (lp: Those Were the Days) [Monitor Records MFS 704] (Hebreeuwse versie)

1974: Brødrene Thue D. E. (Produsent: "Det var tider det/Engleblikk" Trygve Thue) als Det var tider det (Engelsk tekst og musikk: Gene Raskin / Norsk tekst: Ove Thue) / Engleblikk (Engelsk tekst og musikk: Benny Davis / Norsk tekst: Ove Thue) (various artists) (lp: Gammalpop 1) [Tambourine TAM 1000] (Noorse versie)

1974: Erik Silvester (Musik: Gene Raskin / Originaltext: Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) (Arrangeur: Wolfgang Dyhr und Alexander Gordan) (Chöre: Cornelsen Chor und die Melody Singers) (Produzent: Red Herschmann) als An jenem Tag, mein Freund (lp: Eine Erik-Silvester-Party) [Metronome MLP 15.520] (Duitse versie)

1974: Jerry Allen (Engineer: Harry Davis) (Recorded at Morgan Recording Studios, London) als (a.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin) / (b.) Black Eyes (Trad. Arr. Jerry Allen) / (c.) (1974: Jerry Allen (Engineer: Harry Davis) (Recorded at Morgan Recording Studios, London) als (a.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin) / (b.) Black Eyes (Trad. Arr. Jerry Allen) / (c.) Coming Round the Mountain (Trad. Arr. Jerry Allen) / (d.) Knees Up Mother Brown (Harris Weston - Bert Lee) (lp: Jerry Allen's Party Time) [Alamo AL 1001]

1974: Los Rockin' Devil's (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / adaptación española: Elías Amibilis) als Esos fueron los días (lp: Sos fueron los días) [Dimsa DML-1061] Spaanse versie)

N° 36 easylisteninghit in Amerika voor Paul Delicato (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Harley Hatcher) als Those Were the Days op 27 december 1975 [Artists of America AOA-105] (45 toerensingle)

1975: 麻丘めぐみ (Megumi Asaoka) (Gene Raskin / Adapt.: 漣健児 (Kenji Sazanami) als 悲しき天使 (Those Were the Days) (lp: Best Collection '76) [Victor SJV 820] (Japanse versie)

1975: Paul Delicato (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Harley Hatcher) (Arranged by Emory Gordy, Jr. and Harley Hatcher) (Strings and Horns Arranged by Emory Gordy, Jr.) (Engineer: Humberto Gatica) (Recorded at Cherokee Recording Studio - Hollywood, California) als Those Were the Days (lp: Ice Cream Sodas and Lollipops and a Red Hot Spinning Top) [Artists of America AOA-5001]

N° 47-albumhit in Amerika voor Wing and a Prayer Fife and Drum Corps. (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (The personnel is: Jeff Mironov, Jerry Friedman, electric guitars) (Harold Wheeler, keyboards) (Bob Babbitt, Fender bass) (Alan Schwartberg, drums) (Dave Friedman, percussion) (George Marge, oboe d'amour, English horn, ocarina & recorded solos) (Lew Delgatto, tenor & baritone sax, flute, oboe, clarinet, piccolo) (Alan Rubin, trumpet) (Dave Taylor, trombone) (Peter Gordon, French horn) (Gene Orloff, violin (concertmaster) (David Nadien, violin (concertmaster) (Guy Lumia, Paul Gershman, Max Pollikoff, violins) (Emanuel Vardi, viola) (Jesse Levy, cello contractor) (Margaret Ross, harp) (Singers, Linda November, Vivian Cherry, Arlene Martell, Helen Miles) (Recorded and mixed at Soundtek, New York, New York) (A Record by Stephen Y. Scheaffer & Harold Wheeler) als Those Were the Days op 17 april 1976 (lp: Babyface) [Wing & A Prayer Record Co. HS 3025]

1976: Anita Hirvonen (Säv. & san. Gene Raskin / suom. san. Juha Vainio / sov. Jørgen Petersen) (Tuottaja: Satsanga Oy) (Äänitys: Microvox / Pekka Nurmikallio, Studio Brushane/Martin Brushane) als On nuoruus haihtuva (various artists) (lp: Lepopäivän ratoksi 2) [Mikämikä MMLP 12 | Satsanga] (Finse versie)

1977: Nigel Ogden (Music Sales) als Those Were the Days (lp: The Mighty Sound of Music) [Acorn CF.275]

1978: Engelbert Humperdinck (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Executive Producer: Golden Mills) ("Those Were The Days" not previously released on any USA or UK release) als Those Were the Days (lp: Love Letters) [London PS 709]

1978: Marion Evi Rung (Säv. ja san. Gene Raskin / sov. Antti Hyvärinen / suom. san. Reino Bäckman) als Oi niitä aikojae - Those Were the Days - (lp: Por favor!) [EMI 9C 062-38313] (Finse versie)

1978: Orietta Berti (Testo italiano: Daiano / Testi e musica in inglese: Gene Raskin) (Arrangiamento: Franco Orlandini) als Quelli erano giorni (Those were the days); B-kant van Donna come mai (J'ai besoin de toi, j'ai besoin de lui) [Polydor 2060 174] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1978: Phil Kelsall at the Wurlitzer Organ of the Tower Ballroom, Blackpool (Produced by Bob Barratt) (Recording Engineer: Stuart Eltham) (Location Engineers: Richard Hale and Graham Kirkby) als (a.) Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin) / (b.) I Love to Love (But My Baby Just Loves to Dance) (Jack Robinson - James Bolden) (c.) Rock Bottom (Lynsey de Paul - Mike Moran) (lp: Thank You for the Music) [One-Up OU 221 | EMI]

1978: Raija Ruuska (Säv. & san. Gene Raskin / suom. san. Juha Vainio / sov. Jørgen Petersen) (Tuottaja: Satsanga Oy) als Oi niitä aikoja (lp: Humppatytöt) [Satsanga Records MMLP-29] (Finse versie)

1978: Tino Rossi (Version originale: Gene Raskin / Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay) ("Le temps des fleurs" Orchestre, direction: Paul Piot) als Le temps des fleurs (Those were the days) (lp: Les plus belles chansons du monde) [Columbia 2C 156 - 11.060 | EMI | Pathé Marconi]

1978: Zdenka Lorencová (Anglické texty a hudba: Gene Raskin / Český text: Joe Naytland - Zdenka Lorencová) (Studioý orchestr Milana Dvořáka) als Dál stále jde čas (Those Were the Days) [Panton 44 0667] (45 toerensingle) (Tsjechische versie)

1979: Orietta Berti (Testo italiano: Daiano / Testi e musica in inglese: Gene Raskin) (Arrangiamento: Franco Orlandini) als Quelli erano giorni (lp: Pastelli) [Polydor 2448 099] (Italiaanse versie)

1980: Paola (Musik + Originaltext: Gene Raskin / deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) ("An jenem Tag mein Freund" Arrangiert und dirigiert von Ralf Nowy) (Produziert von Roland Heck) (Aufgenommen und gemischt im Europasoundstudio, Friedrichsdorf) (Toningenieur: Michael Bestmann) als An jenem Tag mein Freund (Those Were the Days) (lp: Lieder, die ich liebe) [CBS - CBS 84 398] (Duitse versie)

1982: Bobby Crush (Recorded 'Live' at Abbey Road Studios) (Musical Supervision and Arranging - Cecil Bolton) (Recording Engineer - Peter Vince) (2nd Engineer - Allen Rouse) (Produced by - Norman Newell) als Save Your Kisses for Me (Tony Hiller - Martin Lee - Lee Sheriden) / Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs (Brian Burke - Michael Coleman) / Those Were the Days (Gene Raskin) / My Old Man's a Dustman (Lonnie Donegan - Peter Buchanan) (lp: The Bobby Crush Incredible Double Decker Party with 101 Great Songs - Party One / Party Two) [Warwick WW 5126]

1982: Cristy Lane (Producer: Charlie Black) (Executive Producers: Lee Stoller & Don Grierson) als Those Were the Days (lp: Heart-Touching Songs) [Special Projects SLL-8334]

1984: Lillian Askeland (Engelsk tekst og musikk: Gene Raskin / Norsk tekst: Stein Ove Berg) (Produsent av Rolf Løvland og Arve Sigvaldsen) (Arrangert av Rolf Løvland) (Teknikere: Jan Erik Kongshaug (opptak, mix), Espen Dahl, Rolf Løvland) (Innspilt i Rainbow Studio, Oslo) (Musikere: Svein Dag Hauge, gitarer) (Geir Langslett, synthesizer) (Per Kolstad, piano, orgel) (Einar Mjåland, bass) (Bruce Rasmussen, trommer) (Rolf Løvland, perkusjon, synthesizer, trekkspill) (Lasse Hafreager, munnspill, trekkspill) (Sigurd Køhn, sax) (Per Øystein Sørensen og Håkon Iverson, kor) als Det var en gang (Those Were the Days) (lp: Souvenirs) [Talent TLS 4101] (Noorse versie)

1985: Ralph McTell (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Arranged and Produced by Graham Preskett & Ralph McTell) (Thanks of all of those who contributed these sessions, including: Linda Allan, Jerry Conway, Nick Curtis, Stephanie de Sykes, Jerry Donahue, Howard Evans, Jim Leverton, Leah May, Jerry Shirley, Roger Williams, especially Alun Davies, and to the studio engineers: Steve Allen, David Kenny and Roger Wake, and of course, Mick McDonagh) als Those Were the Days (lp: At the End of a Perfect Day) [Telstar STAR 2263]

1986: Rüdiger Carl (Paul McCartney) (Recorded and Produced by Jost Gebers) (Recorded 22nd - 24th, 1986 at FMP-Studio, Berlin) als Those Were the Days (lp: Vorn) [FMP Records - FMP 1110]

1986: Tapani Kansa (Säv & san. Gene Raskin / suom.san. Reino Bäckman / sov. Tapani Kansa) (Tapani Kansan orkesteri: Kaj Kuittinen - flyygeli, sähköpiano ja syntetisaattorit) (Ari Siikasaari - kitarat (akustiset kitarat, sähköiset), soolot, ja kompit) (Jari Heino - sähköbasso) (Aarne Himberg - kunnon rummut, sekä) (Sovitukset: Tapani Kansa "Oi niitä aikoja") (Äänitys: Tom Vuori, Takomo Studiot) als Oi niitä aikoja - Those Were the Days - (lp: Kaunis nainen) [Scandia SLP 715] (Finse versie)

1986: Tiny Tim (Produced by Jack Gale & Jim Pierce) (Background Vocals: Cindy Smith Mason & Karen Jeglum Kennedy) (Recorded at Swanee Recording, Mt. Juliet, Texas) als Those Were the Days (lp: The Eternal Troubador) [Playback Records L-12341]

1986: Tormenta (Música en texto original en inglés: Gene Raskin / versão cast. José Carreras) [no acreditado] ("Aquellos fueron los días" Arreglos y Dirección: Miguel "Bife" Provenzano) (Dirección Artística: Mariano Barabino) (Dirección General: Eduardo Álvarez) (Programación de Batería Lin: Miguel "Bife" Provenzano, Luis Ceravolo) (Mirage, Emulator Dx7, 7x7: Anibal Berraute, Jorge Nalbandian, Emilio Valle, Fernando Muscolo) (Bajo: Jorge "Pajáro" Vázquez, Ricardo Sanz) (Guitarres: Pinchi Chardozo Ocampo, Miguel "Bife" Provenzano) (Flauta: Cholo Paulini) (Saxo: Jorge Cutelo) (Coros: Graciella Novelino, Tormenta) (Técnicos de Grabación: Roberto Fernández, Osvaldo Acedo, Da Silva Miguel Hearne, Héctor Alonso) (Assistente de Grabación: Juan y Claudio) (Producción Artística: Mariano Barabino) (Dirección General y Personal Manager: Eduardo Álvarez) als Aquellos fueron los días (Those were the days) (lp: Amante de un día) [Microfon SE-60.351] (Spaanse versie)

1987: John Williams and the Boston Pops (Gene Raskin /arr. Glenn Osser) (Artists and repertoire production: Erik Smith, Una Marcheri) (Recording producer: John McClure) (Balance engineer: Onno Scholtze) (Recording engineer: John Newton) (Tape editor: Amelia Rogers) (Recorded Boston, 6/1987) als Those Were the Days (cd: Digital Jukebox) [Philips 422 064-2]

1988: A Nova Turma do Balão Mágico (Letras em ingles: Gene Raskin / versão: Aloysio Reis - Biafra) (Produzido por Carlão) als Era Uma Vez (Those Were the Days) (lp: A Nova Turma do Balão Mágico) [Discos CBS 231.166] (Portugese versie)

1988: Gretchen (Letra e música: Gene Raskin) (Direção Artistica: Moacyr Machado) (Arranjos: Eduardo Assad) (Estúdio: Mosh) (Engenheiros de Som: Primo/Helder/Luiz Paulo) (Produzido por: Moacyr Machado) als Those Were the Days (lp: Gypsy) [3M 3M4.0076]

1989: Dolly Roll (Gene Raskin / Magyar szöveg: Dolly Roll) (Dolly: ének) (Dolly: ének) (Novai Gábor: basszusgitárok, szintetizátor, ének) (Kékes Zoltán: gitárok, ének) (Kecskés Gábor: dob, ének) (Dobó Ferenc: szintetizátorok) (Zenei rendező: Dobó Ferenc, Novai Gábor) (Hangmérnök: Dobó Ferenc) (A felvétel a HMHV „P" Studiojaban készült) als Ábrándos, szép napok (lp: Ábrándos szép napok…) [Profil SLPM 37261] (Hongaarse versie)

1990: Charles Rice Goff III (Gene Raskin) (All songs, Instruments, and Production: Charles Goff III) als Those Were the Days (album: Volatile Volitions) [Ecto Tapes ecto 27] (compactcassette)

1990: Jeane Manson (Paroles et musique: Gene Raskin) (Gravure: Dyam Music) als Those Were the Days [Sefra Music 990297 | BMG Ariola France] (45 toerensingle)

1992: Bear Cat Jass Band (Personnel: Joe Smithling, drums) (Pat Cosmo, banjo/guitar) (Fred Hickey, piano/tuba/valve trumpet) (Tom McKay, bass sax/clarinet) (Lee Turner, cornet) (Anthony Joseph, clarinet) (Peter Pepke, trombone) (Dick Ames, cornet, leader) als Those Were the Days (cd: A Breath of Fresh Air - Volume II) [Syrandaga Productions BCJB2CD]

1992: Edgar Cruz (Gene Raskin) (Produced transcribed and performed on solo guitar by Edgar Cruz) als Those Were the Days (cd: Those Were the Days) [E.C.I. Recordings ECICD03]

1992: Leningrad Cowboys (Traditional / Musik + Text: Gene Raskin) (Produziert von T. T. Oksala / Leningrad Cowboys) (Aufgenommen und gemischt im Finnvox Studio / Helsinki) ("Those Were the Days" Arrangiert von Maur Sumén / T. T. Oksala) als Those Were the Days (cd: We Cum from Brooklyn) [Plutonium PLUTO 7001-CD]

1993: Leningrad Cowboys & The Alexandrov Red Army Ensemble (Trad. Words and Music by Gene Raskin, arr. Mauri Sumén - V. Fedorov) (The Alexandrov Red Army Ensemble Conducted by Igor Agafonnikov) (Recorded Live at Senate Square, Helsinki 12.6.1993 by Heikki Savolainen, Assisted by Andy Snellman on Two Synchronized Sony Digital Multitrack Tape Recorders) (Mixed at Studio ÄLY 4-Studios / Finnish Broadcasting Company by Heikki Savolainen, Mauri Sumén and Pemo Ojala) (Mastered at Finnvox Studios by Heikki Savolainen) (Produced by Mauri Sumén & Pemo Ojala) (Live Sound: Heikki Iso-Ahola, Antti Murto) (Stage Sound: Achim Zell, Stade Kentta) (System Engineers: Reima Sound Saarinen, Kari Tiitinen, Mikko Tegelman, Meelis Niin) (Lighting: Ilkka Paloniemi) (Production Manager: Jyrki Hytti) (Location Manager: Mikko Kaukonen) (Total Balalaika Show - Helsinki Concert -Movie by Aki Kaurismäki' / Sputnik Oy) (The Concert was Accomplished by Leningrad Cowboys, HD - Center, Johanna Kustannes, Radio City and Samant Corporation) als Those Were the Days (cd: Total Balalaika Show - Helsinki Concert) [Plutonium PLUTOCD 7004]

1993: Sandra Kim (Paroles anglaises et musique: Eugene Raskin / R. Hawsen / Adaptation française: Rosario Marino-Atria) (Production: Marino Atria) (Arr. Marco Losso) als Il faut s'aimer plus fort [Marino 862 486-7 | PolyGram] (45 toerensingle) (Franse versie)

1993: Sandra Kim (Engelse tekst en muziek: Eugene Raskin / Nederlandse bewerking: R. Hawsen - Christill) (Production: Marino Atria) (Arr. Marco Losso) als Dit is vast weer zo'n dag; B-kant van Il faut s'aimer plus fort [Marino 862 486-7 | PolyGram] (45 toerensingle)

1993: Sandra Kim (Adaptation française: Rosario Marino-Atria) als Il faut s'aimer plus fort (cd: Les Sixties) [Marino 514 808-2 | PolyGram] (Franse versie)

1993: Sandra Kim (Muziek: Gene Raskin / Tekst: R. Hawsen - Christill) (Arrangementen en toetsen: Marco Losso) (Gitaren: Robby Mildenberger) (Koor: Sonia Pelgrims, Toni Kaza, S. Rodgers, Eric Chale, Sandra Kim) (Strijkers: Eric Gerstmans, Georges Siblik, Benoît Meulemans, Katja Van Osch, Edouard Thise) (Sax: Pietro Lacirignola) (Studio: Init) (Techniek: Dany Huppermans) als Dit is vast weer zo'n dag (cd: Sixties) [Marino 514 742-2 | PolyGram]

1993: Sveifluhálsarnir (Íslenskir text: Strouse - Ómar Ragnarsson) als Ó, þessi ár með þér (cd: Ómar finnur gáttaþef) [Japis 93 JAP 009 2] (IJslandse versie)

(N° 4-albumhit in Amerika voor 3 Tenors (Music & Text: Gene Raskin) (Arranged & orchestrated by Lalo Schifrin) (José Carreras, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti with Zubin Mehta) (Los Angeles Philadelphia) (Concert Master: Alexander Treger) (Los Angeles Music Center Opera Chorus) (Chorus Master: Randall Behr) (Created and produced by Tibor Rudas) als Those Were the Days op 17 september 1994 (cd: The 3 Tenors in Concert 1994) [Atlantic ‎82614-2]

1994: Marcelo Costa (Letras em ingles: Gene Raskin / versão: Fred Jorge) als Aqueles Tempos (lp: Marcelo Costa) [Transcontinental Discos TRANSLP-0112] (Portugese versie)

1995: Cynthia Lennon (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Chris Norman, engineered by Neil Ferguson) als Those Were the Days [Dice Music Limited C7 DIM 002] (cd-single)

1995: The Clancy Brothers & Robbie O'Connell (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Lead Vocals: Liam Clancy) (Vocals: Paddy Clancy, Bobby Clancy, Robbie O'Connell, Miss Brown to You) (Guitar: Paul Grant) (Mandoline: Martin Murray) (Cello: Geraldine Cullen) (Clarinet: Harry Doherty) (Accordion: Máirtín O'Connor) (Mando-Cello: Garry O'Briain) (All Arrangements by The Clancy Brothers & Robbie O'Connell and Garry O'Briain) (Engineered and mixed by Martin Murray) (Recorded and mixed at Ring Studios, Co. Waterford, Ireland) (Mastered by Jeff Zaraya, Sound Byte, NY) (Executive Producer: James J. KcKague) als Those Were the Days (cd: Older But No Wiser) [Vanguard 79488-2]

1997: Ground Zero (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Otomo Yoshihide: turntables, voice) (Uchihashi Kazuhisa: electric guitar, effects) (Naruyoshi Kikuchi: tenor saxophone) (Yumiko Tanaka 大正琴(Taisho-koto, voice) (Mitsuru Nasuno: electric bass) (Masahiro Uemura: kit drums) (Yasuhiro Yoshigaki: kit drums, voice) (Sampled guest - Sergey Kuryokhin: piano, Keshavan Maslak: saxophones, altered miniature guitar) (Produced by: Noda Shigenori, Otomo Yoshihide) (Co-producer: Matsubara Sachiko) (Sonfa-Chansa) (Executive producers: Noda Shigenori, Disk Union) (All pieces arranged by: Otomo Yoshihide, Ground-Zero) (Recorded January 6-9, 1997 at Gok Sound, Kichijoji, Tokyo by Kondo Yoshiaki (Gok Sound) (Mixed: January 10-13 & 31, 1997 at Gok Sound, Kichijoji, Tokyo Kondo by Kondo Yoshiaki (Gok Sound) (Mastered: February 17, 1997 at Kojima Recording Inc., Yoyogi, Tokyo by Kondo Yoshiaki (Gok Sound) als Those Were the Days (cd: Ground Zero Plays Standards) [Nani Records NCD 201]

1998: Karel Gott (Originaltext und Musik: Gene Raskin / deutscher Text: Heinz Korn) (Orchester Efim Jourist) (Dirigent & Arrangeur) (Produzent: Jimmy Bowien) als An jenem Tag (Radio Edit) (Those Were the Days) [Polydor 567 896-2] (cd-single)

1998: Sons of Maxwell (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced at: Feswick Productions) (Tim Feswick, Producer) (Engineered by: Tim Feswick) (Mastered at: Sound Pro Studio/ Put It On CD by Reg MacMichael) (Fiddle/Mandolin: Ray Legere) (Base Guitar: Tim Feswick) (Acoustic Guitar: Dave Carroll) (Bodhrán: Con Carroll) (Vocals: Don and Dave Carroll) (Whistling Bits: Don and Dave Carroll) (Standard Crowd Noise by "The Crowd") als Those Were the Days (cd: Live at Tim's House) [Sons of Maxwell CCD60138 | Self-released]

2000: Boppin' B (Traditional) (Christof Machacsek: Schnitt, Mix und Mastering) (Steffen Schuhmacher: Live-Sound und Aufnahme) als Those Were the Days (cd: Scheiß-Kapelle live) [Financial Disaster Records FDR 010]

2000: Rika Zaraï (Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay) als Le temps des fleurs (cd: Hava) [Pilem 3057362 | Wagram Music WAG 384] (Franse versie)

2000: The BBC Concert Orchestra (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Musical Director: Barrie Hingley, OBE) (Produced by Gordon Lorenz) (This album is a studio recording and was not recorded live from the concert on Horse Guards) als Those Were the Days (various artists) (cd: Happy and Glorious! The Official Album of H.M. the Queen Mother's 100th Birthday Celebrations on Horse Guards) [Decca Classics 467 100-2]

2001: Bill Carrothers (Bill Carrothers - piano) (Nicolas Thys - bass) (Dré Pallemaerts - drums) als Those Were the Days (cd: Swing Sing Songs) [Birdology 8573-86401-2 | Warner Music]

2001: Turisas (Music and Lyrics by Boris Fomin - Gene Raskin) (Produced by M. D. G. Nygård) (Recorded and Mixed by Ilkka Sorjonen at Bayside Studios) (Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios) (Additional Musicians: Riku Ylitalo - Accordion) (Nina Laakso - Female Vocals) (Hanna Vasama - Flute) (The Home Brew Choir: Saku Teräväinen, Jens Willadsen, Tero Niemistö, Jusu Aalto & Turisas) als Those Were the Days is track 3 van The Heart of Turisas [S B Productions SBCD001] (3 tracks) (cd-single)

2002: Les Castafiores als Le temps des fleurs (cd: Punkitchatcha !!) [Mosaic Music Distribution K'Sta 01] (Franse versie)

2002: Melanie (Produced by Beau-Jarred Schekeryk and Peter Schekeryk) als Those Were the Days (cd: Moments from My Life) [Disky SI 794022]

2003: Bobby Durham - Lorenzo Conte - Massimo Faraò (Gene Raskin) (Bobby - Drums) (Lorenzo - Bass) (Massimo Faraò - Piano) als Those Were the Days (cd: Hit Pops Vol. 2) [Azzurra Music TRIJ 1010]

2003: Jay Patten & The Swing Noir Orchestra (Jay Patten: vocals, saxophone, and guitar) (Special Guest, clarinet: Buddy DeFranco) (Tom Reynolds: organ) (George Tidwell: trumpet) (Denis Solee: saxophone) (Arranged by Jeff Steinberg) (Produced by Jay Patten, Jeff Steinberg & Greg Humphrey) als Those Were the Days (cd: All in Blue Time) Flamingo Records EAN 6 03827 20522 3]

2003: Leningrad Cowboys (Boris Fomin - Konstantin Podrevsky - Gene Raskin) als Those Where the Days (cd: Global Balalaika Show Senate Square) [Leningrad Cowboys Ltd LC-001 | Self-released] Live album celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Total Balalaika Show.

N° 1-albumhit in Waals-België voor Helmut Lotti & Wim Bohets (Executive Producer: Piet Roelen) (Produced by Peter Koelewijn) (Arrangements by Helmut Lotti & Wim Bohets) (Choir: The Black Sea Cossacks Choir directed by Peter Orloff) (Recorded and Mixed - Fendal Sound Studio) (Engineered by Hans van Vondelen) (Mastered at Polyhymnia Baarn by Wessel Oltheten) als Dorogoi Dlinnoju op 9 oktober 2004 (cd: From Russia with Love) [Piet Roelen Productions 986 7608 | Universal] (Russische versie)

2003: Prifarski Muzikanti (Slovenský text: Milan Ferlež - Tjaša Ferenc) (Producent: Milan Ferlež) (Tonskí tehnik, digital mastering: Marko Pezdirc, Metulj Recording Studio Novo mesto) (Posneto v Studiu Metulj od januarja 1999 do julija 2003 RTV Slovenija, Založba kaset in plošč, Dalmatinova 8, Ljubljana) (Direktor in odgovorni urednik: Ivo Umek) als Bili so dnevi (Those were the days) (cd: Ujeti v sanje) [ZKP RTVS 107658] (Sloveense versie)

2003: Vincent Malone (Le Roi de la trompette c'est: Vincent Malone - Trompette, chant, chœurs, guitare, basse et divers) (Hervé Lavandier - Piano, claviers, chœurs, percus, programmation et divers) (Pierre Yves Roupin - Prise de son, bruitages, mixage et divers) (Les Princes de la trompette: Eddy Lacombe - Trompette) (Arthur Lavandier - Piano) (Philippe Giband - Production) (Montage des albums: Hugo Barbier) (Prise de son et mixage - Studio Ramsès) (Production - Leroidelaprod) als Pot pourri: (a.) Le pont de la rivière Kwai / (b.) Love Story / (c.) Le temps des fleurs / (d.) Un homme et une femme / (e.) Les demoiselles de Rochefort / (d.) Star Wars / (e.) La strada (cd: Ultimate - Le roi de la trompette) [Naïve ‎U 319001]

N° 99-albumhit in Duitsland voor Hermes House Band (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) als Those Were the Days (Single Mix) op 28 juni 2004 (cd: Get Ready to Party) [XPLO Music | Polydor 0761512 | Universal]

2004: Dayna Kurtz (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Dayna Kurtz - guitar, vocals) (Dave Richards - bass) (Peter Vitalone - accordion) (Todd Reynolds - violin) (Produced by Dayna Kurtz and Randy Crafton) (Executive Producer: Jeff Pachman) (Engineered by: Sal Mormando and Randy Crafton) (Mixed by: Randy Crafton) (Recorded and Mixed at Kaleidoscope Sound, Union City, NJ) (Mastered by: John Marshall Smith) als Those Were the Days (cd: Beautiful Yesterday) [Kismet Records KIS 1003]

2004: Dylan Cernyw (Eugene Raskin) (Credits for "Those Were the Days" Annette Bryn Parri - synth) (Dylan Cernyw - harp, musical arrangements) als Those Were the Days (cd: Hirddydd Haf - Summertime) [Sain SCD2441]

N° 12-albumhit in Frankrijk voor Star Academy 5 (Version originale: Gene Raskin / Adaptation française: Eddy Marnay) (Interprété par: Émilie Minatchy, Magalie Vaé, Alexia Palombo, Elyanne Breton, Maud Verdeyen) als Le temps des fleurs op 31 december 2005 (cd: Les meilleurs moments) [Mercury France 983 549 4 | Universal | Endemol France | TF1 Musique]

N° 48-albumhit in Amerika voor Dolly Parton with Special Guest Porter Wagoner & the Opry Gang and the Moscow Circus (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Produced by Dolly Parton) als Those Were the Days op 29 oktober 2005 (cd: Those Were the Days) [Blue Eye Records SUG-CD-4007 | Sugar Hill Records]

2005: Eddy Davis "The Manhattan Minstrel" (Mary Hopkin) Eddy Davis - Banjo) (Mastered at Nola Studios by Bill Moss) als Those Were the Days (cd: From Broadway to Hollywood - The Life and Times of Eddy Davis, Volume II) [New York Jazz NY J007]

2006: Denise Summerford and Ensemble als Those Were the Days (various artists) (cd: Shout! The Mod Musical - Original Cast Recording) [Rhino R2 74791]

2006: Ömür Göksel als Those Were the Days (cd: A Touch of Love) [Doğan Music Company CD DMC - 20233]

2007: Έλενα Παπαρίζου (Helena Paparizou) (Adaptation: Eddy Marnay) als Le temps des fleurs (cd: Φως (Fos) [RCA 886971 10072 | Sony BMG] (5 tracks) (cd-maxisingle) (Franse versie)

2007: Melo-M als Those Were the Days (cd: Singalongs) [Platforma Records PRCD 198]

N° 82-albumhit in Frankrijk voor Shaggy feat. Nasha (Writers: Orville Burrell, Christopher Birch & Gene Raskin) (Produced by: Christopher "Longman" Birch) (Background Vocals: Nasha) (Musicians: Christopher "Longman" Birch) (Recorded by: Christopher "Longman" Birch, Tony "CD" Kelly & Eliud Ortiz) (Recorded at: Ranch Studio NY, Big Yard Studios, JA, Jungle Studio, JA & The House FL) (Mixed by: Shaun "Sting International" Pizzonia) (Mixed at: Ranch Studio NY) (Contains an interpolation of "Those Were the Days" written by Gene Raskin) (Executive Producers: Orville "Shaggy" Burrell, Robert Livingston & Shaun "Sting International" Pizzonia) (Product Manager: Marc Fritsch, Roger Nedoma) (A&R: Coordination: Konrad von Löhneysen) (Mastered by: Shaun "Sting International" Pizzonia & Paul Shields @ Vip Mastering) als Those Days (℗ 2007) op 28 juni 2008 (cd: Intoxication) [Big Yard Music Group Ltd. 0182693MIN]

2008: Nathalie Cardone als Le temps des fleurs (cd: Servir le beau) [Milan 399 243-2 | Universal Music | France Universal Licensing Music (U.L.M ©) | Warner Music International | Victor] (Franse versie)

2008: Schneeberger-Schürmann Quartett (Gene Raskin) (Mario Schneeberger: altosaxophone) (Niggi Schürmann: piano) (Dominik Schürmann: bass) (Lorenz Hunziker: drums) als Those Were the Days (cd: Tales of Day and Night) [Jazz Elite Special ES 73767]

2009: Ima (Version originale: Gene Raskin / Paroles françaises: Eddy Marnay) (Réalisation: Guy St-Onge) (Arrangements et direction: Guy St-Onge) (Producteur exécutif: Alessandro Cerundolo) (Musiciens / Guy St-Onge: Piano, guitares, basse, batterie, contrebasse, percussions, marimba, accordéon, rhodes, steel-drums, claviers, voix, harmonica, etc.) (Trompette: Jocelyn Couture) (Saxophone ténor, flûte: Richard Beaudet) (Trombone: Mohammed Abdul Al-Khabyyr) (Violon: Philippe Dunnigan, Mélanie Bélair) (Alto: Ligia Paquin) (Violoncelle: Sheila Hannigan) (Enregistré au Studio Référence de St-Calixte (complexe d'enregistrement Guy St-Onge) (Prise de son: Eric Tessier, Hugo Trépannier) (Mixage: Guy St-Onge assisté de Eric Tessier et Hugo Trépannier) (Masterisation: Marc-Olivier Bouchard chez Pure Mastering) (complexe d'enregistrement Guy St-Onge) (Direction artistique: Alessandro Cerundolo, Guy St-Onge et IMA) (Producteur: Productions Divine Angel) (Promotion radio: Torpille, Jean-François Blanchet) (Management: Alessandro Cerundolo pour Productions Divine Angel) als Le temps des fleurs (cd: A la vida !) [Divine Angel Productions DACD-3387 | Distribution Select] (Franse versie)

2009: Nathalie Cardone (Romuald Figuier - Pascal Sevran - Jean Harlet) (Nathalie Cardone: Chant) (Patrick Hampartzoumian: Orchestration) (Emmanuel Guerrero - Ècritures bordes) (Laurent Coppola: Batterie) (Jean-Marc Haroutiounian: Basse) (André Hampartzoumian: Guitares) (Patrick Hampartzoumian: Percussions et Programmation) (Nathalie Cardone et Patrick Hampartzoumian: Chœurs) (Caroline Lasfargues: Violon 1) (Florence Véniant: Violon 2) (Nathalie Carlucci: Alto) (Arrangé, réalisé, enregistré et mixé par Patrick Hampartzoumian au studio IPN) (Masterisé au Studio La Source, Paris par Jean-Pierre Chalbos & DPMS, Paris par Stéphane Gérard) (Production artistique: Patrick Hampartzoumian et Nathalie Cardone) (Produit par Emmanuel Chamboredon) als Le temps des fleurs [Milan 399 275-2 | Universal Music | France Universal Licensing Music (U.L.M ©) | Warner Music International | Victor] (3 tracks) (cd-single) (Franse versie)

2009: Sarah Morrau als Those Were the Days (cd: Here's to Life) [Barking Dog Records EAN 6 31161 02282 4]

2011: Blubell & Black Tie (Projeto realizado com o acompañado do Estado de São Paulo) (Secretaria de Estado da Cultura) (Programa de Ação Cultural - 2011) als Those Were the Days (cd: Blubell & Black Tie) [Borandá BA 0013]

2011: Rebecca Storm (Words and Music by Gene Raskin) (Recorded Live at Grand Canal Theatre, Dublin) als Those Were the Days (cd: The Essential Rebecca Storm) [Beaumex BMCD 582]

N° 34-albumhit in Vlaams-België voor Sasha & Davy (Nederlandse bewerking: Manja Siebrecht) als Die dag ging nooit voorbij op 4 februari 2012 (cd: Onafscheidelijk) [Vlaamse Sterren 22 23584-2 | CNR Music Belgium]

2012: Mika Huusari (Boris Fomin) ("Those Were the Days" Petri Krzywacki - Guitar) ("Those Were the Days" Jorma Ojanperä - Bass) ("Those Were the Days" Harri Heininen - Drums) (Producer: Misbehavin' Mika Husari 2012, Finland) (Recording Engineer: Esa Kotilainen) (Recorded on 24.9.2011/18.10.2011) (Mastered by Pauli Saastamoinen/Finnvox Studiot Oy) als Those Were the Days/Oi niitä aikoja (cd: As Time Goes By) [MHA MHCD12]

N° 3-albumhit in Spanje voor Los Supersingles (Adaptación española: José Carreras) als Qué tiempo tan feliz op 5 mei 2013 (cd: Las canciones de qué tiempo tan feliz) [Sony Music 88883719672] (Spaanse versie)

2013: Roby Lakatos (Boris Fomin) als Dorogoi dlinnoyu (Those Were the Days, Le temps des fleurs, Den langen Weg entlang) (cd: La Passion - Live at Sydney Opera House) [Avanti Classic 5414706 10412]

N° 23-albumhit in Vlaams-België voor Wendy Van Wanten (Traditional / Nederlandse tekst: Peter van Noort) (Opname: Manfred Recordings, Etten Leur (NL)) (Productie/Techniek - Manfred Jongenelis) (Arrangementen - Manfred Jongenelis) (Executive Producer - Patrick Vandewattijne) (Accordeon - Manfred Jongenelis) (Gitaren - Bert Meulendijk) (Backing Vocals - Nadia Mampaey, Manfred Jongenelis) (Sax & Bariton-Sax - Franky Hayse) (Trompet - Martijn De Laat) (Mastering - Erwin Maas voor eMastering) als Dit wordt mijn dag op 15 februari 2014 (cd: Wendy zingt Dalida) [Van Dijk Publishing VDP 59065 | CNR Records]

2014: Scythian als Those Were the Days (cd: Jump at the Sun) [Scythian Music EAN 8 22371 15141 5 | Self-released]

2016: Annie Blanchard als Those Were the Days (cd: Those Were the Days) [Bobten Records PVB24689 | Dep]

2016: J.B.O. (deutsche Bearbeitung: Hannes Holzmann - Vito C.) als Jetzt ist halt heut (cd: 11) [AFM Records AFM 576-2] (Duitse versie)

2018: Jerry Weldon (Gene Raskin) (Jerry Weldon - Tenor Saxophone) (Kyle Kohler - Hammond B3 Organ (Colby Inzer - Drums) (Daniel Sadownick - Percussion) (Executive Producer: Cory Weeds) (Produced by Jerry Weldon and Cory Weeds) (Recorded at Trading 8s Recording Studios in Paramus, New Jersey on January 12, 2018) (Engineered by Chris Sulit) (Mixed and mastered by Dave Darlington) als Those Were the Days (cd: Those Were the Days) [Cellar Live CLO11218]

N° 2-albumhit in Vlaams-België voor Willy Sommers (Engelse tekst en muziek: Gene Raskin / Nederlandse tekstbewerking: Geert Vanloffelt) (Geproduceerd door Hans Francken) (Opgenomen in Popvilla, Essen ◦ Audioworx, Hogeloon ◦ ICP Studios, Brussel ◦ Studio Dada, Brussel) (Gemixed en Gemastered door Diederik De Saedeleer) (Drums - Herman Cambré) (Bas - Vincent Pierins) (Gitaren - Pallieter Van Buggenhout) (Keyboards en Hammond - Hans Francken) (Trompet, Flugelhorn - Jo Hermans) (Saxen - Wietse Meys) (Strijkers - Casco Phil) (Backing Vocals - Lisa en Joris van Rossem, Joey Brocken) (Strijkers & Blazersarrangementen - Wietse Meys) als Oh wat een mooie tijd op 31 augustus 2019 (cd: Sommers of 69) [CNR Legends AL-31165-5]

2019: Cigánski Diabli (Hudba a anglický text: Gene Raskin / Slovenský text: Ivan Úradníček) (Husle: Štefan Picur Banyák) (Viola: Jozef Farkaš) (Violončelo a Spev: Silvia Šarköziová) (Kontrabas: Róbert Fehér) (Cimbal: Ernest Šarközi) (Klarinet: Zoltán Grunza) (Music arrangements: Ernest Šarközi) (Sound master: Dušan Ratica ARS Studio, Bratislava) (Production and Distribution: Pavlík Records) als Spomienky márnivé (cd: Kone) [Pavlík Records PA 0177-2- 331] (Slowaakse versie)

2019: Helena Goldt als Dorogoj dlinnoju (Those where the days) (cd: Gefährlich nah) [Herzog Records 901086HER] (Russische versie)

2019: Maria Da Vinci (deutsche Bearbeitung: Heinz Korn) als An jenem Tag (cd: Einfach nur Maria) [Vengamedia 871847525403 | Kontor New Media] (Duitse versie)
Titel A-kant

Those Were the Days

Componist(en) A-kant


Producer(s) A-kant

Paul McCartney / -

Titel B-kant

Turn Turn Turn / Make It Go

Componist(en) B-kant

Seeger / Chris Andrews

Producer(s) B-kant

Paul McCartney / -


Apple / Pye


2 / 7N-17611

Hoogste positie UK

1 (Mary Hopkin)

Hoogste positie US

2 (Mary Hopkin)


Post Card / -

Luister de Top 40-hits Luister de Top 40 op Spotify



Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
Think of all the great things we would do

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance
Forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young
And sure to have our way

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance
Forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days
Oh yes, those were the days

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance
Forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days
Oh yes, those were the days

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friend, we're older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance
Forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days
Oh yes, those were the days

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala




Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And think of all the great things we would do

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance
Forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young
And sure to have our way

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance
Forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days
Oh yes, those were the days

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me

Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Well my friend, we're older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same

Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance
Forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days
Oh yes, those were the days

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lalalalalala

Alle Top 40-hits

Details Rosé & Bruno Mars - APT
Details Roxy Dekker - Ga Dan!
Details Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile
Details Gracie Abrams - That's So True
Details Lola Young - Messy
Details Teddy Swims - Bad Dreams
Details Alex Warren - Burning Down
Details Martin Garrix & Jex - Told You So
Details Noano feat. Emms - Waka
Details Morgan Wallen - Love Somebody
Details Pawsa & Adventures Of Stevie V - Dirty Cash
Details Myles Smith - Nice To Meet You
Details Suzan & Freek - Ken Je Dat Gevoel
Details David Guetta, Alphaville & Ava Max - Forever Young
Details Rondé - Love Of My Life
Details Cyril & Maryjo - Still Into You
Details Coldplay ft Little Simz, Burna Boy, Elyanna & Tini - We Pray
Details Sven Versteeg featuring Likke Pêhp - Blikkendag
Details Kensington - A Moment
Details Billie Eilish - Birds Of A Feather
Details Claude & Zoë Tauran - Je T'aime
Details Myles Smith - Wait For You
Details Son Mieux - Have A Little Faith
Details Cameron Whitcomb - Medusa
Details Teddy Swims - Guilty
Details R3hab, Mufasa & Hypeman & Rani - Believe (Shooting Stars)
Details Chef'Special - C'est La Vie
Details Douwe Bob & Sera - Could Have Been Us
Details Nate Smith - Fix What You Didn't Break
Details Yves Berendse & Emma Heesters - Alleen Met Jou
Details The Weeknd - Cry For Me
Details Sabrina Carpenter - Taste
Details De Poema's & Snelle - Op Jou Heb Ik Gewacht
Details Tate McRae - Sports Car
Details Yves Berendse - Vandaag Ben Ik Van Jou
Details David Guetta & Alesso feat. Madison Love - Never Going Home Tonight
Details Martin Morero - Spijt Is Voor Later
Details Lost Frequencies & Tom Odell - Black Friday - Pretty Like The Sun
Details Gabry Ponte, Sean Paul & Natti Natasha - Born To Love Ya
Details Clean Bandit, Anne-Marie & David Guetta - Cry Baby