
Reach Out I'll Be There

4 Tops


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The Four Tops – Reach Out I'll Be There [Tamla Motown GO 45.269 | Artone Gramofoonplaten] (45 toerensingle)
(Words and Music by Eddie Holland, Lamont Dozier and Brian Holland)
(Produced by Brian Holland and Lamont Dozier)
(Published ℗ 1966)
[N° 1-hit in Amerika] (Billboard Hot 100)
[N° 1-hit in Groot-Brittannië] (Record Retailer)
[N° 1-hit in Groot-Brittannië] (Big L Fab 40 - Radio London - 266 meter (1133 kHz)
[N° 1-hit in Frankrijk] (Le hit-parade de Salut les Copains - Le classement des chansons de langue étrangère)
[N° 1-hit in Luxemburg] (Radio Luxembourg Top 20 - Radio Luxembourg - 208 meter (1440 kHz) (English-language service)
[N° 1-hit in Spanje] (Cash Box)
[N° 1-hit in Argentinië] (CAPIF)
[N° 4-hit in Ierland] (IRMA)
[N° 4-hit in Vlaams-België] (Juke Box Top 20)
[N° 4-hit in Waals-België] (Ultratop 50 Wallonia)
[N° 6-hit in Canada] (RPM)
[N° 8-hit in Nederland] (Veronica Top 40 - Radio Veronica - 192 meter (1562 kHz)
[N° 10-hit in Vlaams-België] (Humo's Top 20)
[N° 11-hit in Nieuw-Zeeland] (Listener)
[N° 13-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland] (Der Musikmarkt)
[N° 62-hit in Australië] (Go-Set)

{Nostalgia Classic Song op radiostation KEZW Studio 1430 AM Denver, Colorado} {Classic Song op radiostation Cruisin' 1430 AM in Denver, Colorado} {Classic Song op radiostation KAAM 770 AM Legends in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas} {Classic Song op radiostation Extra AM 1332 kHz in Amsterdam, The Netherlands} {Classic Song op Radio Mi Amigo International (Costa Blanca in Spanje 92.3 en 106.0 FM. Uitzendend vanuit Kall in de Eiffel, dagelijks op de kortegolf: van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 6 uur 's avonds, met een eigen zender op 6085 kHz in de 49 meter band en op de middengolf via de zender Riga in Letland op 1467 AM, gericht op Scandinavië, de Baltische staten en Noord-Duitsland} {Classic Song op Hendrik van Nellestijn's internetstation Radio Mi Amigo (Live vanaf de Spaanse Costa), Alfaz del Pi, Costa Blanca, España}


N° 7-albumhit in Amerika voor Four Tops (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Recorded Live at The Upper Deck of The Roostertail-Detroit, Michigan) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1966 (lp: Four Tops Live!) [Motown MS 654]

N° 11-albumhit in Amerika voor Four Tops (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by: Brian Holland & Lamont Dozier) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1967 (lp: Four Tops Reach Out) [Motown MS 660]


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N° 37-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Chris Farlowe (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Producer: Mick Jagger) (Engineer: Glyn Johns, Alan Florence and Irish) (Arranged and conducted by Art Greenslade) (Recorded at Pye Studios, London, October, 1966) (Andrew Loog Oldham Productions) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1966 (lp: The Art of Chris Farlowe) [Immediate IMSP 006]

N° 122-albumhit in Amerika voor The Dynamic Paul Mauriat Orchestra (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1966 (lp: More Mauriat) [Philips PHS 600-226]

1966: Bruno Lomas (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / adaptación española: C. Mapel) [no acreditado] (Acompañado Orquesta) als Es mejor dejarlo como está "Reach out I'll be there" (ep: Es mejor dejarlo como está) [Regal SEDL 19.527 | EMI] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1966: Claude François (Paroles anglaises et musique: Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / Paroles françaises: Claude François - Vline Bugg) (avec accompagnement d'orchestre) (Une réalisation: Jean-Jacques Tilché) als J'attendrai "Reach out I'll be there" (lp: N° 5) [Philips P 70.386 L]

1966: Derrick Harriott (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There; B-kant van My Last Letter [Crystal Records] (45 toerensingle)

1966: I Fuggiaschi (Testo originale e Musica: Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia - Mario Cenci) (Produzione: Mario De Sanctis) als Gira gira [Jolly Hi-Fi Records J20403] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1966: Joey Dee And The Starliters (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Musical Director: Trade Martin) (A Miller Martin Production) (Recorded at Select Sound Studio) (Engineer: Craig Brown) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Hitsville!) [Jubilee JGS 8000 | Jay-Gee Record Co., Inc.]

1966: Le grand orchestre de Paul Mauriat (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / Adaptation française: Claude François - Vline Buggy) (Arrangements: Paul Mauriat) (Réalisation: Gérard Côte) als J'attendrai « Reach out I'll be there » (lp: Album N° 4) [Philips ‎840.580 PY]

1966: Les Diamants (Paroles anglaises et musique: Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / Adaptation française: Vline Buggy) als J'attendrai (Reach out I'll be there) (ep: Winchester Cathedral) [Trianon ets 4623 | Pathé Marconi] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Franse versie)

1966: Les Diamants (Paroles anglaises et musique: Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / Adaptation française: Vline Buggy) als J'attendrai (Reach out I'll be there) (10"-lp: Actualités succès) [Trianon ets 5441 | Pathé Marconi] (Franse versie)

1966: Ripple Blast Singers And Band als Reach Out and I'll Be There (lp: Rhythm and Blues Hits of '66) [Power S 9003]

1966: The Chellows (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There [Hit Records 270] (45 toerensingle)

N° 2-hit in Frankrijk (Hit-Parade RTL (Radio Télévision Luxembourg) voor Claude François (Paroles anglaises et musique: Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / Paroles françaises: Claude François - Vline Buggy) (avec accompagnement d'orchestre) als J'attendrai "Reach out I'll be there" (℗ 1966) op 10 maart 1967 (ep: J'attendrai -14ème série) [Philips 437.267 BE] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Franse versie)

N° 49-albumhit in Amerika voor Petula Clark (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Tony Hatch) (Arranged by Johnny Harris, Tony Hatch & Frank Owen) (Engineer: Ray Prickett) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1967 (lp: Color My World / Who Am I) [Warner Bros. Records WS 1673]

1967: Alex y los Findes (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / adaptación española: C. Mapel) als Es mejor dejarlo como está (Reach out I'll be there) (ep: El país de las 1000 danzas) [Discophon 27.509] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1967: Bruno Lomas y su Conjunto (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / adaptación española: C. Mapel) [no acreditado] (Tino Casal - Guitarra baja) (Pol - Organo) (Bugs Bunny - Guitarra) (Colele - Batteria) als Es mejor dejarlo como está "Reach out I'll be there" (lp: Bruno Lomas canta en directo) [Regal LSX 3308 | EMI] (Spaanse versie)

1967: Count Basie and His Orchestra (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Instrumentals) (Produced by Teddy Reig) (Directed by Chico O'Farriel) (Personnel - Count Basie: piano and organ) (Harry Edison, Al Aarons, Sonny Cohn, Gene Goe: trumpets) (Grover Mitchell, Harlan Floyd, Richard Boone, Harlan Floyd, Bill Hughes: trombones) (Marshall Royal, Bobby Plater, Lockjaw Davis, Eric Dixon, Charlie Fowlkes: reeds) (Freddie Green: guitar) (Norman Keenan: bass) (Louis Bellson: drums) ("Reach Out I'll Be There recorded Los Angeles, 17 August, 1967) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Basie's in the Bag) [Brunswick BL 754127]

1967: Derrick Harriott (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There; B-kant van My Last Letter [Crystal Records 1024] (45 toerensingle)

1967: Jackie Trent with the Tony Hatch Orchestra (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Tony Hatch) (Balance Engineer: Ray Prickett) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Once More with Feeling) [Pye NPL.18173]

1967: Jean Carlo (Brian Holland - Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier / versão: Alf Soares) (com orquestra) (Produção: Som Ind. e. Com. S/A.) (Diretor de Produção: Nazarena de Brito) (Arranjos: Ivan Paulo) (Técnico de Som: Rogério Gauss) als Estarei Ao Seu Lado (Reach Out I'll Be There) (lp: Preciso Olhar pra Você) [Copacabana CPL 11.524] (Portugese versie)

1967: Lee Moses (Holland - Dozier) (Produced by: Johnny Brantley) als Reach Out, I'll Be There [Musicor Records MU 1227] (45 toerensingle)

1967: Len Barry (Produced by Len Barry Bob Cullen and Jimmy Wisner) (Recorded in RCA Victor's Studio A and B, New York City) (Recording Engineer: Ray Hall) als Medley: Show Me (Joe Tex) (Arranged and Conducted by Joe Renzetti) / Reach Out I'll Be There (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Arranged and Conducted by Peter Dino) / Human (Luther Dixon) (Arranged and Conducted by Joe Renzetti) / Mickey's Monkey (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Arranged and Conducted by Jimmy Wisner) (lp: My Kind of Soul) [RCA Victor LSP 3823]

1967: Los Cuernos (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier / adaptación española: S. Mapel) als Es mejor dejarlo como está (Reach out I'll be there) (ep: Es mejo dejarlo como está) [eKipo 66.137-XC] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1967: Los 4 Crickets (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / adaptación española: Sasia) als Yo creí (Reach out I'll be there); B-kant van Telegrafiando (Western Union) [CBS 6088] (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1967: Los Salvajes (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / adaptación española: C. Mapel [no acreditado] als Extiende tus brazos "Reach out I'll be there" (ep: Las Ovejitas) [Regal SEDL 19.531| EMI] (4-track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1967: Los Stop (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / adaptación española: C. Mapel [no acreditado] als Extiende tus brazos (Reach out I'll be there) (ep: El hombrecito) [Belter 51.792] (4-track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Spaanse versie)

1967: Nada Knežević (Holland - Dozier / hrvatski tekst: Sylvester Levay - Radoslav Graić) (Vokalni ansambl Predraga Ivanovića i Sekstet »Jeep« Vladimira Radojčića) als Biću tamo (EP: Crn je dan bez muzike) [Produkcija Gramofonskih Ploča RTB EP 50219] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle) (Kroatische versie)

1967: Nancy Ames (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Arranged and Produced by Stu Phillips) (Highlighted by the guitar Artistry of Laurindo Almeida) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Spiced with Brasil) [Epic BN 26238]

1967: P. J. Proby (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Producer: Calvin Carter) (Arranger: Arthur Wright) (Engineer: Lanky Linstrot) als Reach Out and I'll Be There (lp: Enigma) [Liberty LST-7497]

1967: Poisons (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There; B-kant van Call My Name [Beat Records BR 1051](45 toerensingle)

1967: Pucho & His Latin Soul Brothers (Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland - Eddie Holland) (Pucho, leader) (Vincent McEwan, trumpet) (Claude Bartee, tenor sax) (Harold Alexander, tenor sax & flute) (James Phillips, bass) (William Bivens, vibes) (John Spruill, piano) (Richard Landrum, congas) (Norberto Alellaniz, bongos) (William Curtis, drums) (Arrangements by John Spruill) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (lp: Saffron and Soul) [Prestige PRST 7502]

1967: Renato e Seus Blue Caps (Brian Holland - Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier / versão: Luiz Keller) als Vou Subir Bem Mais Alto Que Você (Reach out I'll be there) (lp: Renato e Seus Blue Caps) [CBS 37527] (Portugese versie)

1967: Rita Pavone (Testo Italiano: Giuseppe Cassia - Mario Cenci / Testo originale e musica: Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Produzione: Ferruccio Ricordi) (Guido Relly, la sua Orchestra e "I Cantori Moderni" di Alessandroni) als Gira gira [RCA Italiana PM45-3383] (45 rpm) (Italiaanse versie)

1967: Rocky Roberts and The Airedales (Testo originale e musica: Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia - Mario Cenci) (Dalla Trasmissione Televisione "Sabato Sera") als Gira gira (Reach Out I'll Be There) [Durium CN A 9236] (45 toerensingle) (Italiaanse versie)

1967: Rocky Roberts & The Airedales (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (A Doug Fowlkes-Giuseppe Mastroianni Production) als Reach Out I'll Be There (Gira, gira…) (lp: A sabato sera) [Durium ms A 77163]

1967: Sandro con Oscar Cardozo Ocampo y su Conjunte (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) als Extiéndete que me encontrarás (Reach out I'll be there); B-kant van Con los ojos del recuerdo van Sandro y su Conjunte [CBS 21.708] (33 ⅓ toerenplaat) (Spaanse versie)

1967: The Boogie Kings featuring the King Brothers (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Sam Montel) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Blue Eyed Soul) [Montel Michelle LP - 109]

1967: The 18th Century Concepts (Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Album directed by Bob Summers) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (lp: In the 20th Century Bag) [Sidewalk ST-5900]

1967: The Fantastic Piano and Guitar of Johnny Watson (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Produced by Larry Williams and Johnny Watson) (A&R Supervision: Stu Phillips) (Arranged by Arthur Wright) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Bad) [OKeh OKS 14118]

1967: The Primitives (Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia / Testo originale e musica: Dozier - Holland) als Gira gira (lp: Blow-Up) [ARC SA 22] (Italiaanse versie)

1967: The Spiders (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als リーチ・アウト・アイル・ビー・ゼア (Reach Out I'll Be There) (lp: Album No.3) [Philips PLP-7732 | FS-5004]

1967: The Wishful Thinking (Eddie Holland - Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier) (Producer: Tony Meehan) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (lp: Live Vol: 1.) [Decca SKL 4900]

1967: Yvonne Přenosilová (Holland / Český text: Rostislav Černý) (Apollobeat, ved Jan Spálený) als Už to nejde dál (Rich Out I'll Be There) [Supraphon 0 43 0331] (45 rpm) (Tsjechische versie)

N° 74-albumhit in Amerika voor Bill Cosby (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Fred Smith) (Executive Producer: Roy Silver) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Bill Cosby Sings / Hooray for the Salvation Army Band!) in 1968 [Warner Bros. Records WS 1728]

N° 79-hit in Amerika voor Merrilee Rush (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Tommy Cogbill and Chips Moman) als Reach Out op 28 december 1968 [AGP Records 107] (45 toerensingle)

N° 173-albumhit in Amerika voor Four Tops (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1968 (various artists) (lp: The Motown Sound: A Collection of 16 Original Hits Vol. 9) [Motown MS 668)

1968: Hank Mobley (Brian Holland - Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier) (Woody Shaw, trumpet and fluegelhorn) (Hank Mobley, tenor sax) George Benson, guitar) (LaMont Johnson, piano) (Bob Cranshaw, bass) (Billy Higgins, drums) Recording by Rudy Van Gelder) (Produced by Francis Wolff) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Reach Out!) [Blue Note BST 84288]

1968: Los Cinco Latinos (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) als Extiéndete que me encontrarás (lp: La rosa negra) [Quinto Q 10019] (Spaanse versie)

1968: Merrilee Rush (Produced by Tommy Cogbill and Chips Moman) als Reach Out [AGP Records 107] (45 toerensingle)

1968: Os Espiões (Brian Holland - Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier / versão: Alf Soares) als Estarei Ao Seu Ladoh (Reach Out I'll Be There); B-kant van Ela Que Eu Amo [Continental 50.030] (33 ⅓ toerenplaat (Portugese versie)

1968: Paraffin Jack Flash Limited (Brian Holland - Lamont - Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Produced by Jack Dorsey) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (lp: Movers 'n' Groovers) [Pye NSPL. 18252]

1968: Paul Nero Sounds (Arranged and Conducted by Paul Nero) (Girls: Kay Garner, Yvonne Weetman, Leslie Duncan) (Engineer Willi Schmidt) (Announcement: Mike Tuttlies) (Producer: Siegfried E. Loch) als Reach Out I'll Be There (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) / Bernadette (Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland) / Love Is Here and Now You're Gone (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (lp: Nero's Detroit Soul Party) [Liberty LBS 83 150]

1968: San Remo Golden Strings (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Produced by Gil Askey & Larry Maxwell) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: The San Remo Golden Strings Swing) [Gordy GLPS 928]

1968: Sunny and The Sunliners (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als I'll Be There (lp: Little Brown-Eyed Soul) [Key-Loc KL-3005]

1968: The Beatnicks (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Kor og orkester under ledelse af Helmer Olesen) als Reach Out (I'll Be there) [Philips PF 355 358] (45 toerensingle)

1968: The Keith Mansfield Orchestra (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Produced by Mike Smith) (Engineer: Mike Ross) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (lp: All You Need Is Keith) [CBS S 63246]

1968: The Mind Garage (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out [Morning Glori MG 1000] (45 toerensingle)

1968: The New Christy Minstrels (Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland) (Produced by George Greif and Sid Garris) (Arranged and Conducted by Chuck Sagle) (Engineering: Arthur Kendy) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (lp: On Tour Through Motortown) [Columbia CS 9616]

1968: The Tremeloes (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Mike Smith) (Prepared for release in the U.S.A. by Manny Kellem) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Suddenly You Love Me) [Epic BN 26363]

(1968: The Walker Brothers ‎(Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: The Walker Brothers in Japan) [Philips ‎SFL - 9046] (Recorded live at Osaka Festival Hall January 2nd-4th, 1968)

N° 16-albumhit in Amerika voor The Cowsills (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced and Arranged by Bill and Bob Cowsill) (Recorded live and engineered by Bill Haney Sound Equipment Company) (Creative Director: William "Bob" Cowsill) (Personal Management: Leonard Stogel and Associates, Ltd. (Director of Engineering: Val Valentin) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) in 1969 lp: The Cowsills in Concert) [MGM Records SE 4619]

1969: Joe Harnell (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Produced by: Wade Marcus) (Arrangers: David Van DePitte, Wade Marcus) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Moving On!!) [Motown MS-698]

1969: Merrilee Rush (Words and Music by Eddie Holland, Lamont Dozier and Brian Holland) (Produced by: Tommy Cogbill & Chips Moman) als Reach Out [AGP Records 107] (45 toerensingle)

1969: Morning Reign (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out and I'll Be There; B-kant van Any Way That You Want Me [Garland Records GR-2012]

1970: Henry Jerome (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Produced by Henry Jerome) (Production Coordinator: Noel Walker) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Henry Jerome Presents American Gold) [United Artists Records SQB-93113]

1970: Nite People (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Arrangement - Barry Curtis - Scott Kirkpatrick) (Jimmy Warwick - guitars, vocals) (Barry Curtis - keyboards, recorder) (Scott Kirkpatrick - bass) ('Fergy' Ferguson - drums, percussion, vocals) (Freddy Staff, John Hockridge, Jeff Evans - trumpet) (Roy Sidwell - tenor, baritone, soprano saxophones) (Allan Dilley - baritone saxophone) (Danny Elwood - bass trombone) (John Kirkland - string leader) (Colin Frechter - bass and string arrangements) (Recorded at Maximum Sound Studios) (Dave Hadfield - engineer) (Produced by Phil Waller) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (lp: P.M.) [Page One POLS 025 | Fontana Records]

1970: The Christian Minstrels (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Soloist: Debbie) als Reach Out (lp: Reach Out) [Century Records 39530]

1970: The Des Champ Orchestra als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: My Own Thing) [Page One POLS 026]

N° 6-albumhit in Amerika voor Diana Ross (Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland) (Produced by Nickolas Ashford & Valerie Simpson) als Reach Out, I'll Be There in 1971 (lp: Surrender) [Motown MS 723]

N° 29-hit in Amerika voor Diana Ross (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Nickolas Ashford & Valerie Simpson) (Arranged by Paul Riser) {Classic Song op radiostation Radio Mi Amigo International (Costa Blanca in Spanje 92.3 en 106.0 FM. Uitzendend vanuit Kall in de Eiffel, dagelijks op de kortegolf: van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 6 uur 's avonds, met een eigen zender op 6085 kHz in de 49 meter band en op de middengolf via de zender Riga in Letland op 1467 AM, gericht op Scandinavië, de Baltische staten en Noord-Duitsland} als Reach Out I'll Be There op 29 mei in 1971 [Motown M 1184] (45 toerensingle)

1971: The Impact of Brass (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Producer: Henry Cosby) (Arrangers: Henry Cosby, Eddie Nuccilli, David Van DePitte) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Down at the Brass Works) [Rare Earth R 529 L]

1971: The Mar-Keys (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Producers: Henry Bush, Allen Jones) (Arrangers: Allen Jones, Henry Bush, Mickey Gregory) (Engineers: William Brown, Henry Bush) (Re-Mix Engineers: Ron Capone, Henry Bush) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Memphis Experience) [Stax STS-2036]

1972: Sergio Denis con Gustavo Beytelmann y su Orquesta (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / versão cast. Doris Band) als Extiéndete que me encontrarás (lp: Sergio Denis) [CBS 19236] (Spaanse versie)

1973: Butler (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Steve Apirana (21): Lead guitar and vocals) (Heidi Warren (20): 2nd Lead guitar and vocals) (Hori Sinnott (19): Drums) (Angel Adams (19): Bass guitar) (Album Produced by "Choppy") (Recording Engineer: Tony Foster-Moan) als Reach Out (lp: Butler) [Family Label FLY 215 | Pye Ltd.]

N° 25-albumhit in Amerika voor Gloria Gaynor (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Arranged by Lou Del Gatto) (Produced by Tony Bongiovi, Meco Monardo and Jay Ellis) (Drums: Allan Schwartzberg) (Bass: Babbitt) (Keyboards: Pat Rebillot) (Congas: Carlos Martin) (Guitars: Lance Quinn - Jerry Friedman - Jeff Mironov) (Recorded at Media Sound, N.Y.C.) (Recording Engineer: Tony Bongiovi) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1975 (lp: Never Can Say Goodbye) [MGM Records M3G 4982]

N° 60-hit in Amerika voor Gloria Gaynor (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Disco Mix by Tom Moulton) (Arranged by Lou Del Gatto) (Produced by Tony Bongiovi, Meco Monardo and Jay Ellis) {Classic Song op radiostation Radio Mi Amigo International (Costa Blanca in Spanje 92.3 en 106.0 FM. Uitzendend vanuit Kall in de Eiffel, dagelijks op de kortegolf: van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 6 uur 's avonds, met een eigen zender op 6085 kHz in de 49 meter band en op de middengolf via de zender Riga in Letland op 1467 AM, gericht op Scandinavië, de Baltische staten en Noord-Duitsland} {Classic Song op Hendrik van Nellestijn's internetstation Radio Mi Amigo (Live vanaf de Spaanse Costa), Alfaz del Pi, Costa Blanca, España} als Reach Out, I'll There op 12 april 1975 [MGM Records M 14790] (45 toerensingle)

1975: Benny (Musik + Originaltext: Holland - Dozier / deutsche Spezialtext: Fred Jay) (Eine Frank-Farian-Produktion) als Heiße räder lassen grüssen (Du bist da) [Hansa 16 045 AT] (45 toerensingle) (Duitse versie)

1975: Benny (Musik + Originaltext: Holland - Dozier / deutsche Bearbeitung: Fred Jay) (Eine Frank-Farian-Produktion) als Heiße räder lassen grüssen (lp: Amigo Charly Brown - Benny und seine Hits) [Hansa 27 449 OT] (Duitse versie)

1975: Christopher John, son orchestre et ses chanteurs (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) als Reach Out, I'll There (lp: Jukebox) [Music for Pleasure 4M046-23532 | EMI]

1975: Gianni Oddi (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Gianni Oddi, Sax) (Arrangiamenti di Gianni Oddi) (Realizzazione di Cesare De Natale) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Oddi Sax Vol. 6) [RCA Italiana TPL1 1158]

1975: Gil Ventura (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Gil Ventura: flauto Yamaha], sax tenore, Baritono Selmer, amplificazione Steelphon) (Arrangiamento e direzione: Umberto Decimo) (Studio di registrazione GRS, Milano) (Tecnico del suono e mixage: Bruno Malasoma) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Sax Club Number 12) [EMI Italiana 3C 054 - 18122 | EMI]

1975: Gilla + Seventy Five Music (Musik + Originaltext: Holland - Dozier / deutsche Bearbeitung: Fred Jay) (Eine Frank Farian-Produktion) als Du bist da (Reach Out I'll Be There) (lp: Willst du mit mir schlafen gehn?) [Hansa 89 461 IT] (Duitse versie)

1975: Hugo Strasser und sein Tanzorchester (Brian Holland - Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier / Arr.: Günther Gebauer) (Produzent: Hugo Strasser) (Tonmeister: Kurt G. Lorbach) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Die Tanzplatte des Jahres 75/76) [EMI 1C 062-29 586 | EMI Electrola]

1975: John Keating (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Created and produced by John Keating) (Sound engineer: Peter Vince) (All electronic instruments by ARP including: 2600, Odyssey, Pro Soloist String Ensemble) (Rhythm Section - Henry Spinetti, drums) (Barry de Souza, drums) (Paul Keogh, guitar) (Les Thatcher, guitar) (Brian Odgers, bass) (Francis Monkman, keyboards) als Reach Out and I'll Be There (lp: Space Experience 2) [Studio 2 Stereo TWOX 1044 | EMI]

1975: Markku Aro (Säv. & san. Eddie Holland - Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier / suom. san. Vexi Salmi / sov. Antti Hyvärinen) (Orkesteri, joht. Antti Hyvärinen) als Pois sun vien - Reach Out I'll Be There - [CBS 3422] (45 toerensingle)(Finse versie)

1975: Markku Aro (Säv. & san. Eddie Holland - Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier / sov. Antti Hyvärinen) als Pois sun vien - Reach Out I'll Be There - (lp: Katso luontoa ja huomaa) [Finnlevy SFLP 9572] (Finse versie)

1975: Markku Aro (Säv. & san. Eddie Holland - Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier / suom. san. Vexi Salmi / sov. Antti Hyvärinen) als Pois sun vien op de various artists (lp: Finnhits 3) [Finnlevy FTV 4] (Finse versie)

1975: Unknown Artist als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (lp: Springbok Hit Parade 22) [Music for Pleasure MFP 5466] (The Springbok Hit Parade series did not feature original artists and the cover songs were recorded by various unnamed session musicians).

1976: The Philly Soul Corporation (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Soul Music - Soul Hits (Vol. 2) [Music for Pleasure 4M046-23555]

N° 3-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor The Nolan Sisters (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Engineers: Bill Price, Gary Edwards) (Drums: Barry Morgan) (Percussion: Frank Ricotti, Tony Carr) (Bass: Brian Odgers) (Guitars: Ritchie Hitchcock, Paul Keogh) (Keyboards: Mike Moran) (ARP: Gerry Butler) (Arranged and Conducted by Len Hunter, Gerry Butler) (A Cookaway Production by Roger Greenaway) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1978 (lp: 20 Giant Hits) [Target TGS 502 | WEA Records]

1978: The Biddu Orchestra (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Produced by Biddu) (Arranged by John Cameron, Mike Moran, Chris Rae and Biddu Appaiah) (Engineer: Richard Dodd) (Tape Operators: G. Guy, Paul Libson, G. Milner) (Recorded at Marquee, Nova and Pye Studios, 1978) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Disco Gold) [CBS PR 5054]

1979: Kenny (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Kenny and Gwynn Mathias) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) [Decca 6 12 455] (45 toerensingle)

N° 13-albumhit in Nederland voor Stars on 45 (Produced for Red Bullet Productions by Jaap Eggermont) als Stars on 45 (Jaap Eggermont - Martin Duiser) / Papa Was a Rolling Stone (Norman Whitfield) / Dance to the Music (Sly Stone) / Sugar Baby Love (Words and Music by Wayne Bickerton and Tony Waddington) / Papa Was a Rolling Stone (Norman Whitfield) / Let's Go to San Francisco (Words and Music by John Carter and Ken Lewis) / A Horse with No Name (Words and Music by Dewey Bunnell) / Monday Monday (Words and Music by John Phillips) / San Francisco (Words and Music by John Phillips) / California Dreamin' (Words and Music by John Phillips) / Eve of Destruction (Words and Music by P.F. Sloan) / Cracklin' Rosie (Words and Music by Neil Diamond) / Do Wah Diddy (Words and Music by Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich) / A Lover's Concerto (Words and Music by Sandy Linzer and Denny Randell) / Reach Out I'll Be There (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) / Sound of Silence (Words and Music by Paul Simon) op 22 augustus 1981 (lp: Longplay Album - Volume II) [CNR 0060.441 | CNR 655.130]

N° 120-albumhit in Amerika voor Stars On (Produced for Red Bullet Productions by Jaap Eggermont) als "More Stars": Stars on 45 (Jaap Eggermont - Martin Duiser) / Papa Was a Rolling Stone (Norman Whitfield) / Dance to the Music (Sly Stone) / Sugar Baby Love (Words and Music by Wayne Bickerton and Tony Waddington) / Papa Was a Rolling Stone (Norman Whitfield) / Let's Go to San Francisco (Words and Music by John Carter and Ken Lewis) / A Horse with No Name (Words and Music by Dewey Bunnell) / Monday Monday (Words and Music by John Phillips) / San Francisco (Words and Music by John Phillips) / California Dreamin' (Words and Music by John Phillips) / Eve of Destruction (Words and Music by P.F. Sloan) / Cracklin' Rosie (Words and Music by Neil Diamond) / Do Wah Diddy (Words and Music by Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich) / A Lover's Concerto (Words and Music by Sandy Linzer and Denny Randell) / Reach Out I'll Be There (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) / Sound of Silence (Words and Music by Paul Simon) / Tears of a Clown (Words and Music by Henry Cosby, D. Robinson and Stevie Wonder) / Stop in the Name of Love (Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) / Love Child (Pam Sawyer, R. Dean Taylor and Frank Wilson) / Reflections (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) / Someday We'll Be Together (Jackey Beaver, Johnny Bristol and Harvey Fuqua) / Stars on 45 (Jaap Eggermont - Martin Duiser) / Baby Love (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) / Love is Here and Now You're Gone (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) / Where Did Our Love Go (Words and Music by Eddie Holland, Lamont Dozier and Brian Holland) / I Hear a Symphony (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) / You Keep Me Hanging On (Words and Music by Eddie Holland, Lamont Dozier and Brian Holland) / Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Words and Music by Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson) / Stars on 45 (Jaap Eggermont - Martin Duiser) in 1981 (LP: Stars on Long Play II) [Radio Records RR 19314]

N° 76-albumhit in Amerika voor Irene Cara (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by: Ron Dante) (Chief Engineer: Geoff Howe) (Recorded at: Mediasound, A&R Recording, The Power Station, NYC) (Mastered by: Bernie Grundman at A&R Studio) (Musicians - Drums: Chris Parker, Ron Zito, Yogi Horton, Andy Newmark, Leo Adamian) (Bass: Francisco Centeno, Will Lee, John Siegler) (Guitars: Hiram Bullock, Jeff Mironov, John Tropea, Gordon Grody, Hugh McCracken, Joe Caro, William Seidman, Jimmy Ripp) (Acoustic Piano: Leon Pendarvis, Harold Wheeler, Irene Cara, Paul Shaffer, Gordon Grody) (Piano: Harold Wheeler, Leon Pendarvis, Steve Robbins) (Synthesizers: Leon Pendarvis, Ed Walsh, Gordon Grody) (Congas & Percussion: Michael Carabello, Jimmy Maelen) (Fender Rhodes: Paul Shaffer) (Clavinet: Paul Shaffer, Don Grolnick, Hiram Bullock) (Background Vocals: Luther Vandross, Annie Sutton, Bruce Roberts, Irene Cara, Tawatha Agee, Gail Boggs, Gordon Grody, Ron Dante, Phillip Ballou, Frank Floyd, Babi Floyd, Josh Shneider, Robin Clark, Christine Faith) (Arrangers: Leon Pendarvis, Harold Wheeler, Irene Cara, Hugh McCracken, Billy Seidman) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1982 (lp: Anyone Can See) [Network E1-60003 Elektra | Asylum Records]

N° 148-albumhit in Amerika voor David Johansen (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Ron Nevison) (Direction: Steve Paul / Teddy Status) (The Band - David Johansen: Lead Vocals) (Huw Gower: Lead and Rhythm Guitar, Background Vocals) (David Nelson: Lead and Rhythm Guitar, Background Vocals) (Brett Cartwright: Bass and Background Vocals) (Tony Machine: On Tama Drums, Percussion) (Charlie Giordano: Keyboards) (Road Manager: Peter Flynn) (The Road Crew: Joey Wirsing, Eric Anderson, Kevin Geores, Mike Femino) (Recorded at the Paradise Theater, Boston, MA February 4 and 5, 1982) (Recorded by Ron Nevison with Remote Recording Facilities, Records Plant, Los Angeles) (Crew: Jack Crymes, Jim Scott, Gary Singleman) (Mixed at Record Plant Studios, New York) (Assistant Engineer: Danny Caccavo) (Mastered at The Mastering Lab by Mike Rees) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1982 (lp: Live It Up) [Blue Sky ARZ 38004 | CBS Records]

N° 202-bubblingunderalbum in Amerika voor Average White Band (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Dan Hartman) (Engineered by Mike Hutchinson) (Average White Band - Alan Gorrie: Lead Vocals, Bass, Guitar, Keyboards) (Hamish Stuart: Lead Vocals, Guitar and Bass) (Roger Ball: Keyboards and Alto Sax) (Steve Ferrone: Drums) (Malcolm Duncan: Tenor Sax and Flute) (Onnie McIntyre: Guitar and Vocals) (Additional Musicians - Jeff Bova: Synthesizer) (Randy Brecker: Trumpet and Flugelhorn) (Dan Hartman: Piano and Background vocals) (Sammy Figueroa: Percussion) (Recorded at Sigma Sound Studios, New York) (Additional Engineering by Jay Mark) (Assistant Engineer: Glenn Rosenstein) (Additional Recording at The Schoolhouse, Westport) (Engineer: Dan Hartman) (Horns and Synthesizer Arrangements by Roger Ball) (Vocal Arrangements by Alan Gorrie and Hamish Stuart) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1982 (LP: Cupid's in Fashion) [Arista AL 9594]

1982: Kjaperud (Eddie Holland - Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier als Reach Out (I'll Be There); B-kant van Gi et tegn [Snowflake Records CLS 1009] (45 toerensingle)

1982: Robby Krieger (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (Drums - Bruce Gary) (Bass - Arthur Barrow) (Keyboards - Arthur Barrow) (Percussion - Greg Romeo) (Robby Krieger plays all lead, rhythm and slide guitars) (Produced by Robby Krieger) (Production Assistant: Linda Kyriazi) (Recorded and remixed at Mad Dog Studios, Venice, California) (Engineered by Mark Avnet) (Mastered at Precision Lacquer by Stephen Marcussen) (All tunes arranged by Robby Krieger with the following help: Bruce Gary & Arthur Barrow: "Reach Out I'll Be There") als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Versions) [Passport Records PB 6017]

N° 40-rhythm-and-blueshit in Amerika voor Narada Michael Walden (Produced and arranged by Narada Michael Walden) als Reach Out in 1983 [Atlantic 7-89858] (45 toerensingle)

N° 42-albumhit in Amerika voor Four Tops (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Edward Holland, Jr.) (Produced by Brian Holland & Lamont Dozier) (Mastered at Motown/Hitsville U.S.A. Recording Studios, Hollywood, California by John Matousek) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1983 (various artists) (lp: 25 #1 Hits from 25 Years) [Motown 5308ML2]

N° 145-albumhit in Amerika voor The London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Choral Society (Recorded at Abbey Road Studios) (Engineered by John Kurlander) (Produced by Jeff Jarratt and Don Reedman) (Arranged & Conducted by Louis Clark) als Rock Classics (Medley): Get Back (John Lennon - Paul McCartney) / Baker Street (Gerry Rafferty) / Ruby Tuesday (Mick Jagger - Keith Richard) / Don't You Want Me (Jo Callis - Philip Wright - Philip Oakey) / Paint It Black (Mick Jagger - Keith Richard) / Layla (Eric Clapton - Jim Gordon) / Reach Out I'll Be There (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) / Standing in the Shadows of Love (℗ 1982) in 1983 (lp: Hooked on Rock Classics) [RCA Victor AFL1-4608]

N° 162-albumhit in Amerika voor Shooting Star (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Kevin Elson) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1983 (lp: Burning) [Epic BFE 38683]

1983: Eri Ohno (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Talk of the Town) [Better Days YF-7076-BD]

1983: Johnny Rivers (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Johnny Rivers) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (lp: Not a Through Street) [Priority Records BJU 38439]

1983: Narada Michael Walden (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Narada Michael Walden: Lead vocals, acoustic piano, percussion, drums) (David "Slam Dunk" Sancious: O.B.X. Kalimba and synthesizer) (Mitchell "Broom" Froom: Moog Bells) (Randy "The King" Jackson: Bass) (Joaquin "Garfield" Lievano: Guitar) (Preston "Smoke" Glass: Acoustic guitar) (Frankie Beverly and Maze: Reach back ups) (Background vocals: Jim Gilstrap, Kelly Kool, Myrna Matthews, John Lehman, Carla "Vae-Vae" Vaughn) (Produced and arranged by Narada Michael Walden) (Studio: The Automatt) (Engineer: Doctor David "Lazer" Frazer) (2nd engineers: Wayne "Mute Man" Lewis, Maureen "Mo Mo" Droney, Ray Pyle) (Mastering: Bob Ludwig) (Leslie Ann "Brucette" Jones: Final editing) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (lp: Looking at You, Looking at Me) [Atlantic 80058-1]

1983: Precious Wilson & La Mama (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Frank Farian) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (lp: Funky Fingers) [Hansa International 205 987-320]

1983: Thelma Houston (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Edward Holland, Jr.) (Originally Released on Four Tops) (Produced by Terry Woodford & Clayton Ivey) (Never Before Released Gems from the Motown Vaults!) (Mastered at Motown/Hitsville U.S.A Recording Studios, Hollywood, California by John Matousek) (Album Coordinator: Brenda M. Boyce) als Reach Out I'll Be There (various artists) (lp: Motown Superstars Sing Motown Superstars) [Motown 5310ML]

N° 81-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Gloria Gaynor (Keyboards - Jess Bailey) (Bass - Andy Pask) (Guitar - Ray Russell) (Drums - Neal Wilkinson) (Alto Sax - Phil Todd) (Tenor Sax - Dick Morrissey) (Trombone - Pete Beachill) (Additional Synclavier / Synthesizer: Ed Starynk) (Backing singers: Tessa Niles, Linda Taylor, Richard Darbyshire, Gary Taylor, Katie Kissoon, Jimmy Helms) (Recorded at Red Bus, Studio 1) (Engineer: Gordon Milne) (Assistant Engineer: Matthew Budd) (Remixed at Sound Push Studio, Holland) (Engineer: John Smit) (Producer: Steve Rowland) (Arranger: Richard Niles) (Executive Producer: Gordon Smith) - Bonus Track - als Greatest Hits Medley: I Will Survive (Dino Fekaris - Freddie Perren) / Never Can Say Goodbye (Clifton Davis) / Reach Out (I'll Be There) (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier -Eddie Holland) / I Am What I Am (Jerry Herman) in 1986 (cd: The Power) [Stylus Music ‎SMR 618]

1986: CCCP (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (CCCP: Claudia Scott / Carlene Carter / Casino Steel / John Payne) (The Tequila Band V: Tony Flake - Guitar / Steinar Krokstad - Drums / Svein-Dag Hauge - Guitar, Stein Ramberg - Guitar / Baard Svendsen - Keyboards / Yngve Moe - Bass) (Produced & Mixed by: Bjørn Nessjø) (Engineer: Rune Nordal) als Reach Out – I'll Be There (lp: Let's Spend the Night Together) [Plateselskapet AS GHP 20]

1986: Gry (Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland) (Produced by Wolfgang Käfer) als Reach Out I'll Be There [Solid State Records SSM 109] (45 toerensingle)

1986: Ivan Cattaneo (Dozier - Holland / Testo italiano: Giuseppe Cassia - Mario Cenci) (Registrato nell'aprile, Maggio negli studi: "Colombo Studio" Borgosesia - tecnico: Silvano Roggero, "Cap Studio", Milano - tecnico Walter Biondi, "Biberon Studio", Milano - tecnico: Claudio Quattrocchi) (Produzione: Roberto Colombo) (Arrangiamenti: Flaviano Cuffari & Roberto Colombo) (Tastiere: Edo Martin, Roberto Colombo) (Basso: Gigi Cappellotto) (Chitarre: Marco Colombo, Claudio Bazzari, Andrea Fornili, Riccardo Giagni) (Batteria: Flaviano Cuffari) (Sax: Claudio Allifranchini) (Cori: Luana Heredia, Ivan Cattaneo, Roberto Colombo, Flaviano Cuffari, Bruno Crovetto) als Gira, gira (Reach out I'll be there) (lp: Vietato ai minori) [CGD - CGD 20511] (Italiaanse versie)

1987: Luis Miguel '87 (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland / adaptación española: Alejandro Monroy - Carlos Villa) (Coordinador de grabación: Lisa Marie) (Ingeniero de grabación y mezcla: Benny Faccone) (Grabado en Récord One Recording Studios, Sherman Oaks, CA, grabaciones adicionales en Metropolis Studios, North Hollywood, CA) (Mezclado en George Tobin Studios y Sunset Sound Studios, North Hollywood, CA) (Máster realizado por Bernie Grundman en Grundman Mastering Lab, Hollywood, CA) (Bajo: Dennis Belfield) (Batería: Carlos Vega y Paul Leim) (Guitarras: Paul Jackson, Jr., Dann Huff) (Keyboards: Randy Kerber, Juan Carlos Calderón, KC Porter) (Percusiónes: Paulinho da Costa) (Piano: Randy Kerber) (Solos de saxo: Joel Peskin) (Maestro de cuerdas: Ezra Kliger) (Metales en "Es Mejor": Jerry Hey, Mark Russo, Bill Reichenbach y Gary Grant) (Arreglo de metales: Randy Kerber) (Coros: Tony DeFranco, KC Porter, Isela Sotelo y Darlene Koldenhoven) (Arreglos de coros: Juan Carlos Calderón) (Mánager personal: Luisito Rey) (Management: Cavallo, Ruffalo and Fargnoli / Jamie Shoop) als Es mejor (Reach out I'll be there) (cd: Soy como quiero ser) [WEA LDWI-6610] (Spaanse versie)

1989: Cerrone (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Robbie Buchanan - Keyboards) (Paul Jackson Jr. - Guitars) (Cerrone - Drums) (Jeff Posseto - Vocals) (Produced by Cerrone) (Mixed by Frank Wolf / Cerrone) (Assistant Engineer - Florian Chauvet) (Recorded by Frank Wolf) (Recorded at: Advision Studio, London, The Bunny Hop Studio, L.A. Hollywood, Mega Studio, Paris) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Way in Cerrone) [NAC Company NAC 333 89]

1989: Sweet (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Andy Scott & Mick Tucker) (Co-produced, engineered & mixed by Norman Goodman) (Live Recording: The Film Soundtrack, The RAK-Mobile - Mixed at Livingstone) (Studio Recording: Pacific Studios London) (Special Thanks to Tobias Boshell for his "Programming" on "Reach Out") als Reach Out ... (I'll Be There) (cd: Live at The Marquee) [SPV Records SPV 85-8826]

N° 92-albumhit in Amerika voor Genesis (Produced by Chris Kimsey and Steve Smith) (Genesis Mixed by Christopher Marc Potter) (Recorded in The Advision Mobile and Engineered by Mike Fraser, Pete Craig and Gary Stewart) (Recorded in Fleetwood Mobile and Engineered by Tim Summerhaze, Nick and Michelle Reynolds) (Recorded on Sony 48 Track Digital Recorders) (Phil Wilton (Sony Digital Recording Engineer) (Chris Myring (Sony Digital Recording Engineer) (Mixed at Olympic Studios, London) (Assistant Engineers: Calum Rees and Shaun De Feo) (Production Assistant: Rachel Speers) (Album Project Director: Derek Green) (Mastered by Chris Buchanan at Abbey Road Studios, London) (Tony Banks - Keyboards) (Phil Collins - Vocals) (Mike Rutherford - Bass Guitar) (Daryl Stuermer - Bass Guitar) (Chester Thompson - Drums) (Turn It on Again' Medley includes: Lee Sklar, Brad Cole, Bridgette Bryant, Arnold McCuller, Fred White, Don Myrick, Lui Lui, Rhamlee Michael Davis, Harry Kim) als Turn It on Again Medley … consisting of … Somebody to Love (Darby Slick) / Satisfaction (Mick Jagger - Keith Richards) / Twist and Shout (Bert Russell - Phil Medley) / Reach Out I'll Be There (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) / You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling (Phil Spector - Barry Mann - Cynthia Weil) / Pinball Wizard (Pete Townshend) / In the Midnight Hour (Steve Cropper - Wilson Pickett) / Turn It on Again (Phil Collins - Tony Banks - Mike Rutherford) in 1990 op de various artists (cd: Knebworth ◦ The Album) [Polydor 847 042-2]

1990: DF Girls (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland jr.) (Arranged by Walter Bassani) (Recorded and Mixed at MayDay Studio by Maurizio Macchioni) (Produced by Keepon Music) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (cd: Collection - 10) [Keepon Musik KMCD 1003]

1990: Bobby Taylor and The Vancouvers (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Ian Levine & Rick Gianatos) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Find My Way Back) [Motorcity CDMOTCLP 46]

1990: Snuff (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out (cd: Flibbiddydibbiddydob) [Workers Playtime PLAY 11 T]

N° 1-albumhit in Australië voor Jimmy Barnes (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Personnel - Drums, percussion and programming: Tony Brock) (Guitars: Jeff Neill, Diesel and Rick Will) (Bass: Michael Hegerty and Jimmy Haslip) (Keyboards: Mal Logan and Phil Shenale) (Backing vocals: Wendy Fraser, Jessica Williams, Marcie Levy, Jimmy Barnes, Jeff Neill and Diesel) (Horns and strings arranged by Phil Shenale) (Bonus live tracks: Recorded live at The Palais Theatre, Melbourne November 14th 1991) (Produced by Greg Henderson) (Engineered by Doug Brady in the Metropolis OB. Van) als Reach Out I'll Be There op 17 november 1991 (cd: Soul Deep) [Mushroom TVD93344]

N° 1-albumhit in Amerika voor Michael Bolton (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Lead Vocals - Michael Bolton) (Keyboards, Synth. Bass, Rhythm Programming, Hammond B-3 Organ - Walter Afanasieff) (Guitars - Vernon Black) (Akai and Synclavier Programming - Ren Klyce) (Akai, Macintosh and Synclavier Programming - Gary Cirimelli) (Background Vocals - The Four Tops) (Additional Background Vocals - Pat Hawk, Portia Griffin, Vann Johnson, Janis Liebhart, Monalisa Young, Carmen Twillie) (Engineered and Mixed by Dana Jon Chappelle) (2nd Engineers: Manny LaCarrubba, Mark Hensley, Eric Rudd, Kyle Bess) (Recorded at The Plant Recording Studios, CA) (additional recording at The Record Plant (assisted by Kyle Bess and Craig Brock) (Lead Vocals Recorded at Passion Studios, CT) (additional recording at Passion Studios, CT (assisted by Steve Milo) (Background Vocals Recorded at The Hit Factory, NY and Ocean Way Recording CA) (additional recording at Ocean Way Recording (assisted by Eric Rudd and Noel Hazen) (Mixed at The Record Plant, CA) (Orchestra: Music Contractors - Patti Zimmitti, Debbi Katz) (Violins - Gerald Vinci (Concert Master), Michael Markman, Don Palmer, Ronald Folsom, Harris Goldman, Russ Cantor, Robert Sushel, Mari Botnick, Dorothy Wade, Irma Neumann, Gwenn Heller, Reg Hill Betty Moor, Isabelle Daskoff, Lisa Johnson, Armen Garabedian, Berj Garabedian, Henry Ferber) (Violas - Donald McInnis, Kazi Pitelka, Raymond Tischer) (Cellos - Frederick Seykora (1st Chair), Christine Ermacoff, Jodi Burnett, Paula Hochhalter, Dane Little, Anne Karam, Suzie Katayama) (Basses - Buell Neidlinger, Margaret Storer, Chuck Domanico) (Harp - Gayle Levant) (French Horns - Richard Todd (solos) (Woodwinds - Jon Clarke, Jack Nimitz, Donald Ashworth) (Percussion - Larry Bunker) (Mastered by Vlado Meller at Sony Music Studio Operations, NY) (Produced by Walter Afanasieff and Michael Bolton) als Reach Out I'll Be There op 21 november 1992 (cd: Timeless (The Classics) [Columbia CK 52783]

1992: The Starsound Orchestra (Produced by Matt Fink) (Performed by The Starsound Orchestra) (Singers: Wendy Lewis, Melanie Rosales, Mark Lickteig, Pat Frederick, George Faber, Brian Kenney) (Guitar / Bass: Jim Behringer) (Bass: Gordon Johnson) (Keyboards / Drums: Matt Fink) (Mixed by Tom Tucker, Jr.) als Sugar Pie Honeybunch Medley: Killing Me Softly (Norman Gimbel - Charles Fox) / All Out of Love (Graham Russell - Clive Davis) / Bright Eyes (Mike Batt) / I Can't Get Close Enough (Sonny LeMaire - J.P. Pennington) / How Sweet Is Is (To Be Love by You) (Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland) / Get Ready (William Robinson) / Reach Out I'll Be There (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) / I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Eddie Holland) (cd: Hooked on Romance) [K-Tel 6066-2]

N° 8-easylisteninghit in Amerika voor Michael Bolton (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Eddie Holland and Lamont Dozier) (Produced by Walter Afanasieff and Michael Bolton) als Reach Out I'll Be There (℗ 1992) op 13 maart 1993; B-kant van als White Christmas [Columbia 38-74798] (45 toerensingle)

1993: Masterboy (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Eddie Holland and Lamont Dozier) (Produced and arranged at Session-Stutio Walldorf from October '92 to January '93) (Mixed by Phantomas and Masterboy at Session-studio Walldorf) als Reach Out - I'll Be There (cd: Feeling Alright) [Polydor 519 514-2]

1993: Newsong (Produced by: Chris Harris) (Track Co-Produced by Troy J. VanLiere (Executive Producer: Troy J. VanLiere) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: All Around the World) [Benson Music Group 84418-2987-2]

1993: Rare Earth (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Gil Bridges) (Executive producer: Michael Bisping) (Recorded and mixed at Studio M) (Recorded by Frank Wuttke) (Mixed by Tom Korge, Gil Bridges, Wayne Baraks) (Mastered at Studio Nord) als Reach Out (cd: Different World) [Koch International CD 34100-2 H1]

N° 64-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Paul Young (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Ian Levine) (Arranged by Ian Levine and Nigel Stock) (Engineered by Tim Eames & Phil Da Costa) (Assistant Engineer: Lian Simpson) (Recorded and mixed at Tropicana Studios, London) (Mixes engineered by Robin Sellars) (Keyboards - Nigel Stock) (Guitars - Erwin Keiles) (Drums and programming: Tim Eames, Phil Da Costa, Robin Sellars) (Live Percussion - Maurizio Ravalico) (Saxophones & Flute - Chris 'Snake' Davies) (Trumpets - John Thirkell) (Trombones - Dennis Rollins) (Backing vocals - Lamont Dozier, Billy Griffin, John Reid, Mary Kiani and Miriam Stockley) (Backing vocals arranged by Billy Griffin) als Reach Out I'll Be There in 1994 (cd: Reflections) [Vision VISCD 1]

1994: Richie Kotzen (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Edward Holland Jr.) (Richie Kotzen: Lead & Background vocals, Guitar, Hammond Organ, Piano & Wurlitzer Piano, Clavinet, Bass on "Socialite") (Atma Anur: Drums & Percussion) (Unfortunately, John Moore joined the group after the bass tracks were recorded) (Bass on songs was played by John Pierce) (Additional background vocals on "Reach Out I'll Be There" by Timothy B. Schmit) (Produced by Richie Zito) (Recorded by Rob Jacobs at Rumbo Recorders) (Assisted by Dick Kaneshiro) (John Kalodner: John Kalodner) (Mixed at Sound Castle Studios by Steve Fontano) (Mastered by George Marino at Sterling Sound, New York, NY) (Mastering Supervision: David Donnelly) (All Songs Arranged by Richie Kotzen) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Mother Head's Family Reunion) [Geffen GED 24712]

1994: Run C & W (Edward Holland, Jr. - Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland) (Produced by Bernie Leadon, Vince Melamed, Jim Photoglo and Russell Smith) (Run C & W - A.K.A. The Fabulous Burn Brothers) (Rug Burns: Acoustic Guitar, Lead Guitar) (Slide Burns: Bass, Big Bottom, Lead Vocals) (G.W. "Wash" Burns: Washboard, Spoons, Vocals) (Crash N. Burns: Banjo, Dobro, Bass, Vocals) (Extended Musical Family - "Fiddlin'" Roame Burns: Fiddle and Mandolin) ("Jimmy The Greece" Burns: Harmonica and Jaw Harp) (Engineered by Greg "Studio" Burns Kane, Backseat Driving by Crash) (Assisted by Barry Campbell) (Recorded at MCA Music Publishing Studio, Nashville, TN) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Row vs. Wade) [MCA Records MCAD 11041]

1995: James Last (Recorded at: Chateau du Pape, Hamburg 1994) (Olympic Studios, London, 1994) (Vox, Bendesdorf, 1995) (Remixed and masterd at: Chateau du Pape, Hamburg) (Recorded and remix by: Ron Last) (Mastered by: Achim Kruse) (Keyboards and programming by: Thom Eggert) (Arrangements by: James Last) (Produced by: James Last and Ron Last) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: My Soul - Motown's Best) [Polydor 529 261-2]

1995: Richie Kotzen (Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Edward Holland Jr.) (Richie Kotzen: Lead & Background Vocals, Guitar, Hammond Organ, Piano, Wurlitzer Piano and Clavinet) (Atma Anur: Drums and Percussion) (John Pierce: Bass) (Additional background vocals on "Reach Out I'll Be There" by Tommy Funderburk and Timothy B. Schmit) (Produced by Richie Zito) (Recorded by Rob Jacobs at Rumbo Recorders) (Assisted by Dick Kaneshiro) (Mixed at Sound Castle Studios by Steve Fontano) (Mastered by George Marino at Sterling Sound, New York, NY) (Mastering Supervision: David Donnelly) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Richie Kotzen Presents the Mother Head's Family Reunion) [Geffen GEFSD 24712]

1995: The Jackson 5 (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Edward Holland, Jr.) (Rare & Unreleased) (Compilation produced by Monty Seward) (Executive Producers: Candace Bond & Amy Herot) (Mastered by Kevin Reeves at Tower Mastering, Hollywood, CA) (Essay by David Ritz) (Foreward by Janet Jackson) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Soulsation! 25th Anniversary Collection) [Motown 31453-0489-2]

1996: Ed Calle Featuring: Luis Enrique, Steve Gadd, Paquito Hechavarria, John Patitucci, Arturo Sandeval, Toledo als Motown Medley: Then Came You - Reach Out I'll Be There - Ain't Too Proud to Beg (cd: Doubletalk) [Sony Latin Jazz CDZ-81729]

1996: Ernestine Anderson (Produced by Stix Hooper) als Reach Out (cd: Blues, Dues & Love News) [Qwest 9 45900-2 | Warner Bros.]

1996: Party Animals (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: 100% Party Greats) [Elap Music 47678CD]

1996: Pride & Joy (Produced by: Bill Cutler) (Executive Producer: Jason Blaine) (Recorded Live at: The Great American Music Hall) (Drums: Narada Michael Walden) als Reach Out (cd: Live in San Francisco) [OPM Records OPM 5500 2]

N° 71-albumhit in Amerika (Produced and edited by John Luongo) (Digital editor: Fred McFarland) (Compiled by Michael Cohen, John Esposito, Nick Gatfield, Bill Levenson and Denis McNamara) (Original concept: Matthieu Lauriot-Prevost) (Project coordination: Jackie Stanfield and Terri Tierney) (Project coordination: Jackie Stanfield and Terri Tierney) (Project assistance: Catherine Ladies) (Digitally remastered by Susha Gur at PolyGram Studios) (Coordination: Jackie Stanfield and Terri Tierney) (Bonus Track) als The Diva Megamix (a.) Gloria Gaynor - Reach Out I'll Be There (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) / (b.) Donna Summer - Hot Stuff (Words and Music by Pete Bellotte, Harold Faltermeyer and Keith Forsey) / (c.) Love and Kisses - I've Found Love (Now That I've Found You) (Alec Rupen Costandinos) / (d.) Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive (Phil Kelsey Remix) (Words and Music by Dino Fekaris and Freddie Perren) / (e.) Donna Summer - I Feel Love (The Rollo & Sister Bliss Monster Mix) (Words and Music by Donna Summer, Giorgio Moroder and Pete Bellotte) / (f.) Last Dance - Donna Summer (Words and Music by Paul Jabara) in 1997 (various artists) (cd: Pure Disco 2) [Polydor 31455 5120-2 | PolyGram]

1997: Detroit Underground als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (cd: Detroit Underground) [Under City Beat MCB-CD01]

1997: The London Symphony Orchestra With The Royal Choral Society (Produced by Jeff Jarratt and Don Reedman) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Symphonic Rock: American Classics) [Telarc CD-80476]

1999: The BB Band (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (The BB Band - Bob Brecker - guitar, vocals) (Dennis White - guitar, vocals) (Randy Frey - bass) (Len McFee - drums, percussion) (Ken Hartman - keyboards, vocals) (Wanda Morrison - vocals) (Sheila Curtis - vocals) (Brenda Clarke - vocals) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: The Detroit Sound) [Beautiful Music Collection BMC 87185]

2000: Don Byron (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Edward Holland) (All Arrangements by Don Byron) (Produced by Don Byron & Hans Wendl) (Recorded and Mixed by Tom Lazarus at Avatar Studios, NYC, April/May 2000) (Clarinet, Bass Clarinet - Don Byron) (Piano - Uri Caine) (Don Byron - Bass Clarinet on "Reach Out I'll Be There") (Uri Caine - Piano on "Reach Out I'll Be There") (Anthony Ruotolo & Rory Romano - Assistant Engineers) (Mastered by Scott Hull at Classic Sound, NYC) (Hans Wendl - Executive Producer) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: A Fine Line: Arias & Lieder) [Blue Note 7243 5 26801 2 2]

2000: Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: The Sound of Motown: Ultimate Non-Stop Soul Party Album) [Metro METRCD016 | Union Square Music]

N° 1-albumhit in Frankrijk voor Carole Fredericks, Lââm, David Hallyday - "Chansons" - (Paroles anglaises et Musique: Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland - Eddie Holland / Adaptation française: Vline Buggy) (Guitares - Manu Vergeade) (Batterie - Laurent Faucheux) (Percussion & Chœurs - Dany Vasnier) (Claviers - Jean-Yves D'Angelo) (Claviers & Accordéon - Jean-Yves Bikialo) (Chœurs - Luc Bertin) (Chœurs - Gaëlle Hervé) (Ingénieur du son, mixage: Andy Scott) (Sonorisation salle, mixage: Dominique Chalhoub) (Lumière: Jean-Philippe Bourdon) (Assistant sonorisation salle: Yoann Corchia) (Mixé au studio Méga) (Décors: Franck Benezech) (Sonorisation scène: Bertin Meynard, Stéphane Plisson) (Enregistrement: Le Voyageur) (Gravure: Antoine Confetti pour Dyam Music) als J'attendrai op 10 maart 2001 (cd: 2001: L'odyssée des Enfoirés) [BMG France 74321835312] (Il a été enregistré le 29 janvier 2001 à la Halle Tony Garnier de Lyon)

2001: Marjorie / Anneli Saaristo / Eija Kantola (Suom. san. Vexi Salmi) als Pois sun vien (cd: Rakkauden kiertokulku) [AXR AXRCD 1198] (Finse versie)
(2001: Paul Jones als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (CD: Showcase) [Hallmark 310832]

2002: Kevin Mahogany (Kevin Mahogany, lead vocal) (Gregory Clark, tenor 1) (Todd Johnson, tenor 2) (Gerald Trottman, baritone) (Peter Eldridge, bass) (Charles Haynes, telephone books) (Produced by Kevin Mahogany and Elaine Martone) (Recorded, edited, mixed and mastered by Michael Bishop) (Assisted engineers by Todd Parker and Keith Nelson) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Pride & Joy) [Telarc CD 83542]

2002: Lamont Dozier (Performed, Produced and Arranged by Lamont Dozier) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: An American Original) [Hithouse Records 8097]

2002: The Countdown Kids als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Stop! In the Name of Love) [Madacy | Madacy Kids P4K2 8276]

2002: The Funk Brothers / Gerald Levert (Musicians - Original Funk Brothers: Joe Messina - Guitar) (Eddie Willis - Guitar) (Joe Hunter - Keyboards) (Johnny Griffith - Keyboards) (Bob Babbitt - Bass) (Richard "Pistol" Allen - Drums) (Uriel Jones - Drums) (Jack Ashford - Vibes and Percussion) (Departed Funk Brothers There In Spirit: Robert White - Guitar) (Earl Van Dyke - Keyboards) (James Jamerson - Bass) (Benny "Papa Zita" Benjamin - Drums) (Eddie "Bongo" Brown - Congas) (Additional Musicians: Guitar - Allan "Dr. Licks" Slutsky) (Keyboards - Rudy Robinson, Dee Pappas) (Congas - Treaty Womack) (Trumpets - Marcus Belgrave, Maurice Davis, Evan Solot) (Saxophones - Ernest Rodgers, Kasuku Mafia, Tom Scott, Ron Kerber, Bill Zaccagni, Michael Pedicin) (Trombones - Edward Gooch, Ron Kischuk) (French Horns - Joe Buono, Virginia Cunningham, Ted Greenberg) (Flutes - Dayna Hartwick, Tom Scott, Angela Falco) (All Saxophone Solos by Tom Scott) (Violins - Larry Abramovitz, Orest Artymiw, Madeline Cabano, Olga Konopelski, Luigi Mazzochi, Florence Rosensweig, Igor Szwec) (Viola - Davis Barnett, David Giles) (Celli - Anthony Pirollo, Richard Hotchkiss) (Featured Background Singers: Carla Benson, Keith Benson, John Ingram, Misty Love, Delbert Nelson, Cherokee Pree) (Additional Background Singers: Dawn Blandford, Kizzy Jester, The IDMR Detroit Choir) (Handclaps: Phil "Ijinga" Chen, Ted Greenberg, Seth Justman, Sandy Passman, Craig Weiland) (Band Introductions: Jay Butler) (Musical Direction: Allan "Dr. Licks" Slutsky) (All arrangements transcribed by Allan "Dr. Licks" Slutsky from the original Motown arrangements of Paul Riser, David Van DePitte, Willie Shorter and Wade Marcus) (Additional Arranging Consultants - Paul Riser, Ritchie Rome) (Recorded by the Record Plant Remote) (Engineer: Kooster McAllister) (Assistant Engineers: Paul Prestopino, Marshall Fawcett, Chris Prinzivalli) (Strings Recorded at Sigma Sound Studios, Philadelphia, PA, by Michael Tarsia) (ProTools Editing: Ted Greenberg) (ProTools Consultant: Chris Zurzolo) (Mixed by Ted Greenberg at Big Zone Recording, Conshohocken, PA) (Soundtrack Produced by Allan Slutsky, Harry Weinger and Ted Greenberg) (Soundtrack Executive Producers: Paul Elliott, David Scott and Pat Lawrence) (Executive in charge of Music for Artisan: Gwen Bethel Riley) (Executive in charge of Soundtracks for Universal Music Group: Kathy Nelson) (Mastered by Kevin Reeves at Universal Mastering Studio-East) (Film Executive Producers: Paul Elliott and David Scott) (Rimshot Producers: Sandy Passman, Allan Slutsky and Paul Justman) (Film Directed by Paul Justmah) (Inspired by the book Standing in the Shadows of Motown, by Dr. Licks) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Standing in the Shadows of Motown) [Hip-O Records 064 691-2]

2002: The Human League (The Band: Ian Marsh - Synthesizer and "associated peripheral devices") (Martyn Ware - Synthesizer and occasional backing vocals) (Phil Oakey - Vocals) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) Instrumental op de The Future and the Human League (cd: The Golden Hour of the Future) [Black Melody MELCD 4 | ENTER 603305845997]

N° 23-albumhit in Australië voor Jimmy Barnes (Bonus Live Tracks) als Reach Out I'll Be There op 14 september 2003 (cd: The Soul Session) [Liberation Blue BLUE033 5]

N° 65-hit in Zwitserland voor Les Filles: Joy Esther, Aurélie Konaté & Liza Pastor (Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland - Eddie Holland / Adaptation française: Vline Buggy) (Produit par Daniel Moyne) (Arrangé et réalisé par Lolly et FB Cool) (Mixé et enregistré par Lolly au Studio Heben) (Claviers et programmations par FB Cool et Lolly) (Guitares: Fabrice Ragot et Cyril Simonnot) (Production exécutive: Heben Music) (Mastering: DPMS) als J'attendrai op 2 november 2003 [AZ 981 053-7 | Baxter Music| Universal] (cd-single) (Franse versie)

2003: Charlotte Church (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced and Arranged by Walter Afanasieff) (Mixed by Mick Guzauski at Barking Doctor Studios, Mount Kisco, NY) (Assistant Mix Engineer: Tom Bender) (Production Coordination: Rich Davis) (Josh Binder: Programming) (Michael Landau: Guitars) (Background Vocals: Conesha Owens, Lauren Evans, Clark Anderson, Marc Nelson) (Engineered by David Reitzas, Bill Smith, Josh Binder) (Orchestra Arranged & Conducted by William Ross) (Orchestra Engineered by Al Schmitt) (Assistant Engineers: Nick Marshall, Cesar Ramirez) (Executive Soundtrack Producer: James G. Robinson) (Executive Music Producer: Budd Carr) (Music Supervisor: Tami Lester) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (Music from the Motion Picture I'll Be There) (ep: I'll Be There) [Sony Music Soundtrax CSK 58551] (cd-single) (4 tracks)

2003: The Badge (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Jeff Slate) (Engineered by Jeff Slate, Marc Teamaker and Scott Anthony) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Calling Generation Mojo) [Detour Records DETSE001]

N° 9-albumhit in Amerika voor Michael McDonald (Lead & Background Vocals: Michael McDonald) (Album Produced by Simon Climie) (Executive Producer: Tony Swain) (Mixed by Mick Guzauski) (Mix Assistant: Tom Bender) (Mastered by Bob Ludwig @ Gateway Mastering) (All Tracks recorded by Simon Climie & the Signa Productions team) (Simon Climie - Producer - Arranger) (Nicky "Misschief" Shaw - Arranger, Programmer) (Toby Baker - Arranger, Programmer) (Joel Evenden - Pro-Tools & Virtual Engineering) (Jonathan Shakhovskoy - Pro-Tools) (Dee Harrington - Album Coordinator) (Debbie Johnson - Production Coordinator) (Engineer - Don Murray, Alan Sides, Alan Douglas, Shannon Forrest) (Assistant Engineers - Brian Vibbert, Greg Burns, Tim Olmstead) (Strings arranged by Nick Ingman) (String Leader - Gavyn Wright) (Orchestra Contractor - Isobel Griffiths) (Recorded on Pro-Tools HD with the amazing Oxford Plug ins) (info@signiamusic.com) (Bingham Bend Studios - Franklin, TN) (Engineer - Shannon Forrest) (2nd Engineer - Grady Walker) (Album Coordinator - Lisa Patton Brown) (Personal Assistant to Michael McDonald - Lisa Patton Brown) als Reach Out, I'll Be There in 2004 (cd: Motown Two) [Motown B0003472-02]

N° 38-albumhit in Denemarken voor Zindy (Brian Holland - Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier) (Produced by Jens Runge & Søren Runge) (Executive producer: Peter Iversen) (Recorded at Granny Studio, Diamond Room, Beat Planet Studio & Eastside Sound Studio New York City) (Engineering: Thomas Breckling, Jens Runge & Søren Runge) (Mixed at Puk Recording Studios by Peter Iversen) (Band: Søren Runge: Keys) (Jens Runge: Guitars) (Lars Danielsson: Bass) (Claes Antonsen: Drums) (Jakob Andersen: Percussion) (Anders Gustafsson: Trumpet) (Anders Gaardmand: Tenorsax & Flute) (Nis Toxværd: Baritone and altosax) (Ryan Shaw: Backing vocals) (Tiffany Wilson: Backing vocals) (Gloria Ryann: Backing vocals) (Horn arrangements by Nis Toxværd) als Reach Out I'll Be There op 22 oktober 2004 (cd: Reach Out) [CMC Records C 00054-2]

2004: American Juniors als Reach Out, I'll Be There (CD: American Juniors) [19 Recordings 82876-56209-2 | Jive]

2004: Jean S. (Säv. Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland - Edward Holland / suom. san. Vexi Salmi / sov. Sami Pitkämö) als Pois sun vien (I'll Be There) (cd: Venus) [Edel 0158362ERE] (Finse versie)

2004: The Mega Kids als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Kids Sing R&B Hits: A Kids Tribute to Rhythm and Blues) [St. Clair Entertainment Group, Inc. CVS65162]

2004: Seth Fickett (Executive Producers: Kerry Dierking and Diana Heavin) (Produced by Doug Beiden) als Reach Out I'll Be There (various artists) (cd: Curves Freedom Fitness Music, Vol. 4) [Freedom Fitness Music 400]

N° 1-albumhit in Australië voor Human Nature als Reach Out I'll Be There op 25 december 2005 (cd: Reach Out - The Motown Record) [Columbia 82876736392 | Sony BMG Music Entertainment]

2005: James Last With His Orchestra & Choir als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Saving the Best to Last…) [Music Club Deluxe MCDLX003]

2005: The Hollies (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Remastered in High Definition 24-bit) als Reach Out I'll Be There (live 1966) (cd: For Certain Because . . .) [Magic Records 3930448] (Reissue)

N° 9-albumhit in Frankrijk voor Miss Dominique (Adaptation française: Vline Buggy) als J'attendrai (Reach Out I'll Be There) op 18 november 2006 (cd: Une femme battante) [Vogue ‎88697024412 | Sony BMG Music Entertainment] (Franse versie)

2006: Bingo Kids als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Bingo Kids Sing Motown Hits for Kids) [Bingo Records EAN 8 37101 19497 6]

2006: Gilbert Montagné (Edward Holland - Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier) (Production: Toucher Musique) (Réalisation et production musicale: Jean-Pierre Isaac et René Grignon) (Musiciens - Basses: René Grignon) (Guitares: René Grignon et Jean-Pierre Isaac) (Batteries: Sylvain Clavette) (Flûtes: Patrick Vetter) (Pianos: René Grignon, Gilbert Montagné) (Harmonica: Jim Zeller) (Cuivres: Charles Imbeau, Patrick Vetter, Mohammed Al-Kabyyr) (Cordes: Ensemble Menasen, Marie-Josée Arpin, Florence Malette, Marcelle Malette, Christian Prévost, Christian Clermont, Natalie Racine, Martine Gagné, Annie Gadbois, Sheila Hannigan, Nathalie Bonin) (Sous la direction de Philippe Dunnigan et arrangées par René Grignon) (Choristes: Kim Richardson, Stacie Tabb, Maryse Ringuette, Janice "Coco" Thompson, Gilbert Montagné) (Toutes les voix de Gilbert Montagné sont enregistrées au Studio Stylee Robinson par Éric "Craki" Montagné) (Ingénieurs du son: Jean-Pierre Isaac pour Studio Numuz) (René Grignon pour Studio Dali et pour Studio Chaos) (Gyslain Brind'Amour pour Studio The Planet) (Programmation et claviers additionnels: Jean-Pierre Isaac et René Grignon) (Mixage: Jean-Pierre Isaac "Studio Numuz" (Montréal) (Mastering: Vincent Cardinal Studio Plasma (Montréal) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (cd: Get Ready) [Odeon 0946 3819652 5 | EMI]

2006: Maya & Miguel als Reach out, I'll Be There (cd: ¡Fiesta!) [Madacy MLT2 51864 | Madacy Kids]

2006: Peter Cox (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Schjolin & Denis Ingoldsby) (Arrangement, additional vocals and all instruments by Schjolin except) (Bass - Pino Palladino) (Recorded @ Soundroom - London, England) (Mixed by Gary Stevenson @ Creative Recording) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (cd: Motor City Music) [Curb Records CURDIG219]

N° 21-albumhit in Frankrijk voor Sylvie Vartan (Paroles anglaises et musique: Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland - E. J. Holland) (Adaptation française: Vline Buggy) (Réalisation: Philippe Rault et John Philip Shenale) (Production exécutive: Philippe Rault) (Arrangements: John Philip Shenale) (Enregistré aux Studios Sunset Sound, Westlake & The Nut Ranch par Ken Allardyce) (Mixé au studio Conway par Ken Allardyce) als J'attendrai op 7 juli 2007 (cd: Nouvelle vague) [Mercury Records ‎530 042-5 | Universal Music France] (Franse versie)

N° 27-abumhit in Amerika voor Boyz II Men (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Edward Holland) (Drums: Vinnie Colaiuta) (Bass: Cornelius Mims) (Guitar: Tim Pierce) (B3: Matt Rollings) (Piano: Kenneth Crouch) (Percussion: Luis Conte) (Tenor Sax: Neal Sugarman) (Trumpet: Dave Guy) (Baritone Sax and Flute: Ian Hendrickson-Smith) (Trombone: Aaron Johnson) (Strings arranged by Larry Gold) (Produced by Randy Jackson and Boyz II Men) (Executive Producers: David Simoné & Winston Simone) (Recorded by Kevin Guarnieri, David Swope and Alan Armitage) (Additional recording by Jeff Chestek and Frank Sutton) (Music Contractor: Shari Sutcliffe) (Mixed by Mick Guzauski) (Assistant Mix Engineer: Tom Bender and Dennis Rivadeneira) (Mastered by Leon Zervos at Sterling Sound, NYC) (Assistant Engineers: Keith Gretlein, Antonio Resendiz, Matt Serrecchio, Sean Brennan, John Stahl, Wanya Morris) (Recorded at Henson Recording Studios, Hollywood, CA; Westlake Recording Studios, Hollywood, CA; The Dugout Studio, Hollywood, CA; Battery Studios, NYC; Legacy Studios, NYC; Sigma Sound Studios and The Studio, Philadelphia, PA) (A&R: Dave Novik) (A&R Administration: Evelyn Morgan) (A&R Coordination: Paul Altomari) als It's the Same Old Song / Reach Out I'll Be There in 2007 (cd: Motown: A Journey Through Hitsville USA) [Decca ‎B000944402]

2007: Byram Joseph (Produced & arranged by Byram Joseph) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Soul Grooves: Classic Songs (Restyled) [Somerset Entertainment | Avalon]

2007: Clare Teal als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (cd: Paradisi Carousel) [Columbia 88697084792]

2007: Digital Emotion (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Compiled by Rafa Carmona) (Executive Producer: Felix Buget) (Project Coordinator by Rafa Carmona) (Mastered by Arnaud Ralite) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Greatest Hits) [Blanco y negro MASCOLCD 003 (CS)

N° 19-albumhit in Vlaams-België voor Günther Neefs als Reach Out I'll Be There op 16 februari 2008 (cd: My Soul) [Sony BMG Music Entertainment 82876821712 | Ariola]

2008: Toki Asako als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Summerin') [Rhythm Zone RZCD-45913]

N° 10-albumhit in Australië voor Human Nature als Reach Out I'll Be There (℗ 2008) op 4 januari 2009 (cd: A Symphony of Hits) [Columbia 88697416852]

2009: Eddie Money als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (cd: The Covers EP - Volume One) [Gigatone EAN 8 92265 00275 8] (4 tracks)

2009: Vice Versa als Same Old Song / Reach Out (cd: Motownesque) [Vice Versa Music 5637579302]

2010: A Loss for Words als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (lp: Motown Classics) [Paper + Plastick PP 054]

2010: Cécile Cassel (Paroles françaises: Claude François - Vline Buggy) als J'attendrai (various artists) (cd: Toi, moi, les autres - Bande originale du film) [EMI France EAN 5 99909 78072 9] (Franse versie)

2011: The Slackers (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Ganbare!) [Ska in the World Records SIWI-164 | Disk Union]

2011: Young Voices Brandenburg als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Echoes of Motown) [Playground Records LC 12089]

2012: Charlie Green (Brian Holland - Lamont Dozier - Edward Holland, Jr.) (Executive Producer: Vic del Rosario, Jr. & Christian de Walden) (Produced by Christian de Walden) (Co-Produced and Arranged by Ralf Stemmann) (The Musicians - Vocals: Charlie Green) (Vocals Produced by Christian de Walden & Roger Green) (Keyboards & Synthesizers: Alex Alessandroni & Ralf Stemmann) (Acoustic Piano: Alex Alessandroni) (Guitars: James Harrah) (Percussion: Rafael Padilla) (Background Vocals: Michael Mishaw, Brandy Jones, Rick Palombi, Tre Azure & Kenny O'Brien) (Horns: The Heart Attack Horns Featuring Bill Bergman, Jay Baird, Bob Dorina and Moe Princeton) (Recorded and Mixed by Luca Vittori at Studio Villaggio, Pavia - Italy) (Additional Recordings by Alfredo Fuentes at KOB / Flamingo Café Studios, Los Angeles) (Mastered by Antonio Baglio and Luca Vittori at Nautilus) (Mastering: Milano (Italy) Supervising Producer: Baby A Gil) (Associate Producer: Guia Gil-Ferrer) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Rainbow) [Viva Records Corporation VRCDS 12 444]

N° 7-albumhit in Frankrijk voor Vigon Bamy Jay (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als I'll Be There (Reach Out I'll Be There) op 6 april 2013 (cd: Les Soul Men) [323 Records 3734047]

2013: Amanda Zullo als Reach Out (I'll Be There) (various artists) (CD: Couleur Café ole - 60's to 80's Soul Relax) [LD&K LDTCD0009]

N° 14-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Boyzone (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Produced by Brian Rawling & Paul Meechan) (Mixed by Matt Furmidge @ Metrophonic Studios, London, UK) (Assistant Engineer: Dom Liu) (Guitar & Bass by Adam Phillips) (String Arrangements by Nick Squires) (Cello by Nick Squires) (Violins by Ben Hancox & Rustom Pomeroy) (Viola by Bill Hawkes) (Sax & Woodwind by Andy Ross) (Trumpet by Ralph Lamb) (Trombone by Nichol Thompson) (Mastered by Dick Beetham @ 360 Mastering) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) op 30 november 2014 (cd: Dublin to Detroit) [EastWest 825646194032 | Warner Music]

N° 178-albumhit in Waals-België voor OdinO als Reach Out I'll Be There op 4 oktober 2014 (cd: Pop symphonique) [Polydor 3794261 | Universal Music France]

2014: Paul Collins (Produced by Jim Diamond) (Recorded by Jim Diamond at Ghetto Recorders, Detroit, MI, USA) (Mastered at Golden Mastering by John Golden, Ventura, CA, USA) (Paul Collins: Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar) (David Shettler: Drums, Backing Vocals, , Percussion) (Jim Diamond: Bass, Electric Guitar, Backing Vocals, Percussion) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Feel the Noise) [Alive Natural Sound ALIVE0161-2]

2016: The Truth (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) (Live at the Marquee) (Coordinated by John Reed) (Remastering: Simon Murphy at Another Planet Mastering) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: A Step in the Right Direction - Singles ◦ Demos ◦ BBC Live ◦ 1983-1984) [Cherry Red Records CDTRED675]

N° 17-albumhit in Duitsland voor Sweet als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Action (The Ultimate Story) op 25 september 2015 [RCA 88875129642 | Sony Music]

2017: The Lucky Devils (Words and Music by Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Under Cover and Still Alive) [Raucous Records RAUCD 284]

2018: Detroit Energy Asylum (Vocal - Carolyn Striho) (Second Vocal - Patti Smith) (Backing Vocal - Herschel Boone) (Keyboards - Luis Resto) (Electric Guitar - Duminie DePorres, Wayne Gerard) (Bass - Jervonny Collier) (Drums, Percussion - Kenn Scott) (Percussion - Ron Pangborn) (Produced by Freddie Brooks) (Mixed at The Tempermill by Jake Shives) (Mastered by Dave Feeny) als Reach Out I'll Be There (lp: Recreation) [Orchidé Records DA2K-1801]

2018: Lamont Dozier (Produced by Fred Mollin) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Reimagination) [Goldenlane Records CLO0857CD]

2018: Lamont Dozier (Duet with Jo Harman) (Produced by Fred Mollin) « Bonus Track » als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Reimagination) [Goldenlane Records CLO0857CD]

2018: Motown Magic Cast (various artists) als Reach Out I'll Be There (cd: Motown Magic (Original Soundtrack) [Motown B002916702]

N° 8-albumhit in Frankrijk voor Garou (Lamont Dozier - Brian Holland - Eddie Holland) als Reach Out (I'll Be There) op 30 november 2019 (cd: Soul City) [Label Panthéon 083 035-9 | Wolfgang Entertainment | Universal Music France]

N° 52-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië (Brian Holland - Eddie Holland - Lamont Dozier) voor The Jaded Hearts Club (Nic Cester - Lead Vocals) (Dominic Howard - Drums) (Graham Coxon - Lead Guitar) (Matt Bellamy - Bass Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Keys & Backing Vocals) (Produced by Matt Bellamy) (Executive Production by Jamie Davis & Matt Bellamy) (Mixed, Engineered & Additional Production by Aleks von Korff) (Mastered by Jett Galindo at The Bakery, LA) (Orchestral Arrangement on 'Reach Out I'll Be There' by Sebastien Najand) (Recorded & Mixed at The Red Room, LA) (Lead Vocals on "Reach Out I'll Be There" Recorded by Tommaso Colliva at Testone, Milan) (Vinyl Mastering by Ian Sefchick at Capitol Records, LA) als Reach Out I'll Be There op 15 oktober 2020 (cd: You've Always Been Here) [Infectious Music INFECT589CD]

N° 8-albumhit in Vlaams-België voor Il Divo als Reach Out I'll Be There op 24 juli 2021 (cd: For Once in My Life: A Celebration of Motown) [Decca Gold 00602438142804]

N° 27-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor The Overtones als Reach Out (I'll Be There) op 12 augustus 2021 (cd: 10) [Absolute OVERCD 10]

2021: Jimmy James And The Vagabonds (18/11/1966) als Reach Out, I'll Be There (cd: Live on Air 1966-1969) [London Calling LCCD5048]
Titel A-kant

Reach Out I'll Be There

Lengte A-kant


Componist(en) A-kant

Eddie Holland, Lamont Dozier, Brian Holland

Producer(s) A-kant

Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier

Titel B-kant

Until You Love Someone

Lengte B-kant


Componist(en) B-kant

Eddie Holland, Lamont Dozier, Brian Holland

Producer(s) B-kant

Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier


Tamla Motown


GO 45.269

Hoogste positie UK


Hoogste positie US



Reach Out I'll Be There

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Now if you feel that you can't go on
Because all of your hope is gone
And your life is filled with much confusion
Until happiness is just an illusion
And your world around is crumbling down
Reach out come on girl reach out for me
Reach out reach out for me
I'll be there with a love that will shelter you
I'll be there with a love that will see you through

When you feel lost and about to give up
Cause your life just ain't good enough
And you feel the world has grown cold
And you're drifting out all on your own
And you need a hand to hold
Reach out come on girl reach out for me
Reach out reach out for me
I'll be there to love and comfort you
And I'll be there to cherish and care for you
(I'll be there to always see you through)
(I'll be there to love and comfort you)

I can tell the way you hang your head
Your not in love now, now your afraid
And through the tears you look around
But there's no piece of mind to be found
I know what your're thinking
You're alone now, no love of your own
But darling
Reach out come on girl reach out for me
Reach out reach out
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there to give you all the love you need
And I'll be there you can always depend on me
I'll be there to always see you through
I'll be there to love and comfort you

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