

Barry Ryan


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Barry Ryan With The Majority – Eloise [MGM Records 61 207]‎ (45 toerensingle)
(Words and Music by Paul Ryan)
(Arranged and Conducted by Johnny Arthey)
(Produced by Bill Landis)
(Published ℗ 1968)
[N° 1-hit in Zweden] (Sverigetopplistan)
[N° 1-hit in Denemarken] (Danmarks Radio)
[N° 1-hit in Nederland] (Veronica Top 40 - Radio Veronica - 192 meter (1562 kHz)
[N° 1-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland] (Der Musikmarkt)
[N° 1-hit in Vlaams-België] (Humo's Top 20)
[N° 1-hit in Waals-België] (Ultratop 50 Wallonia)
[N° 1-hit in Frankrijk] (Hit-Parade RTL (Radio Télévision Luxembourg)
[N° 1-hit in Luxemburg] (Radio Luxembourg Top 30 - Radio Luxembourg - 208 meter (1440 kHz) (English-language service)
[N° 1-hit in Zwitserland] (Schweizer Hitparade)
[N° 1-hit in Italië] (Musica e dischi)
[N° 1-hit in Spanje] (AFYVE)
[N° 1-hit in Joegoslavië] (Novi Džuboks)
[N° 1-hit in Australië] (Go-Set)
[N° 1-hit in Nieuw-Zeeland] (Listener)
[N° 1-hit in Maleisië] (Radio Malaysia)
[N° 1-hit in Rhodesië] (Lyons Maid)
[N° 1-hit in Singapore] (Radio Singapore)
[N° 2-hit in Groot-Brittannië] (New Musical Express)
(N° 2-hit in Ierland] (IRMA)
[N° 2-hit in Noorwegen] (VG-lista)
[N° 2-hit in Zuid-Afrika] (Springbok)
[N° 14-hit in Finland] (Suomen virallinen lista)
[N° 36-hit in Canada] (RPM)
[N° 86-hit in Amerika] (Billboard Hot 100)

{Classic Song op radiostation Extra AM 1332 kHz in Amsterdam, The Netherlands} {Classic Song op Hendrik van Nellestijn's internetstation Radio Mi Amigo (Live vanaf de Spaanse Costa), Alfaz del Pi, Costa Blanca, España}


1969: Barry Ryan (Words and Music by Paul Barry) (Arrangements and Musical Direction by Johnny Arthey) (Produced by Bill Landis) (Recording Engineers: Michael Claydon and John Pantry) als Eloise (lp: Barry Ryan Sings Paul Ryan) [MGM Records MGM-CS 8106]


Wist je dat?

1968: Augusto Algueró y su orquesta (Paul Ryan) als Eloise (lp: Augusto Algueró y su orquesta) [Polydor 0520 SFLP]

1968: Barry Ryan e the Majority (Testo originale in inglese e musica: Paul Ryan / Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia - Sergio Tocci) (Arrangiato e diretto da Johnny Arthey) (Prodotto da Bill Landis) als Eloise (versione italiana) [MGM Records MG 70.036] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1968: Claude François (Paroles originales et musique: Paul Ryan / Adaptation française: Claude François - Vline Buggy) (Orchestration: Reg Guest) ("Éloïse": direction: Lou Warburton) (Les chœurs ont été enregistrés par le groupe "Les Fléchettes" avec l'aimable des disques Fléche) (Enregistrements Londres et Studio Europa-Sonor, Paris) (Production: Créations Artistiques) als Éloïse (lp: Éloïse) [Disques Flèche 844.801 BY | Philips] (Franse versie)

N° 1-album-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor James Last als Potpourri: (a.) Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (John Lennon - Paul McCartney) / (b.) Chewy Chewy (Joey Levine - Kris Resnick) / (c.) Eloise (Paul Ryan) in 1969 (lp: Non Stop Dancing 8) [Polydor 249 294]

N° 1-album-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor James Last als Potpourri: (a.) Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (John Lennon - Paul McCartney) / (b.) Chewy Chewy (Joey Levine - Kris Resnick) / (c.) Eloise (Paul Ryan) in 1969 (lp: Non Stop Dancing 69) [Polydor 249 294]

1969: A B C Company (Words by Paul Ryan / Music by Paul Ryan) ("Eloise": Jo Clifton, Gesang) als Eloise (lp: Pop Hits '69) [Tip 633 159]

1969: Art Heatlie (Personnel - Electric Saxophone: Art Heatlie) (Tenor Saxophone: Bez Martin) (Trumpets: Murray Campbell - Fanie van Staden) (Trombones: Teddy Hockin - Ron Snyder) (Organ / Piano / Vibes: Hennie Bekker - Ralph Baleson) (Guitars: Art de Villiers - Archie van der Ploeg) (Electric Bass: Bob Hill) (Drums: Roy Hanger) (Percussion: Ted Bowles) (Recording Engineer: Boet Pretorius) (Arranged and Produced by: Art Heatlie) (Recorded in the Studios of Gallo (Africa) Pty. Limited April 1969) als (a.) Eloise (Paul Ryan) / (b.) I'm a Tiger (Ronnie Scott - Marty Wilde) (lp: Saxophonics '69) [Trutone STO 705]

1969: Augusto Algueró y su orquesta (Paul Ryan) (Arreglos y Dirección Musical: Augusto Algueró) (Ingeniero de Sonido: John Macks with Productor: Carlos Millan) als Eloise (lp: Augusto Algueró y su orquesta) [Polydor 0520 SFLP]

1969: Buddy Richard con Horacio Saavedra y orquesta (Paul Ryan) als Eloise (lp: Buddy Richard en el Astor) [RCA Victor CML-2790-X]

1969: Caravelli (Paul Ryan) (Direction artistique: Philippe Baudet) als Eloïse (lp: Eloïse) [CBS S 7-63566]

1969: Claude François (Testo italiano: Sergio Tocci - Giuseppe Cassia / Testo originale in inglese e musica: Paul Ryan) als Eloise (versione italiana) [Disques Flèche SIF/NP 78005] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1969: Claude François (Paroles originales et musique: Paul Ryan / Paroles françaises: Claude François) (Orchestration: Reg Guest) (Direction: Lou Warburton) als Éloïse (Eloise) (ep: Éloïse - N°5) [Disques Flèche 424.554 BE | Philips] (45 toerensingle) (3 track-ep) (Franse versie)

1969: Dino (Testo originale in inglese e musica: Paul Ryan / Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia - Sergio Tocci) (Vito Tommaso, la sua orchestra e "I Cantori Moderni" di Alessandroni) (Assistente musicale: Franco Finetti) (Tecnico del re-recording: Giulio Spelta) als Eloise (lp: Dino) [RCA ALPS 11010 | Arc] (Italiaanse versie)

1969: Donald Lautrec (Paroles originales et musique: Paul Ryan / Paroles françaises: Claude François) (Arr. et Orch.: Pierre Noles) als Eloise [Jupiter JP 1171] (45 toerensingle) (Franse versie)

1969: Donald Lautrec (Paroles originales et musique: Paul Ryan / Paroles françaises: Claude François) ("Eloise": Arrangements et orchestration: Pierre Noles) ("Eloise": enregistrés au Studio Stereo Sound, Montréal) (Ingénieur: Pierre Tessier) (Produit par: Yvan Dufresne) als Eloise (lp: Donald Lautrec) [Jupiter YDS 8028] (Franse versie)

1969: I Combos (Testo originale in inglese e musica: Paul Ryan / Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia - Sergio Tocci) als Eloise [Combo HP 8022] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1969: Karel Gott (Paul Ryan / český text: Eduard Krečmar) ("Eloise": Taneční orchestr Čs. rozhlasu, řídí Josef Vobruba) (Produckce Jiří Štaidl) als Eloise (lp: Poslouchejte! Karel Gott zpívá Lásku bláznivou a další hity) [Supraphon 1 13 0685] (Tsjechische versie)

1969: Manuel Gas y su organo Hammond (Paul Ryan) als Eloise (lp: Manuel Gas y su organo Hammond) [Sintonia LPSE 301.290]

1969: Miguel Ramos, su órgano Hammond y orquesta (Paul Ryan) als Eloise (lp: Miguel Ramos, su órgano Hammond y orquesta / Volumen 6) [Hispavox HH 11-166]

1969: Orquesta Marfer als Eloise (lp: Marfer parade Nº 10) [Marfer M 30-085]

1969: Peter Covent Band (Arrangements und Musikalische Leitung: Peter Covent) (Produktion und Gesamtleitung: Egon L. Frauenberger) (Tontechnik: Willi Schmidt - Trixi Tonstudio München) als (a) Eloise (Paul Ryan) / (b) Hip Hip Hooray (Geoff Stephens - John Carter) / (c) Softly Softly (Eddy Grant) (lp: 28 Hits á Gogo 4) [Philips 844 361 PY]

1969: Tapani Kansa (Säv & san. Paul Ryan / suom. san. Juha Vainio / sov. Esko Linnavalli) (Esko Linnavallin Orkesteri) als Eloise [Sonet T 6531] (45 toerensingle) (Finse versie)

1969: Tapani Kansa (Säv. & san. Paul Ryan / suom. san. Juha Vainio / sov. Esko Linnavalli) ("Eloise": Esko Linnavallin orkesteri) (Äänitys: Scandia-Studio, Jouko Ahera) als Eloise (lp: Tapani Kansa) [Scandia HSLP 104] (45 toerensingle) (Finse versie)

1969: The London Pops Orchestra (Paul Ryan) (Arranged and Conducted by John Macleod) (Produced by Tony Macaulay and John Macleod) (Musical Direction by John Macleod and Nicky Welsh) als Eloise (lp: ... And Now the Second Movement) [Pye NSPL.18307]

1969: The Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra (Paul Ryan) (All Arrangements by Peter Thomas) als Eloise (lp: Viva la feria) [Polydor 222 008]

1969: Unknown Artist (Words and Music by Barry Ryan) als Eloise (lp: New Chartbusters) [Marble Arch MAL 868]

1970: Karel Gott a Sbor Lubomíra Pánka (Paul Ryan / český text: Eduard Krečmar) (Taneční orchestr Čs. rozhlasu) (řídí Josef Vobruba) (Produckce Jiří Štaidl) als Eloise [Supraphon 0 43 0893] (45 toerensingle) (Tsjechische versie)

1972: Dean Reed (Englische Texte und Musik: Paul Ryan) (Vokal-Quartett - „Ulybka") (Orchester des Moskauer Estraden-Theaters) (Dirigent: Oleg Schimanowski) als Eloise (lp: Dean Reed) [Amiga 8 55 304]

1972: Дин Рид (Dean Reed) (Риан) (Вокальный квартет "Улыбка") (Оркестр Театра Эстрады п. у. О. Шимановского) als Элоиза (LP: Дин Рид) [Мелодия (Melodija) [33CM-03253] (Russische versie)

1972: Fernand Verstraete (Paul Ryan) als Eloise (lp: Dansons avec la trompette magique de Fernand Verstraete) [Colisée 6450 021]

1972: Franck Pourcel et son grand orchestre (Paul Ryan / Adaptation française: Claude François) als Eloïse (Eloise) (lp: Femmes) [La voix de son maître 2C 064 - 11.883 | Pathé Marconi | EMI]

1974: Creation (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (Musical Director: Brian Hands) (Producer: Tom McDonald) (Recording Engineer: Frank Douglas) als Eloise; B-kant van 24 Sycamore Street [UBA VS 304] (45 toerensingle)

1978: Paris Connection (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (Produced by Alec R. Costandinos) (Associate Producer: Danny Goldschmidt) (Arranged & Conducted by Raymond Tarass Knehnetsky) als Eloise; B-kant van You've Lost That Loving Feeling [Casablanca NB 947] (45 toerensingle)

1978: Paris Connection (Produced by Alec R. Costandinos) (Associate Producer: Danny Goldschmidt) (Arranged & Conducted by Raymond Tarass Knehnetsky) (Recorded at: Lansdowne Studios, London - Air Studios, London - Trident Studios, London) (Engineer: Stephen Short) (Remixed at: Trident Studios, London) (Engineer: Peter R. Kelsey - Desk A) (Assisted by: Stephen Short - Desk B) (Mastered at: Allen Zentz, Hollywood) als (a.) Eloise (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) / (b.) K's Theme (Raymond Tarass Knehnetsky) / (c.) Eloise (Reprise) (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (lp: Paris Connection) [Casablanca NBLP 7116]

N° 55-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor The Teens (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (Produced by Norman Ascot) (Engineered by David Allen) (℗ 2/1981) als Eloise op 20 april 1981 [Hansa 102 944] (45 toerensingle)

1983: Bowling Balls (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (Recorded July 82) (Mixed by Marc Moulin & Dan Lacksman) (Drums: Marc Ball) (Bass: Nicolas Ball) als Eloise (lp: First & Last Album for the Same Price) [Ariola 205 471]

1984: Hongkong Syndikat (Paul Ryan - Barry Ryan) (Produced By Rusty Egan) als Eloise; B-kant van Samba Olec [Teldec 6.14235] (45 toerensingle)

1984: Hongkong Syndikat (Paul Ryan - Barry Ryan) (Guitar: Hardy Möller) (Vocals: Gerd Grünberg) (Synthesizer: Gerd Plez) (Mixing Studio: Trident London) (Engineer: Adam Mosely) (Assistant: Alistair Clay) (Producer: Rusty Egan) (Recording Studio: H. Theissen, Rodgau) (Special Guests - Bass: Reggie Worthy) (Sax: Hanns Schmidt Theissen, Gary Barnacle) (Percussion: Zack Preen) (Backing Vocals: Sinita Renet, Norma Lewis) als Eloise (lp: Olympia) [Teldec 6.25721]

1984: John Lawton (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) als Eloise [N.O.N. Records NON 220 | 6845.132] (45 toerensingle)

1985: Mina (Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia / Testo originale e musica: Paul Ryan) (Arrangiamento ritmiche: Massimiliano Pani) (Arrangiamento fiati: Massimiliano Pani / Mario Robbiani) (Arrangiamento cori: Mario Robbiani) (Arrangiamento archi: Mario Robbiani) als Eloise (lp: Finalmente ho conosciuto il conte Dracula - Vol. 1) [PDU Pld. L. 7047 | P 025743 | EMI]

1985: Mino Reitano (Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia - Sergio Tocci / Testo originale in inglese e musica: Paul Ryan) als Eloise (lp: Isola d'amore) [Five Record FM 13542] (Italiaanse versie)

N° 3-hit in Groot-Brittannië voor The Damned (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (Produced and Engineered by Jon Kelly) als Eloise op 11 mei 1986 [MCA Records GRIMT 4] (45 toerensingle)

1986: Tapani Kansa (Säv. & san. Paul Ryan / suom. san. Juha Vainio / sov. Tapani Kansa) (Tapani Kansan orkesteri: Kaj Kuittinen - flyygeli, sähköpiano ja syntetisaattorit) (Ari Siikasaari - kitarat (akustiset kitarat, sähköiset), soolot, ja kompit) (Jari Heino - sähköbasso) (Aarne Himberg - kunnon rummut, sekä) ("Eloise": Pertti Päivinen - tenorisaksofoni ja huilu) ("Eloise": Esko Heikkinen - trumpetti) ("Eloise": Sovitukset: Tapani Kansa) (Äänitys: Tom Vuori, Takomo Studiot) als Eloise (lp: Kaunis nainen) [Scandia SLP 715] (Finse versie)

1987: Tino Casal (Música en texto original en ingles: Paul Ryan / adaptación española: Tino Casal) (Es una producción de EMI-Odeon, S.A.) (Dirigida y realizada por Julián Ruiz) ("Eloise": Philarmonia Orchestra dirigida por Andrew Powell) als Eloise (cd: Lágrimas de cocodrilo) [EMI 066-7486301] (Spaanse versie)

N° 4-albumhit in Nederland voor Gerard Joling (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (Produced by Peter de Wijn, additional arrangements: Bart v.d. Post) (The Album "No More Boleros" was recorded @ BSJ Studio by Bart v.d. Post) (Additional recordings by Rob Ten Bokum / The Volière by John Smit @ Wisseloord Studios) (Mixed by John Sonneveld @ Bullet Sound) (Mixed by John Smit @ Wisseloord Studios) (Musicians: Synthesizers, piano - Peter Schön) (Electric, acoustic guitar - Peter Tiehuis, Rob Ten Bokum, Bart v.d. Post) (Programming - Peter Schön, additional programming: Bart v.d. Post) (Saxophones, flutes - Gerbrand Westveen) (Percussion - Sherwin Voskuil) (Choir - Patty Paff, Joni de Boer, Marian Groenendijk, Jay Jay Johnson, Omar Dupree, Julya Loko, Sue Chaloner) (Violins, celli - Concertmasters: Benny Behr, Fokke Beekman, Bela Santa, J. Malkin, Hans Bonsel, A. Drappier, J. Kroon Jr., E. Clah, P. Olivier, Arlia de Ruiter, Karen Simberg, H. Sturmer) (Engineer: Willem Timmer) als Eloise in 1989 (cd: No More Boleros) [Mercury 838 626-2‎ | Phonogram]

N° 8-albumhit in Zwitserland voor The London Symphony Orchestra (Paul Ryan) ("Eloise": Arranged and Conducted by Andrew Pryce Jackman) (Bass Guitar - Mo Foster, Andy Pask, Steve Pearce) (Guitars - Paul Keogh, Mitch Dalton, Clem Clempson) (Keyboards - Andrew Pryce Jackman, Andrew Powell, Anne Dudley, Simon Chamberlain, Robin Smith, Jeff Jarratt, Andy Whitmore, Leslie Pearson) (Drums - Stuart Elliot, Ian Thomas, Graham Ward) (Programming - Jeff Jarratt, Bob Carter, Andy Whitmore) (Saxophones - Ronnie Aspery, Ray Warleigh, Stan Sulzmann, Jamie Talbot, Dave Bishop) (Percussion - Frank Ricotti) (LSO Leader - Ashley Arbuckle) (Adolf Fredrick Youth Choir, Sweden - The Inspirational Choir, London - The Project, Germany - The St. Philips Choir, London) (Recorded during June - September 1989 at: Abbey Road Studios, London - Arco Studios München - Sonet Studios, Stockholm - Hotrock Studios, London) (Engineers: Mike Jarratt, Jeff Jarratt, Austin Ince) (Assistant Engineers: Simon Rhodes, Darren Godwin) (Remixed September 1989 at: Studio 3, Abbey Road Studios, London) (Remix Engineer: Mike Jarratt) (Produced by Jeff Jarratt and Don Reedman) als Eloise op 12 november 1989 (cd: Rock Symphonies Vol. II) [Portrait PRT 465961 2]

1994: Bára Basiková - Basic Beat (Paul Ryan / český text: Eduard Krečmar) (Bára Basiková - zpěv, hlasy) (Martin Němec - klávesy, hlasy) (Tomáš Valášek - kytary, kastaňety) (Petr Kohut - basa) (Aranžmá - Martin Němec + Basic Beat) (Zvuková a hude režie Petr Kocfelda studio Audiokokpit) als Eloise (cd: 60tá) [Monitor 660346-2331 | EMI] (Tsjechische versie)

1996: Gilbert Montagné (Paroles originales et musique: Paul Ryan / Paroles françaises: Claude François) als Éloïse (various artists) (lp: Les plus belles chansons françaises - 1968) [Éditions Atlas FRA CD 007] (Franse versie)

1997: Das Holz (Text und Musik: Paul Ryan) (Produziert von Sven Regener) (Aufgenommen von Stefan Brüggemann im Vielklang-Studio, Berlin) (Gemixt von Sven Regener und Georg Kaleve im Vielklang-Studio, Berlin) (Überspielt und nachbearbeitet von David Young im Sound Mastering, London) (Das Holz sind: Hermann Beesten jr. - Schlagzeug) (Kati Gramß - Geige) (Christian Komorowski - Geige) als Eloise (cd: Velouria) [Chrom Records CRO 6022]

N° 36-albumhit in Duitsland voor Die 3 jungen Tenöre (Text und Musik: Paul Ryan / Bearbeitung: François Volauvent) (Produziert von Jörg Evers) (Aufgenommen und gemischt und gemastert von Erik Dumsch Sommer 1998 im Eversongs Studio) ("Eloise": Arrangiert von Norbert Daum) als Eloise op 9 november 1998 (cd: Die 3 Jungen Tenöre) [Portrait PRT 492636 2 | Sony Music Entertainment (Germany)

N° 28-albumhit in Italië voor Spagna (Produzione artistica, arrangiamenti e direzione d'orchestra: Peppe Uessicchio) als Eloise in 2001 (cd: La nostra canzone) [Epic EPC 502310 2 | Sony Music]

2001: Helloïse (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (Stan Verbraak - Lead & Harmony Vocals) (Ben Blaauw - Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Bass Guitars) (Ernst van Ee - Drums, percussion) (Guest Appearances: Bobby Valentine - Keyboards) (Helloïse Choir - Vera Lansink (Soprano), Nicoline Bovens (Alto), Christopher Kale (Tenor), Mitchell Sandler (Bass) on 'Elouise') (Recorded at Excess Studio, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, January - April 2001) (Produced by Helloïse, co-produced by Hans Pieters) (Engineered by Hans Pieters & Dennis Leidelmeijer) (Pre-Production & Guitar engineering by Ben Blaauw) (Keyboards recorded by Robby Valentine Valentine Studio, Leusden, The Netherlands) (Additional production, mixed & mastered by Sascha Paeth at the Pathway Studio, Wolfsburg, Germany, April - June 2001) (Executive producer coordination & research by Hans van Vuuren) als Eloise (cd: Fata Morgana) [Transmission Records TMD 021]

2002: Richard Clayderman (Paul Ryan) ("Eloise": Arr. Gérard Salesses) (Produced by Paul de Senneville and Olivier Thousand) als Eloise (cd: Everybody Loves Someone Sometime) [Victor VICP-62255]

N° 2-albumhit in Vlaams-België voor Helmut Lotti (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) (Executive Producer: Piet Roelen) (Produced by Peter Koelewijn) (Arrangements by Helmut Lotti & Wim Bohets) (Recorded & Mixed at Fendal Sound Studio) (Engineered by Hans van Vondelen) (Mastered at Polyhymnia te Baarn by Sander van der Heide) als Eloise op 4 oktober 2003 (cd: Pop Classics in Symphony) [Piet Roelen Productions 986 5560 | Universal]

2003: Leningrad Cowboys (Words and Music by Paul Ryan) als Eloise (cd: Global Balalaika Show Senate Square) [Leningrad Cowboys Ltd LC-001 | Self-released] Live album celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Total Balalaika Show.

2003: Miguel Nández (Paul Ryan / Adaptación: Augusto Alguerdy) als Eloise op de various artists (cd: Operación Triunfo Gala 12 - 13 Enero 2003) [Vale Music VLCDMX 1179-4] (Spaanse versie)

2006: Marko Lämsä (suom. san Juha Vainio) als Eloise (cd: Ikuisesti sinun) [Mediamusiikki MEDIACD 236] (Finse versie)

2014: Nervous Germans als Eloise (cd: Volatile) [Noisolution 9207246]

2016: Associates als Eloise ("Eloise" Previously unreleased) (cd: The Very Best Of) [Metro Select METRSL 123]

N° 7-albumhit in Vlaams-België voor Paul Michiels als Eloise (Live) op 23 juni 2018 (cd: Ageless + Very Best of & Rarities) [CNR Legends AL 306765]

2018: Agoney als Eloise (various artists) (album: Operación Triunfo 2017 - Gala 11) [Universal Music Spain EAN 6 02567 40027 1 | Digital] (Spaanse versie)

Barry Ryan

Titel A-kant


Lengte A-kant


Componist(en) A-kant

Paul Ryon

Producer(s) A-kant

Bill Landis

Titel B-kant

Love I Almost Found You

Componist(en) B-kant

Paul Ryan

Producer(s) B-kant

Bill Landis





Hoogste positie UK


Hoogste positie US



Barry Ryan Sings Paul Ryan

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Every night I'm there
I'm always there
She knows I'm there
And heaven knows
I hope she goes

I find it hard to realize (Eloise)
That love was in her eyes
It's dying now
She knows I'm crying now

And every night I'm there
I break my heart to please

You know I'm on my knees, yeah
I said: please
You're all I want
So hear my prayer, my prayer

My Eloise is like the stars
That please the night
The sun that makes the day
That lights the way

And when that star goes by (Eloise)
I'll hold it in my hands and cry
Her love is mine
My sun will shine

Every night I'm there
I break my heart to please

You're all I want
You gotta hear my prayer

My Eloise
I'd love to please her
I'd love to care
But she's not there

And when I find you
I'd be so kind
You'd want to stay
I know you'd stay

And as the days grow old
The nights crow cold
I wanna hold
Her near to me
I know she's dear to me

And only time can tell
And take away this lonely hell
I'm on my knees
To Eloise

And every night I'm there
I break my heart to please

You are my life
So hear my prayer
You are the prize
I know you're there

You're all I want
So hear my prayer, yeah yeah
You're all I need
And I'm not there

You know I'm not there
No no no no
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
My Eloise
I gotta please her, yeah
She knows I love her a lot, a lot
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
My Eloise
I got down on my knees to please her
My Eloise
She knows I love her a lot, a lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lot
Yeah yeah yeah

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