Garden Of Love
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ohw my god
look at my world
crumbling apart
as I chase the wind
my life look at my life
what will i become
how will i begin
Once a 1000 words
that could be hurt
one million miles
crowded in my head
confusions filled my mind
everybody searching for an answer
to their prayer
we cling to what we know
the truth is never there
and the lord says
look away, look away, look away, look away
to the garden of love
and the lord says
look away look away look away look away
to the garden of love
my love
you where my love
thunder in my heart
ooooohw may we never part
each time i look in your eyes
passion takes my heart
all i thougt was right
Once a 1000 words
that could be hurt
one million miles
crowned in my head
confusions filled my mind
everybody searching for an answer
to their prayer
we cling to what we know
the truth is never there
and the lord said
look away, look away, look away, look away
to the garden of love
and the lord said
look away look away look away look away
to the garden of love
and the lord said
look away, look away, look away, look away
to the garden of love
and the lord said
look away look away look away look away
to the garden of love
look away
so i looked away